Grant deadlines in the autumn:

The Finnish Cultural Foundation

- > Grants > Central fund grants

-Applicable 1.-31.10.

-You can apply for a full grant to support you from 1 to 3 years.

-Me and Sylvie have gotten this, so it’s definitely worth applying for.

-POSTDOC included

The Finnish Academy.

-This doesn’t seem to be applicable for just a thesis, they want to fund bigger projects!

- > Apply now

-Applicable 1.-31.10.

-Postdoc included, deadlines near end of January

Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation


-Applicable until 15.9.

-This is mostly for medical research.

-Seems to include postdoc level?

Paulo foundation


-Mostly meant for medical research, but Elina Järvinen got 4000e.

-Deadline 15.11.

-Possibly postdoc level?

Alfred Kordelin foundation


-Meant for making Finnish science more internationally known, for thesis, just after, translating the thesis book and for travel to conferences.

-Deadline at the end of August.

-Postdoc included

GSBM call for applications (=Helsinki graduate school in biotechnology and molecular biology)


-Deadline 17.9.

-Enni was accepted 6 months before even finishing master’s studies, got 3,5 years of 50% funding. Also many from Irma’s group are funded by this gradschool.

VGSB call for applications (=Viikki graduate school in molecular biosciences)


-Deadline 17.9.

-Pauliina Munne got 2 years funding. Also many from Irma’s group are funded by this


KONE foundation


-Applications 1st August – 20th September

-Graduate and postgraduate researcher grants in ‘environmental sciences’

-Also larger project grants in ‘environmental sciences’

EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization)


-3 month or 2 year postdoctoral fellowships

-15th August and 15th February deadlines

LUOVA call for applications (Finnish School in Wildlife Biology, Conservation and Management)


-Area: Ecology, evolution, conservation biology, wildlife management

-4-year 100% funding

-Deadlines in Autumn, not every year

Orion-Farmos Tutkimussäätiö

-For medicine, veterinary science, pharmacy and sciences related to these

-Deadline 3.9.

-Doctoral students (max 5000 euros) and post-docs (max 25000).


University Funds


-normally small sums (500 – 3000 euros)

-post docs and doctoral students

-Deadline in mid-December

In the spring:

Emil Aaltonen foundation


-“Grant for a young researcher”, for a year of thesis (and just after?)

-Deadline usually in end of February

-Katja Närhi got this once

-Postdoc seems to apply

Helsinki University Science foundation


-“Grant for a young researcher”, for a year of

-Deadline usually in end of January

-Pauliina Munne got this once

Maud Kuistila memorial foundation


-Deadline in end of January

-Meant for mostly medical research, thesis + postdoctoral.

EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization)


-3 month or 2 year postdoctoral fellowships

-15th August and 15th February deadlines

Waldemar von Frenkcells Stiftelse


-Possibly only Finnish citizens though also money for projects

-Site in Swedish

-Deadline March 15th

-Mikael Fortelius is a board member and can possibly recommend/propose/endorse out of deadline applications

-Laura Säilä received €9000 for postdoc funding

Wihuri Foundation


-1 to 3 year graduate, postdoctoral and research group ‘Science Fellowship’ grants

-May 31 deadline

Finnish Biological Society Vanamo

-Small grants for “young scientists”


-Deadline in March

Regional funds:

For Finns originating from these regions, or projects related to regions

SKR Regional Funds

-some have science funds, mostly cultural

-deadline in February


UH Grants and osakunnat

-Deadlines variable

-Might have substantial amount of money and virtually no applicants

-Tuomas Aivelo got one-year grant from Suoma Loimaranta-Antila Fund for students from Satakunta. (There were two applicants!)




The Helsinki University grant for finishing your thesis work

-1200 e per month for max three months.

-No application deadlines, continuously available. > Support for teaching and research > Research services > University research funds > Dissertation completion grants

Financial aid for printing the dissertation

-Up to 1000 euros

-Continuously available

Chancellor’s Travel grant

-Deadline in February

-doctoral students and postdocs


Post doc –pool

-Deadline in September

-For Finnish post docs working abroad


Positions for postdoctoral researchers in UH

-Three-year term

-Deadline in March


Marie-Curie Fellowship IEF (Incoming European Fellow). For European postdoctoral researcher moving into European countries.

-from 12 to 24 months

-Deadline in August

-Opening applications in the end of February
