Preparing Children for Life in ModernBritain

AtSt.Bede’s Primary Catholic Voluntary AcademywetakeveryseriouslyourresponsibilitytopreparechildrenforlifeinmodernBritain.WeensurethatthefundamentalBritishValuesareintroduced,discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of the school. All curriculum areas provide a vehicle for furthering understanding of these concepts and, in particular, our RE,SMSC,PSHE and Citizenship lessons provide excellent opportunities to deepen and develop understanding. Children embrace these concepts with enthusiasm and demonstrate agoodunderstanding of their application to their ownlives.

Theschoolmakesconsiderableeffortstoensurechildrenhaveexposuretoawide experiencebeyondtheirlocalcommunityduringwhichtheseconceptsareshown,throughforexample, sportingevents,arangeofvisitsanduseofoutdooreducationcentres.Theirstrongrootedvalues-basedunderstandinggivesthemanexcellentplatformforembracingdifference.

BritishValue / Statement / Evidence / Impact
MutualRespectandtheToleranceofthosewithdifferentFaithsandBeliefs / Respect is a fundamental school value, around whichpivotsmuch of the work of the school. We pay explicit attentiontothis as part of our RE, PHSE, and SMSCcurriculum.
Respect is a school value that is discussed deeply,startingwith self-respect and covering respect for family, friends,andother groups; the world and its people; and theenvironment. / Records of PSHE Sessions /CollectiveWorship.
RE curriculum RE planningandworkbooks.
Learning Walks for behaviourandbehaviour for learning SchoolValues / Children can articulate why respect is important; howtheyshow respect to others and how they feel about itforthemselves.
Children’s behaviour demonstrates their goodunderstandingof this value inaction.
Children are able to talk about the different faithsandcultures they learn about, ask questions and showtoleranceand respect for others of different faiths andreligions.
Democracy / The children at St. Bede’s see democracy borneoutin a whole variety of ways and see this as being anessentialcomponent of successful teamworking.
Democracy is a school value that children meetwhendiscussing respect andfairness. / The establishment of a newSchoolCouncil each year modelsthedemocraticprocess.
RE planning and work books.Learning Walks for behaviourandbehaviour for learning SchoolValues / Children are able to work cooperatively in pairs and groupsaswell as in whole class situations. They understand aboutturntaking and respecting the views ofothers.
Children in KS2 in particular are able to use the languageofrespect.
Rule ofLaw / The children at St. Bede’s are familiar withthisconcept through the philosophy that infuses the entireworkof the school. They are familiar with the concept throughthediscussion of values and, in RE lessons, the idea thatdifferentreligions have guidingprinciples.
Children are used to debating and discussing laws/rulesandtheir application. Children are familiar with thelocal
police who visit to talk to theminformally. / Class Charter SchoolRules/LearningBehaviours SchoolValuesPSHE/Citizenship lessons on the roleoflaw and parliament SchoolCouncilmeetings CollectiveWorship.
RE planning and workbooks.Learning Walks for behaviourandbehaviour forlearning / Children are able to articulate how and why we needtobehave in school and demonstrate they understand andcanabide bythese.
They are able to discuss and debate philosophical issuesinrelation tothese.
IndividualLiberty / Our Values based discussions and acts of worship beginwithdiscussion about the self, e.g. self –respect and self-worthinrelation to the individual value so that children see thattheyare important in their own right. The philosophy ofourteaching and learning places emphasis on the right tohaveour own thoughts and evidence basedviews.
Children are strongly encouraged to develop independenceinlearning and to think forthemselves. / Children are able to showindependencein learning and to think forthemselves. / Children understand about the importance ofacceptingresponsibility and of their right to be heard inschool.
They are consulted on many aspects of school lifeanddemonstrate independence of thought andaction.