
Educational Noise Courses

4 Rowan Grove


Hamilton ML3 7TT

7th January 2013

Telephone: (01698) 420422

Mobile: 07976045822


Certificate of Competence in Environmental Noise Measurement

For the past 17 years, the above course has been held at The University of The West of Scotland (formerly Bell College) in conjunction with the Institute of Acoustics and the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland. Since retiring, I have continued to undertake the course administration, running it with the same lecturing staff and using The University of The West of Scotland as the venue.

The next course will run from Monday the 15th April to Friday the 19th April 2013 with an optional Mathematics session on the use of calculators on the evening of Sunday the 14th April 2013. A practical examination will take place on the last day of the course. The written examination which is set and marked by the Institute of Acoustics will be held at the University on Friday 17th May 2013. A candidate must pass both the practical and written examination to obtain an overall pass.

The course follows the syllabus provided by the Institute of Acoustics and covers:

Basic concepts and noise units

Noise propagation and control

Noise indices and measurement methodology for environmental noise

Instrumentation for environmental noise measurement

Environmental noise measurement in practice

Although all the necessary noise measurement theory is fully covered, a considerable amount of time is dedicated to indoor and outdoor hands on practical workshop activities.

The fee for the course is £810.00 not including accommodation, meals or Institute examination fees (£210). The course fee includes the cost of a suitable scientific calculator that will become the property of the delegate at the end of the course.

It is assumed that each delegate will bring appropriate measuring equipment. This equipment must be able to measure noise levels in dB, dBA, octave band frequency analysis, statistical parameters (e.g. L10, L90) and energy parameters (e.g. Leq and SEL). The equipment should also include a tripod and windshield. It is the responsibility of the delegate to ensure that the equipment is in good working order, to bring the appropriate instruction manuals and to insure the equipment. It is recommended that not more than two delegates share the same piece of equipment so that each can have adequate practice using it during the course.

The suitability of the equipment must be checked before 22nd February 2013 with

Cameron D Procter


Please advise me if you wish to reserve a place on the course.

Yours sincerely

Dr Cameron D Procter