Minutes of
June 2, 2016 Meeting
*Pres. Emory Saghy called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
*Treasurer’s report given by Pres. Saghy in the absence of the Treasurer: Petty cash $200, disbursements of $2976.64 and deposits of $190, leaving a balance of $4661.69. Total spent on Hot Rods & Hamburgers: $891.59
*The club welcomed new members:Ben & Belinda DeBlois who have a 1971 VW Super Beetle convertible; and Melvin & Pamela Baker who have a 1983 El Camino, a 2015 Corvette, and a 2007 Ford GT Mustang convertible. Welcome!
*Talmage Ward spoke about the new tax valuation on classic cars. Member Jerome Munna will speak with an attorney regarding this tax.
*The club membership voted to donate $100 to the Brunswick Co. Toy Run in memory of Jerome Munna’s mother who recently passed away.
*Club website is up and running: TriBeachCruisers.com. The club is also on Facebook.
*Hot Rods & Hamburger event at Ocean City Chevrolet was another huge success. Gary Younce from Ocean City Chevrolet wants to do a news piece on this event.
* Upcoming events:
July 9Brunswick Senior Resource Center, Shallotte – Rock & Roll party with music, food. 6-9 pm
Aug. 11-14Mopars at the Beach, with various event starting on Thurs and ending on Sunday (for info Tommy Bridges at
Aug. 13Grissett Family Challenge, Cedar Grove Community Bldg., Supply
Sept. 2417th Annual car & truck show, Port City Mopars, Battleship Park, 8-?
Sept. 24Cape Fear Corvettes, 9th annual Corvette Show, Independence Mall, Wilmington, 9-3 pm
Sept. 245th Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Bike & Car Rally, Beach House Harley Davidson, Shallotte, 9-?
Oct. 8 Judd Kuhn, Little River, SC 11-2 pm
Oct. 13-15Cruisin’ the Beach, Broadway at the Beach
Oct. 29Cape Fear Cruisers, Classic Cars & Rock & Roll, Southport
Nov. 524th Annual Pecan Festival, Madison St., Downtown Whiteville
Dec. (tbd)Christmas Toy Run, WalMart, Shallotte
Cruise-In information:
Smithfield Bar-B-Q, Shallotte cruise in, 6-8 pm
2nd Tues of every month
Smithfield Bar-B-Q, Leland, cruise in, 6-8 p.m.
1st Tues of every month
Cars & Coffee, Chili’s, Shallotte, 8:30-11 am
2nd Saturday of every month
Every Friday – Burky’s Grill, Myrtle Beach, Carolina Dream Cruisers cruise-in 6-9 p.m.
* Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Larry Snyder, VP