Present: Councillors:C Henriques (presiding),A Greenwood, J Kirkwood, D MacMillan and S Pennant-Jones

Residents:P Smith

Others:Bernard Champness – Clerk, District Councillor M Wilkins andMr Kevin Brumfield (LCC Highways)

Open Forum
Mr Brumfield from LCC Highways was present. He was asked about the problem of the junction on the A6121 as he was aware that we were very concerned about the safety of people and that there had been a number of accidents there. The matters raised were:
  1. Faulty interactive sign. This matter was not under his control but of Street Lighting. He had asked them to repair the sign but as they had not he would chase them again.
  2. Overtaking on the bend. Double white lines were suggested to prevent this. Mr Brumfield said this was not possible as it did not meet the criteria. He would however take this matter up with the Lincolnshire Road safety Partnership to see if they felt double white lines was pertinent to this site.
  3. Speed Limit. He was asked if the speed limit could be reduced to 40 mph. He said that this was not possible as again it did not meet the criteria. He accepted that Rutland seemed to take a different view but LCC were basing their decision on national guidelines. Even if we asked for a 50 mph limit this would have the same answer.
  4. Mini Roundabout. This was not possible as they could only be put in place in a 30 mph area.
  5. As a comment it was pointed out that when there was an accident on the A15 traffic used this junction and the routes available were all very poor.
  6. If we wanted to take the matter further above Mr Brumfield we could write to his Line Manager but he too would be basing his decision on the national guidelines. We could also write to the LCC member who dealt with Highways.
Mr Brumfield was thanked for attending.
Mr Smith explained that he had spoken to Mr Clark at Grimsthorpe Estate and he was very receptive and said that it was in order as far as he was concerned for a sign to be put up, provided it was in the hedge line. There was another accident at the site since the last meeting and the area was considered a danger. Mr Brumfield was asked if it was illegal to put up a sign and he said it was not but it might be worth checking with Planning at South Kesteven District Council to see if it was likely to affect any planning laws if the height of the hedge was above 2.2 metres in height. Mr Smith was asked to get Mr Clark to put his agreement in writing to the Clerk.
The sale of the land of the former motocross site was proceeding and was in the hands of Solicitors. The person buying the land was a farmer and it was thought we should not have a similar problem as before.
The meeting was formally opened at 19.31
Apologies for absence, acceptance of Apologies
54.1 / No apologies were received as all were present
Declaration of Interest – To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item
55.1 / No one declared an interest in any matter that was on the agenda.
Minutes of the last meeting held on the 21st September 2015 (Mins15.03)
56.1 / Resolved: That the minutes of the 21st September 2015 were signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Matters to Report
57.1 / It was reported that the large camper/lorry parked on the road opposite the Six Bells had now been moved.
The BMW car was still parked in the passing place in Bottom Street. The Clerk explained that he had spoken to the local PSCO who was going to investigate. It was agreed that rather than involving him again we should write to the owner of the car asking him to move it.
The Clerk was to find out who was responsible for the play equipment on the village green.
To receive a report from the County and District Councillors.
58.1 / District Councillor M Wilkins explained that he had very little to say but he wanted to mention the Lincolnshire Energy Switch. This was a new scheme which would save residents up to £239 per annum if they switched provider. The Clerk said that he thought he had a flyer at Thurlby and would get a copy put up in the noticeboards.
He explained that although he was Chair of the Planning Committee at South Kesteven District Council if we wanted to ask him to talk about any particular plan then he would be happy to oblige. He was asked if he would have to declare an interest in the plan when a decision was being made and he said that he did not have to.
58.2 / Although not present County Cllr Trollope-Bellew sent a report which is below:
Lincoln Castle has been awarded the best Tourist attraction of 2015 by the British Travel Writers Guild.
The Castle has had over 200,000 visitors since April when it re-opened after refurbishment.
The High Court dismissed the 2nd Judicial Review, but it has cost L.C.C. £350.000 to defend these cases.
There are now most of the 3rd tier Libraries are being run by volunteers, with some new ones as well, so there are now more Libraries in Lincolnshire than before.
The Chancellor will announce how much less Local Government will get for the next few years, later this month.
The Department of Communities & Local Government is looking at a 30% reduction, this is not good news. Lincolnshire County Council is expecting to have to save about £130M over the next 4 years.
The Highways budget in 2010 was £ 65M it is now about £42.Many more reductions will have a severe effect on the Road network.
Clerks Report
59.1 / The Clerk explained that he had received a few items of correspondence other than what was on the agenda.
1.There was a letter from Lincolnshire County Council regarding self-help and mutual aid in times of severe winter weather (Snow)
2. Travel and Transport Briefing from Lincolnshire County Council
3. A letter from Lincolnshire County Council regarding a consultation on Lincolnshire Admissions arrangements for September 2017
4. A new fraud fighting force had been formed in Lincolnshire to crack down on fraud. If anyone suspected a fraud against a Lincolnshire Council this should be reported on 0800 0853716
Planning applications:To Approve:
60.1 / There were nonew applications to consider. Confirmation had been received regarding various earlier applications and they were:
  1. S15/2505/TCA – reduce height of Yew Tree by 2m and reduce spread over road back to the boundary by 1.5m – trees are not appropriate for a Tree Preservation Order and the Authority has no objections to the proposed works. The works to be carried out within 2 years
  2. S15/1545/FULL – change of use of annex from residential (C3) to office (B1A0 at Palace Farm, Main Street. Permitted.
  3. S14/3445/HSH – erection of single storey side extension at The Sycamores, Main Street. Permitted.
  4. S15/1071/FULL/APP6 – erection of detached dwelling at The Six Bells, Main Street. Appeal dismissed.

To consider the budget setting for the 2016 - 17 precept and agree a figure for the Precept
61.1 / The Clerk explained that he usually tried to prepare a spreadsheet setting out what was spent in the previous financial year, what we had budgeted for this financial year, what we had spent to date and what was anticipated would be spent by the end of the financial year. He would then set out a budget for the expected expenditure for 2016-17. He had prepared this document and had circulated this in advance. The figures were discussed and a figure for the precept calculated. Rather than agreeing this figure now it was agreed that as we had until late January to complete the request we still had time to agree the final figure at the January meeting.
To consider the proposed car parking charges at Stamford Hospital and whether we wish to respond to the survey.
62.1 / It was not felt necessary to complete this survey
To discuss the response from LCC regarding making the dangerous cross roads on the A6121 a safer junction.
63.1 / This matterwas dealt with in the Open Forum and it was felt that nothing further needed to be added as we were waiting to have an update from Mr Brumfield. .
To confirm Expenditure
£129.60 – B M Champness (salary 2 months)
£84.00 - HMRC (PAYE) [ ]denotes those payments paid between meetings, which have been approved by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parish Council or at a previous meeting but not listed
64 1 / Resolved: that the above payment be made although one payment for the Clerks salary was in respect of December. This would then allow the payment to HMRC to be paid in January which would be due before the next meeting.
Any other business – Reminder – by law no decision can be made under this item only information exchanged.
65.1 / The Clerk was asked to write to the Bursar at the School as parents were allowing their dogs to foul in the street and then leaving the bagged dog pooh.
The salt bin would be moved from its present spot to Bottom Lane
There was no further news on the car park sign.
As there was no further business the meeting was formally closed at 20.43
The date of the next meeting – to be held on Monday 18thJanuary 2016 at 7.00 p.m. at St Andrew’s Parish Hall, Witham on the Hill.

MIN 15-04

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