Hazard / Risk / Risk level / Action / Date
Decreased mobile phone strength / Unable to contact emergency services / Medium /
  1. Landline in the Brownie House
  2. Ensure all users bring a mobile phone and check for a signal
/ Ongoing
Electrical system and electric appliances /
  1. Injury/death
  2. Fault causing a loss of power/ equipment use
  1. Medium
  2. Low
  1. Qualified Electrician to check wiring instillation 2-3 yearly
  2. PAT testing annually of all electrical items in use
/ Ongoing
Fire / Death/injury / Medium /
  1. Fire risk assessment carried out annually to highlight actions to reduce risk
/ April 2014
Heavy objects/ equipment on-site / Injury through use/lifting / Medium /
  1. Device provided for moving heavy equipment
  2. Training on use of equipment
  3. Mark heavy loads
/ Ongoing
Requirement to work at heights for maintenance / Falling accident / Medium /
  1. Work with another person/people to reduce risk
  2. Training provided on equipment e.g. ladders
/ Ongoing
Maintenance equipment stored on site / Injury from misuse/untrained persons / Low /
  1. Lock equipment away or label with ‘for approved persons use only’
  2. Maintenance checklist
  3. Provided training on how to use equipment
/ Ongoing
Damaged Forestry / Injury to persons / High /
  1. Visual check twice per year and after severe weather conditions
/ Ongoing
Buildings and grounds / Injury/damage to property through poor maintenance/wear and tear / High /
  1. Regular inspections of roof, walls, drains, gutters, septic tanks, paths, paving stones, gates, car park, wood pile, alter fires, campfire area, activity areas and pond.
/ Maintenance of gate to field required
Consider fence to surround lodge holding tank
Consideration of cracked paving stones.
Ongoing inspection
Environmentalhazards / E.coli / Medium /
  1. Keep farm animals off field at least 3 weeks prior to event and remove all droppings
  2. Mow and keep grass short
  3. Encourage washing hands prior to eating/drinking
  4. Adequate supervision during events
/ No known risk at present
Blue-green algae / Medium /
  1. Regular checks of pond
  2. Warning notices displayed if found and request Environmental Health to check water
  3. Shower facilities available after using the pond
/ No known risk at present
Weil’s disease / Medium /
  1. Visitors undertaking water activities by the pond should cover up breaks in skin with waterproof plasters
  2. Wash hands thoroughly before eating
/ No known risk at present
Lyme disease / Medium /
  1. If known habitat visitors should be advised to wear long sleeved tops and long bottoms. (Infection transmitted by ticks on animals or vegetation)
/ No known risk at present
Water Systems / Legionella bacteria / Medium /
  1. Follow guidelines listedin house file
/ Ongoing
Pond / Infection, injury, drowning / High /
  1. Fencing around pond and ensure it’s maintenance
  2. Adequate supervision
  3. Encourage hand washing after touching the water/objects in the water
/ Ongoing
Advice in place to users therefore risk reduced if instructions are followed
Activity area / Injury / Medium /
  1. Supervision of users
  2. Inspection of equipment prior to use.
/ Advice in place to users
Rabbit holes on field / Injury / Medium /
  1. Users of the field to be made aware of need to check land on arrival and each morning.
  2. Highlight rabbit holes so everyone is aware of their location. Report to warden.
  3. Management team to fill in when able.
/ Advice in place to users
Car park / Injury / Medium /
  1. Children to be supervised in the carpark area
  2. Parking attendants at pick-up/drop-off times
/ Advice in place to users
Planned fires – cooking areas and campfire / Injury/burns / Medium /
  1. Supervision of the fire at all times.
  2. Adequate supervision of people in these areas
  3. Follow correct disposal procedures of ash

Unplanned fire / Injury/death / Medium /
  1. Familiarization of isolation switches, fire procedures and equipment.
  2. Follow fire procedures in place.
  3. All users must be made aware of evacuation procedure on arrival at the site.
  4. Ashley management committee to test fire alarms 6 monthly
/ Ongoing
Cleaning products / Injury/death / Medium /
  1. Users aware of location of cleaning products
  2. Products to be stored in a marked cupboards and kept away from food
  3. MSDS (material safety data sheets) available to users as per COSHH guidelines
  4. Adequate supervision of use of cleaning products.
/ Continue to provide MSDS for available products on site
Wood piles / Injury / Medium /
  1. Supervision at all times required when using the wood pile
  2. Awareness that some wood contains nails and other items which may cause injury if care not taken
  3. No climbing on the wood pile

Trips, Slips, falls and injury from furniture / Injury / Medium /
  1. Leaders to advise children and staff of correct dismount from bunk beds using the ladders provided.
  2. Safe stacking of chairs and tables
  3. Check for Rabbit holes and overall condition of field
  4. Visitors to act in accordance with their own holiday risk assessment.

Outdoor area – the mound, ditch/brook that runs behind the lodge and the front of the Brownie house / Injury / Medium /
  1. Visitors not to climb on the mound as it has not been stabilized
  2. Visitors to avoid ditch/brook areas

Septic tank, next to the Brownie House. Holding tank next to the Lodge. Electric in between the Garage and the holding tank. / Infection / injury / Medium /
  1. The tanks are highlighted by fencing/concrete block
  2. Visitors are to avoid all these areas
/ Assessment of adequacy of restriction of movement and notification of hazard.