
Present: Cllrs D Bingham (Chairman), P Bates, D Edwards, D Leak, D Wain, S Webster

In Attendance: L Brooks-Sleight (Clerk)

2015/1 Apologies for Absence

Received from S Cannon due to Holidays, PCSO - M Goodwill off duty

2015/2 Minutes of last Meetings

The Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 9th December 2014 were approved & signed

as a true and correct record

2015/3 Declarations of Interest

None received

2015/4Representatives Report

January’s Crime report was sent by PCSO M Goodwill and circulated prior to the meeting with a

note to make locals aware there are various vans of different number plates acting suspiciously in the

area. She is asking residents to sign up to Neighbourhood Watch (Lincolnshire Alert)

a community messaging system run by Lincolnshire Police

2015/5 Clerks Report

  • Tim Berridge (Handyman) has put up the new notice board by the Millennium Sign/Bench which is

for residents use. The council requested the clerkalso put the Emergency Contact List on.

  • A resident has contacted the clerk regarding damage to her husbands’ head stone (2 chips) in the cemetery after a nearby burial. The clerk contacted Co-op Funeral, Gainsborough who made their own enquires and they are now going to rectify the damage that was caused by a plank of wood.
  • Had no reply from Anglian Water regarding standing water outside Howson House, Marton Road but Sally Cullen on behalf of Howson House reported that AW had been in contact but said the water had stopped as quick as it has started!

2015/6 Risk Assessment

Resolved – discussed and approved with no alterations

2015/7 Grant Applications

Playing Field grant application was received and approved to give £2000 grant with the condition

that the Playing Field Committee forward a more detailed account of Income/Expenditure for


2015/8 Parish Deeds/Documents

This was discussed and Resolved that the best way to keep all documents safe was to scan all copies

and put onto a memory stick, with the possibility of copying to a Cloud at a later date. The Clerk is

to keep original copies in secure fire box & the Chairman to keep the memory stick asa back-up

copy. Cllrs Webster and Bates volunteered to scan the originals using an A3 copier

2015/9 Parish Paths Partnership/Handyman’s Review

It was noted that the claim to LCC for the Parish Paths Partnership was more than was spent on the

pathways for 2014/15. Clerk to notify LCC of the under-spend with receipts and to contact the

Handyman with a copy of the updated job description; ask if happy to continue in his role and

request an updated Liability Insurance Certificate. Cllrs happy for Tim Berridge to continue as the


2015/10 Grass Cutting Tender 2015

Clerk to advertise the Tender on website & notice board with a closing date of 9thMarch

2015/11 Parish FieldTender 2015

Clerk to advertise the Tender on website & in Parish Magazine with a closing date of 9th March.

It was noted that the hedges around the Parish Fields hadn’t been cut during 2014 as stated in the

signed agreement with H Rockett, clerk to contact H Rockett asking for the hedges to be cut and

also remove the lock from the gate

2015/12 Open drain opposite Doctors

The clerk had a file of correspondences dating back to 1980 of letters to & from Anglian Water

regarding foul smells & sewage from this drain. The clerk is requested to write to AW with this

evidence and insist something is done to solve the problems as it has gone on for too long.

There have been complains from residents this week of foul smells/sewage & ratsfrom the open

drain – clerk to ring emergency line

2015/13 Highways

  • Replies from Highways

- White Line painted on High Street, has been revisited and they have decided the best solution is to

widen the carriageway at the pinch point near the Village Hall, slightly reducing the width of the

footpath and realigning the kerb line. Arrangements to secure this programmed work early in the

next financial year.

- Planters at village signs/entrance will require a licence from the County Council local Highway

Authority, this will require a Structure on the Highway" form to be completed and agreed with the

Highway Officer. Need to arrange to meet Mr Darley on site, the locations can be considered and

advice offered about any risks etc such as underground service equipment and working on the


- Marton Lane to Willingham Road, is regularly inspected and due to the scale of the

maintenance work required it is a section of highway which is receiving attention when funding is

available. Unfortunately, to bring this up to a good standard considerable amount of work is

required we can only seek to prioritise the worse sections, and look towards future budget

opportunities as an ongoing initiative

- Waterfurrows Lane is a general purpose public road, a small number of depressions were noted

towards the western end where water would collect and the surface soften.Arrangements are being

made toget these levelled with stone to give local pedestrians a drier footing, but unable to get a

timescale at present.

  • It was reported that the white line in the middle of the road around the Church corner has nearly disappeared – clerk to notify Highways
  • Lots of litter & car parts from accidents had been reported in the hedges/dykes at sides of the road on Gainsborough Road heading out of the village towards Kexby. Clerk to contact Highways
  • Marton Lane – double decker buses have been seen using this single track road a lot lately,due to Stow Crossing closures and with only a few lay-bys, dangerous manoeuvres between the buses/farm machinery etc have been witnessed. Clerk to notify Highways

2015/14 Correspondence for Discussion/Decision

a. LALC Training SchemeResolved, it was agreed to pay £55 for 2015/16

b. LALC 2015 Training Events – Cllr Leak asked to attend the Councillors Training day on 11th

March and the clerk asked to attend a Burials Day course September 9th & Council Finances

September 15th – all courses were approved.

2015/15 Planning

No. 132251 - Retrospective planning application for extension to general purpose

agricultural buildings, Park Farm-receivedwith no comments

No. 131770 – an appeal to erect 1 bungalow and double garage, Millfield,Stow Road– received

with no comments


Resolved the monthly accounts were approved and signed for payment

2015/17 Agenda Items for next meeting

  • The Post Box on the High Street, there have been complaints from residents regarding the restricted

slot in the post box as it’s only suitable for small letters, large A4 letters are too big. Clerk to contact

Royal Mail requesting the restricted slot be removed

  • Defibrillator for the village – clerk to enquire
  • The Christmas Lights & Crib at the church – possibility of donating money to the church for lights

2015/18 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies

(Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1(2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be


Date & time of next meeting confirmed as Tuesday 10th March at 8pm

Meeting ended 9.35pm


Signed: Date:10thMarch2015 2