Minutes of Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 11 November 2010

at 7.00pm, Parish Office

Chair M Burke welcomed all to the Meeting at 7.00pm.
Bradville Residents Association Committee Members Present Were: Chair: M Burke (MB); Secretary: P Bonarius (PB); T Nicholls (TN);
J Nicholls (JN); S Agintas (SA); C Peirson (CP); T Peirson (TP).
Guests: L Peak (LP) Parish Warden: A Luxon (AL) Community Mobiliser;
Apologies were received and accepted from: H Brett (HB),
1 / Actions from previous minutes:
·  Kingsfold resident should have received letter from MP, Mark Lancaster, to act on her behalf regarding kitchen. MB asked TN & JN to let her know if resident received letter and has taken up offer?
·  Defer invite to K Olney, Mitie to meeting in December. Invite Craig Kench, Neighbourhood Manager
·  Newsletter items to be sent to PB.
·  New landscape contact at MKC Peter Goff.
·  Geoff Parker, RAFS, has applied to be on SPC.
·  Dropped Kerb to be completed in Harrowden ASAP. / TN, JN
2 / Empty property, Kingsfold: Councillor Wright has contacted Dawn Wilson. MB has spoken to private sector housing, MKC, they are writing to property owner. All previous emails have been sent to person who has moved from the position so no one at MKC was receiving the info. Hannah Cook is person MB is dealing with, at present.
3 / Pond Project: See email from Chris Coppock, MKC.
·  The Ark Wildlife Hospital will be able to donate bird feeding and nesting boxes along with bat boxes.
·  MB to ask MKC if BRA can adopt area as a continuous project but they will still do grass cutting and any other maintenance required.
·  Ask for any bulbs from MKC.
·  Contact MKC, Peter Goff, to ask for maze area to be cleared and what can be done about cemented area where play area was.
·  Contact Cllr Brian White about £500 donation for area.
·  Form a sub committee. / MB
4 / Reports from Groups:
NAG: CP did not get Chair but will work towards this goal for next year. She asked Richard Solly about courses that she could attend but there are none available at present.
Parking in Harrowden:
CP was asked to bring up the state of parking in Harrowden. Incident where the top end was blocked due to parking of vans and car. Reported to police and urn number given. Car moved and police were informed and they offered for a PCSO to talk to MB but they have not been in touch, up to this meeting. SPC Cllr has stated that there are NO PARKING ISSUES IN HARROWDEN. MB has looked at various minutes from NAG and emails to SPC and NAG regarding Harrowden.
·  2004 – Brought up parking in Harrowden.
·  2006 – Parking in Harrowden.
·  Sept 2007 – SPC, ASBOs for illegal parking. And deeper parking bays in Harrowden.
·  2008 – MKC parking issues.
·  2008 – NAG no parking issues brought up, PC Neil Taylor advised public to stay with illegally parked cars until police attended.
·  2008 – NAG to leave Harrowden and concentrate on Howitt Drive.
·  2008 – NAG Harrowden.
·  Priorities updated with Harrowden identified as parking problems nothing done.
·  2008 – Harrowden deferred due to gas works.
·  2008 – NAG provide vehicle numbers .
·  2008 – Email requesting looking at Harrowden parking.
·  2009 – D Dyer stated only Bradville problems are speeding.
·  2009 – BRA stopped attending NAG meetings due to nothing getting done.
·  June 2009 – D Dyer stated that the new priorities would be given next month.
·  July 2009 – BRA Rep was never sent minutes of NAG meetings.
·  July 2009 – 5000 surveys sent out to find the priorities the Parish area wanted 42 responses were received.
·  March 2009 → May 2010 BRA has received NO minutes from NAG.
M Small has discussed with MKC surveyor the paths around the two Courts outside residents’ properties. Surveyor stated that inner path is DDA correct and residents can use this. Lights will not be put outside some residents’ properties; 6 will be put up in middle section, lower branches can be removed from trees to give off better light from two streetlight and these may be given down light hoods for better lighting.
MB attending all meetings including Management meetings. BRA Facebook address has been put in SPC newsletter incorrectly; the report should have been cut and pasted? BRA needs to find out the cost of Parish Newsletter and there have been some reports that no news is in it and they just go in the bin. MB has asked all committee members to sign the more important letters to SPC, all agreed.
Face Book and Website:
Both are very successful.
5 / Issue regarding email from Ward Councillor: MB proposed that the matter not be taken any further; it was agreed that MB would have a word with Cllr and say issue be dropped but if a similar incident occurred again then it would be taken further. / MB
6 / Article in previous Parish Newsletter: Article about winner of Michael Jackson Moonwalk comp picture and name being published. MB heard in an SPC meeting that Mother complained about article. PB to write to ask for copy of complaint and to ask why Editor of Parish newsletter did not contact BRA before article was published. / PB
7 / Funday 2011: Committee members were given action plan for next year’s funday and all should fill in. / All
8 / AOB:
Bin Cupboards: K Olney, Mitie, has put forward the mending of said cupboards and this has gone for discussion.
Craig Kench: Neighbourhood Manager, MKC, has sent MB info regarding upgrading of department. Invite to next meeting.
Leaflet Delivering: £50 for SA to organise delivery of leaflets to all of Bradville except the North end. All agreed. To start for December.
Guinness Midsummer: Not receiving minutes and invites to meetings but they have been sent, check email addresses.
Hampers: 16 December from Stantonbury Campus.
Carol Singing: Event in two Courts and Bradvue Crescent. AL to organise date, possibly two nights, guitar player. Find which carols. Mulled wine and mince pie. Invite residents to attend.
Laura Peak: Has won an award for Adults who work with Young People. Well Done to Laura from BRA, MB to put on Facebook. / AL, LP
9 / Regeneration: MB wrote to Jan Phillips about last public meeting at BHCC she read out letter and reply.
Chairman Margaret Burke thanked all for turning up.
Next meeting 7.00 at 2 December 2010 public meeting BHCC.
Meeting closed at 9.27.

Signed ------