Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday the 16 November 2016 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 8:30 pm.


Chairman: Councillor R Peart (Mayor)

Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, C Meathrel, W Thorne, G Wickham

Ex Officio: Councillor D Rollason

Member of the Public: Mrs E Wickham

Finance Officer: Mr J. Stacey

WSP 130/16 To receive apologies for absence and consider if the reason for the absence should be formally approved by the Council.

Apologies were received from Cllr Marshall and Cllr Stevenson and approved by the Council

WSP 131/16 To receive any Declaration of Interest.

Cllr Thorne declared an interest in Planning App. 16/02841/NPA.

WSP 132/16 Minutes

The Chairman signed the Minutes of the meetings held on the 5 and 19 October 2016 which had been agreed at the Full Council meeting.

WSP 133/16 Observations on Planning Applications received from TDC.

Week ending 28 October, 2016

PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton East
APPLICATION REF: / 16/02204/FUL / OFFICER: Eve Somerville
LOCATION: / 12 Tarrs Avenue
PROPOSAL: / Retention of 5 metres section of featherboard fencing and decking
APPLICANT / Mr J Bury 12 Tarrs Avenue Kingsteignton Devon TQ12 3BX

Refused due to the decking being too high for the front elevation and in support of TDC Planning previous refusal of this application.

PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 16/02827/CLDE / OFFICER: Debbie Fuller
LOCATION: / 24 Chudleigh Road
PROPOSAL: / Retention of hard standing to front
APPLICANT / Ms Z Brodie 24 Chudleigh Road Kingsteignton Devon TQ12 3JU
No Objection
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 16/02841/NPA / OFFICER: Claire Boobier
LOCATION: / Mortimers Barn Manor Farm
PROPOSAL: / Application for Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) and paragraph W of the GDPO for change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling
APPLICANT / Mr R Sokolowski c/o Agent
AGENT: / James Dawson JD Architectural Design Bank Chambers 1 Vaughan Parade Torquay Devon TQ2 5EG
No Objection
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 16/02851/FUL / OFFICER: Eve Somerville
LOCATION: / 130 Exeter Road
PROPOSAL: / First floor side and rear extension
APPLICANT / Mrs J Rawson 130 Exeter Road Kingsteignton Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 3NG
AGENT: / Mr M Brealey 69 Wilton Way Abbotskerswell Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 5PG
No Objection

Week ending 4 November, 2016

PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 16/02784/FUL / OFFICER: Eve Somerville
LOCATION: / 32 Clifford Street
PROPOSAL: / Extension to side to include dormer window on front elevation
APPLICANT / Mr Jack Wilson 32 Clifford Street Kingsteignton Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 3HD
No Objection
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 16/02970/FUL / OFFICER: Eve Somerville
LOCATION: / 2 Abbrook Avenue
PROPOSAL: / Single storey side/rear extension and roof alterations (revised scheme)
APPLICANT / Mr D Barlow c/o Agent
AGENT: / Mr R Shaw Roscrowden Ltd Roscrowden Frankley Lodge Road Birmingham B31 5PX
No Objection
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton East
APPLICATION REF: / 16/02875/TPO / OFFICER: Mark Waddams
LOCATION: / 9 Woodmere Way
PROPOSAL: / Reduce two hornbeams (T7 and T8) by 2 metres overall
APPLICANT / Mrs Jackson 9 Woodmere Way Kingsteignton Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 3SU
AGENT: / Mr Liam Forward Tree Care South West 4 Gate Tree Close Kingsteignton Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 3RB
No Objection but subject to comment from Mark Waddams
In respect of the severity of the reduction.
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 16/02898/TPO / OFFICER: Mark Waddams
LOCATION: / 2 Homers Lane
PROPOSAL: / Crown lift lower crown by 3-5 metres on one oak (T1) and remove epicormic growth on main stem
APPLICANT / Mr Shaddick 2 Homers Lane Kingsteignton Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 3AE
AGENT: / Mr Daniel Vickridge Totally Trees 4 Station Road Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 2JE
The Committee are not happy with the severity of the reduction for this Oak tree but will be guided by the comments from Mark Waddams. Cllr Thorne asked for the works on 02875/TPO and 02898/TPO to be recorded on the Tree List held by K.T.Council.
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton East
APPLICATION REF: / E2/23/35 / OFFICER: Mark Waddams
LOCATION: / Kingsteignton Community Resource Centre, Greenhill Road,
TITLE: / The District of Teignbridge (Land at Greenhill Road No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 2016

The Chairman pointed out the lack of detail on this application but the Committee were pleased that an application for a TPO had been made.

WSP 134/16 Planning decisions received from TDC.

A list of Planning Decisions made by Teignbridge District Council were read out to the Committee. They were:-

16/02455/FUL Halfords. Granted.

16/02645/FUL 35.Longfield Avenue Granted

16/02078/FUL 11 Higher Sandygate Granted

16/00477/MAJ Comm.Resource Centre Granted

16/02436/CLDE Nutbush.Coombes End. Certified as Lawful

16/02466/FUL 51 Meadowcroft Drive Granted

As part of the Planning Decisions the Committee were advised by E-Mail from T.D.C.

on the Liability Notice served on the Developer of the Kingsteignton Community Resource Centre, as part of their Planning Application, for the amount they would be liable to contribute to C.I.L. This amounted to £273,018.07 and has been noted by the Committee.

WSP135/16 Letter re Confusion of signs at Strawberry Terrace.

Mr Stacey read out a letter received from a Mr Roberts on behalf of Miss Adele Johns of 12 Strawberry Terrace complaining of the confusion caused between there being 2 addresses for a No 12, namely Longford Lane and Strawberry Terrace, Longford Lane. The lady concerned has put up a sign in her garden pointing out the problem for delivery drivers etc and asked if the Council could do anything to help. It was agreed that the council do not have control over the naming of roads. Cllr Meathrel suggested that we ask the Clerk to write to both T.D.C. and Ordnance Survey with the problem and suggesting that some form of name change be implemented.

WSP136/16 Correspondence. (For information only)

·  The Committee were advised that the Defibrillator had been installed at Boots and was operational. We now have to advise all relevant parties.

·  Cllr Peart had been around the Town with an Officer from TDC and they had agreed to place additional Dog Bins and Waste Bins at selected sites. One has been re-sited outside of Lidl and there will be one placed at Homers Crescent.

·  Mr Stacey advised that the Portacabin and the Storage Container had been placed on order and were due for delivery just before or just after the Christmas recess.

·  An e-mailed suggestion had been made for the ongoing use of the 2 Telephone Boxes by converting them to ATM Machines. Concern was expressed over the security and the ability to just lift the entire thing on to the back of a lorry.

·  Note was made of T.D.C. “Operation Stack”.

·  Mr Stacey advised that Devon County Council had written to ask if we wished to continue the Verge Grass Cutting for the 2017 year, they had offered £947:00 towards the costs, it was agreed that it should continue. On the same subject Mr Stacey outlined a plan to have the verges trimmed to restore the width of the pavements, this involved the use of the Community Payback Office. He has asked the Committee to approve an initial order for 3 days work (@ £160:00 per day) for them to start with the high visibility ones in order that he can then work out the cost for the entire Town. He has suggested that this should be done 3 times per year and would make a marked improvement for the appearance of the Town. The costs have already been built into the 2016/17 Budget allocated to Verge Maintenance. Agreed.

The next meeting is on the 14 December 2016.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:25

Signed …………………………………… Date 14 December 2016