Minutes of the Planning & Highways’ Committee Meeting held in Town Council Committee Room, Manor Offices, Holsworthy, Monday 7th August 2017 at 10am
Present:Cllr. Sanders, Haynes, Musker & Punter
In Attendance:Town Clerk
Assistant to the Town Clerk (ATTC)
Cllr. Hutchings & Cllr. Briggs
203.Declaration of Interests
The Chairman asked Councillors to declare any interests on items on the Agenda as they arose.
204. Minutes of the Last Meeting
Cllr. Punter proposed that the Minutes of the Planning and Highways Meeting held 24th July 2017 be signed as a true and accurate record. Cllr. Haynes seconded the proposal which was carried. (Vote: 3 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstentions).
205.Matters Arising
Item 198 Cllr. Sanders requested an update. The TC confirmed that there wasstill no response from TDC Planning Enforcement despiteprevious emails sent.If no response is received to the last email it was agreed that the matter be brought to the attention of Cllr. R. Lock and Cllr. P. Watson with a view to make an official complaint.
Item 199 Cllr. Sanders asked if there was any update regarding the reporting of the blocked drainage etc. The TC confirmed that these get reported direct to DCC via an online system.
Cllr. Sanders also asked Cllr. Punter for an updateregarding the Market Stall move. Cllr. Punter confirmed that initially he has received positive feedback from the traders although one trader feels that the change of positioning will affect his selling.
206. To Discuss and Recommend Decisions on the following Planning Applications and Any Others Received Prior to the Meeting
Land South Of Viaduct, Outline application (with all matters reserved) for the erection of up
Derriton Road,to 14 dwellings (including affordable) and provision of public open
Holsworthy space and surface water attenuation together with associated access, car parking and landscaping.
Interest: None
Firstly, the proposed development is outside the Development Boundary and there is enough housing proposed within the current Development Boundary to meet the housing growth requirement needed.
Flood Risk – This is a High-Risk area. A property that is currently at the bottom of this land has been flooded several times.
The proposed development will increase further flooding issues by building over and concreting a high percentage of the land which provides natural drainage at the moment and will exacerbate the flooding potential on the site and to many existing nearby properties.
The current Flood Risk Report has been complied by the Planning Agent it is therefore not independent and therefore requires to be completed satisfactory by and independent expert in drainage and flooding matters.
The Drainage plan provides shows that the effluent from the houses on the site is put into the existing sewers – this is not satisfactory as the sewage system in Holsworthy is already up to capacity.
South West Water – A full report needs to be completed by SWW as this area and its surroundings are a high-risk area.
Landscape – There is no Management Plan for the large area of land North & South of the application which is not built on – who will be looking after this land and managing it? A full Management Plan is required compiled by a suitably qualified
Company which is tied to a S106 Agreement providing a sum of money for the land long term maintenance.
The proposed Development is located in an important and sensitive Landscape area. The proposed development would severely impact on the river valley which provides a natural boundary to the Town and would also impact on the important view of the valley from the Grade 2* Listed Viaduct which forms part of the National Cycle Trail. It would also mean a loss of a valuable amenity area for the Town.
The current Landscape and Visibility Impact Assessment has been complied by the Planning Agent it is therefore not independent and therefore requires to be completed satisfactory by an independent expert in Landscape and Visible Impact matters.
The current Arboriculture Assessmenthas been complied by the Planning Agent it is therefore not independent and therefore requires to be completed satisfactory by an independent expert in Arboriculture.
The current Design and Access Statement has been complied by the Planning Agent it is therefore not independent and therefore requires to be completed satisfactory by an independent expert in Design and Access Statements.
The current Heritage Statement has been complied by the Planning Agent it is therefore not independent and therefore requires to be completed satisfactory by and independent expert in Heritage matters.
Environment Report – A Environment Agency report also needs to be completed on this proposal.
lack or no pavement access in or around the area at present, this would cause further disruption and be dangerous for pedestrians and wheelchair users.
The access for the site comes off and onto a narrow road which is unsuitable for the amount of traffic proposed (including construction traffic). The road bordering is already dangerous and has had a number of accidents over the past few years.
A report is needed from DCC Highways as well as an independent Traffic Report.
Affordable Housing is at present suggested at 30% however the Council are under the impression it should be 40%.
There is no plan which shows the curtilage of each plot the houses are positioned on.
207.To receive decisions from the District/County Council on previous applications.
30 The Vineyards,Front and rear extensions to provide additional bedroom and living Holsworthy space.
Devon, EX22 6JG
This was received on the 19th June 2017 and forwarded to the all the Planning Committee on 19th June 2017.
None Received
208.To discuss any Highway Matters
The TC confirmed that correspondence was received from Cllr. Parsons in relation to Well Park as follows‘that the understanding is that NPS Maintenance Surveyors have instructions from DCC to prepare tender documents for the repair works to the initial part of the access road to the Police Station. Following the finalisation of these documents, which is anticipated to be shortly, thenNPS will be seeking instructions from DCC to proceed with the tendering of the works and to thereafter undertake the resurfacing of that section of the road’.
Regarding the removed damaged barriers outside Amberalls opposite the White Hart PH, Cllr. Parson, had supplied an updatestating the DCC reactive team are dealing with this. They won’t be replacing the barrier, but some bollards are on order to prevent vehicles mounting the pavement there. They will be installed as soon as possible after they arrive.
Cllr. Musker stated that the “Height Restriction/Low Bridge” sign near the Viaduct is no longer visible.TC confirmed that over the last few weeks several lorries have got stuck at the low bridge and have had to reverse, causing serious delays, as one of the lorries also had broken down on realising that they will not fit under the viaduct.
The TC was requested to contact Cllr. Parsons regarding erecting another sign as well as signage on the major roads into Holsworthy warning of the Low Bridge.
209.Town Clerks Report (for information only)
The TC had nothing to report.
210. Close Cllrs. Sanders closed the meeting at 10.32am
Signature …………………………………… Date ………………………………