0115 9143200
For those who receive free prescriptions (due to age or for medical reasons)we will be changing prescription amounts to a 28 day supply.
There are two major reasons for this:-
- From 1st April 2013 all GP practices must have registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This is a statutory quality and safety government bodywhose recommendations practices should comply with. It includes effective use of the prescribing budget and recommends 28 day prescriptions as a more effective way of managing this.
- The Primary Care Trust (local NHS body) has evidence that this will significantly reduce medicine wastage [and therefore expense to the NHS], which becomes more relevant as prescribing costs rise with new drugs and an ageing population. Please see the practice website for a fuller explanation.
In order to minimise inconvenience and cost implications for patients, while still complying with the guidance:-
- We are going to leave those who pay for prescriptions with a 56 day supply.
- For those being changed to a 28 day supply you can order in your usual way, but we are also going to trial an alternative way which you can elect to use – automatic prescription generation. Our system can automatically predict who is due a repeat prescription and sendit tothe pharmacy in the week before you need it, so that younever need to order your usual medication - it will just be there, ready for collection. We are going to trial this with our on-site chemist, Green Cross pharmacy who will help us iron out any teething problems but may extend this service to other pharmacies in the future. Please sign this form below if you would like to use this service for regular prescription items.(This service wouldnot be used for ‘as required medication’, for exampleoccasional painkillers which you would order occasionally in your usual way).
- Contraception, hormone replacement treatment and dosette box patients will be unaffected by these changes.
Our PPG [patient participation group] have been involved in these discussions and are keen to support the practice in the changes that have been required, whilst making the process as user friendly as possible.
We will aim to pro-actively review your repeat medication annually around your birth month so that access to your medications is not interrupted. This review is tied into any routine health checks and monitoring if these are required (for example annual asthma reviews). You can help us in this by attending promptly for any reviews needed, which we will notify you about.
Please note - our preferred methods for requesting prescriptions (which are automated and hence less at risk of error) are either:-
- using our on-line ordering system SystmOnline via our website You will need to obtain a log in, in person from reception who will ask you for photo-ID first.
- via the new automatic prescription generating service detailed above. If you would like to use this automatic service for regular medications, please sign below, hand to reception and your medicines will be ready to collect from Green Cross Pharmacy when you next need them.
I would like to use the automatic ordering service for my repeat prescriptions
SignedContact number for any queries.