Algebra 2 Syllabus

Teacher: Coach Lucas

Conference Time: 10:09-10:57

Phone: 210-260-4102


Course Objectives:

A main goal of this course is to instill advanced thinking skills, knowledge, and critical reasoning abilities. To accomplish this I will do my best to provide experiences using hands on activities and collaboration.

Grading Scale and Policy:

Grading will be based on the student’s mastery of the concepts from a particular unit. Student’s work will be graded on a continual basis to check for understanding.

Formative Assessments: Formative assessments make up 34% of their grade. Daily activities, practice, and quizzes will serve as their formative assessments. Formative assessments are intended to allow students to develop mastery over the material.

Summative Assessment: Summative assessments comprise 51% of a student’s grade. Summative assessments (tests) allow students to demonstrate mastery over the material, which may cover multiple concepts. Occasionally students may have projects in place of a test to demonstrate mastery.

Formative Assessments 34%

Summative Assessments (Tests)51%

District Common Assessment (Final)15%

A student always has the opportunity to increase his/her grade for those formative assessments by asking me what they can do to bring up that grade. If they demonstrate increased mastery on their summative assessment, their formative grade will change to reflect that. They have up until the 8th week to bring up those formative assessments grades. The goal is for students to understand the concepts from this class.

●All assignments must have work shown as well as the answer to receive full credit.

●Each student must do their own work. Any form of plagiarism or supplying answers to others will result in disciplinary action and possible zero and/or retest.

Expected Behavior:

I have the right to teach, and the students have the right to learn. Anything that interferes with the teaching and learning environment will not be tolerated. Respect of authority, property and peers is expected of all students. No profanity will be allowed at any time. If an issue of disrespect or disruption consistently occurs after I have conference with the student and contacted the parent, an office referral will be written.

Note: There may be occasions when an occurrence requires immediate office referral. This will be the decision of the teacher or substitute in the room.

Supplies Needed (EVERYDAY):


●Loose leaf notebook paper

●3 – ring binder


Optional Supplies:

●Graph Paper

●Graphing Calculator (recommended)

Electronic Devices Policy:

MISD policy, the Student Handbook, and the Code of Conduct allow students to carry cellular phones or other electronic communication devices during the school day, but they must be turned off and out of sight during instruction. Cellular phones, IPODs, MP3 players, CD players, headphones/earphones, cameras and other electronic devices are not allowed to interfere with instruction in any fashion at any time. These devices will be collected if the teacher determines that instruction is being hindered in any way (including repeatedly having to redirect students who have these devices out or in use inside the classroom or other instructional venue). In this course, electronic devices may be allowed at certain times, depending on the nature of instruction and classroom activities. The teacher will notify students of times when the use of electronic devices is permissible. Use of electronic devices without teacher permission or use of a device that interferes with the ability of other students to work will be considered a rule violation and will be addressed according to the Code of Conduct.

Absences/Makeup Work:

Each student is personally responsible for obtaining missed notes, assignments, quizzes, and/or tests due to an absence. If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, the assignment is due the day after the student returns to school unless other arrangements are made with the teacher. Students will not be reminded to turn in make-up work. Students should get assignments prior to an absence if they know that they will be gone.

Late Work and Retest Policies:

Students who have not turned in assignments by the due date may turn in the assignment for the credit listed in the table below: however, the teacher may require a student to complete the missing assignment during tutorials or complete an alternate assignment covering the same material.

Teachers may choose not to accept an assignment after the due date as long as the student is given the option to complete the assignment during tutorials or given an alternate (but comparable) assignment for the credit listed in the table below.

●Students who have not turned in assignments by the due date may turn in the assignment for the credit listed in the table below:

Turned in by the
Due Date / Turned in before summative assessment / Turned in before the end of the 3-week progress report date.
100% of Grade
Earned / 80% of Grade
Earned / 70% of Grade

Regardless of when an assignment is turned in, the assignment shall be graded by the teacher and appropriate feedback shall be given to the student. The grade on the paper shall include the actual grade earned and the grade with the late penalty applied. Completion grades may not be given.

Retest Policy:

Students may retest ONE summative assessment/assignment within ONE week from the date the grade is posted or test returned for a grade that reflects the level of mastery of the content assessed (full credit) each nine weeks. The requirements of retesting are as follows:

-all missing work must be completed and turned in prior to the reassessment

-attendance at tutorials is mandatory for reteaching prior to the reassessment. Tutorials will be scheduled at the teacher’s discretion.

*Projects that are given three or more weeks to complete are not included in the retest policy but are subject to teacher discretion.


The Algebra 2 department offers before and after school tutoring. The schedule of tutorials available is posted in my room and on my website. A student must obey all class rules in order to attend any session. Tutoring is also available during advisory period by appointment.

My tutoring schedule is the following:

Monday to Thursday Mornings 6:45 – 7:15 and Thursday- 2:45-3:15in room 2744

Teacher/Parent/Student Contact:

●Website: Please access the Magnolia ISD website to locate my teacher page.

●E-Mail: If you have concerns, please contact me using the following email address:

●Remind 101:

If you wish to sign up for text message updates about tests and retests and deadlines please text @53c2280 to (228)222-4573. You will then get a text back asking for your name.

Students: Please enter your name followed by your period.

Ex: John Smith in 2nd period would be : John Smith 2

Parents: Please enter your name followed by your student’s name in parenthesis.

Ex: Marsha Smith parent of John Smith would be: Marsha Smith(John Smith)IMPORTANT: Remind 101 will not be used in this class to remind students of daily homework or upcoming exit tickets or quizzes, just tests, retests and major deadlines. Students are responsible for keeping track of formative assignments (including homework, exit tickets and quizzes) themselves.

Progress Reports: Official progress reports will be sent home after the third and sixth weeks of each 9 week grading period.