Nicky Ashton Parish Clerk- 01725 513245

Redlynch Parish Council Planning Committee Members met on8th November2016at Redlynch Village Hallat7:00pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs Baker-Beall, Bennett, Blocksidge, Dunn, Wood (Chair) and Youdan.

IN ATTENDANCE: Unitary Cllr Leo Randall, 2 members of the public and Mrs Nicky Ashton (Parish Clerk).


There were no public questions or statements.

16.96To receive and accept apologies for absence:

There were no apologies for absence. Cllr Anderson was absent from the meeting.

16.97To receive declarations of interest and any dispensation requests in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:

The planning application for Redlynch Village Hall was submitted by the Parish Council on behalf of the Management Committee and members declared they will approach the application maintaining a non-prejudicial open mind in their consideration of the debate.

16.98Chairman’s Announcements:

There were no announcements.

16.99Adoption of the minutes for 25thOctober2016 meeting:

Redlynch Parish Council Planning Committee RESOLVED to accept the minutes for the 25th October 2016 meeting as a true record and the minutes were signed by the Chair.

16.100Representative Reports:

There were no representative reports.

16.101Clerks Report:

The Clerk informed members that planning application 16/00772/VAR was amended to retain the obscure glazing but be able to open the window. The application has now been approved by the NFNPA.

16.102Planning Applications – To discuss the planning applications as scheduled below.

16.103New Forest National Park Local Plan Review – To agree if a response is sent on the draft Local Plan:

Cllr Dunn gave a report to members on the Local Plan Review and presented a draft suggested response. It was agreed the response be circulated to all members prior to the next meeting to allow members to add their comments and the final draft response to be approved at the next planning meeting.

16.104Enforcement Monitoring (Ensuring the national planning legislation is administered on site and that no unauthorised work or breaches of planning law occur):

There are currently three new cases showing for the New Forest National Park Authority.

16.105Date and Venue of Next Planning Meeting: 22nd November 2016 starting at 7.00pm at Morgan’s Vale and Woodfalls Village Hall.

With no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 7.57pm.


Application No. / Location and Application Details / On NFNPA/WC website / Plans Received / Planning Committee Decision / Parish Council Response Required By
16/09602/FUL / Ridge Farm, Highfields Road, Woodfalls, SP5 2LW – The installation of a 17.5m monopole with 3 antennas and 2 microwave dishes, the installation of 2 equipment cabinets and a meter cabinet and development ancillary thereto. / Yes / Yes / Members RESOLVED to recommend Refusal due to proposal being sited on a public footpath and contrary to Core Policy 57 due to potential adverse impact on neighbouring properties. / 8th November
(extension agreed)
16/00853/FUL / Redlynch Village Hall, Vicarage Road, Lover,SP5 2PG - Replacement storage building with canopy; external
alterations to main hall. / Yes / Yes / Members RESOLVED to accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under
their delegated powers. / 23rd November 2016

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