Institute :Institute of Science / Academic Year
2012-2013 / Date:
Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EEM-562 / Name of the course
Antennas and Propagation / Semester/Year
1/5 / ECTS
Course language / Turkish
Category / Elective
Prerequisite / Not applicable
Course Webpage
Local Credit / Theoretical / Practical / Laboratory / Presentation / Project/Field study
3 / 3 / - / - / - / -
Instructor(s) / Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayhan AKBAL
Content of the course / It can be seen in the course plan.
Course Plan
Week / Theoretical Subjects / Practical subjects
1 / Receiver and transmitter antenna
2 / Receiver and transmitter antenna
3 / Antenna gain
4 / Polarization
5 / Field strength diagram
6 / Antenna types
7 / Antenna types
8 / Antenna measurements
9 / Mid term / Mid term
10 / Principles of wide band antenna design
11 / Principles of wide band antenna design
12 / Antenna bandwidth
13 / Frequency-independent antenna
14 / Wave propagation in the atmosphere and ionosphere
15 / Compensation Exam / Compensation Exam
Text book(s)
Reference books / Foundation for Microwave Engineering, Robert E. Collin, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-011811-6. Introduction to Antennas and Propagation, James R. Wait, Peter Peregrious LTD., ISBD: 0-86341+054-5) Antennas, John D. Kraus, McGRAW-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-035422-7.
Assessment / Number / Contributionto GPA (%)
Mid term / 1 / 50
Pop-quiz / - / -
Homework / - / -
Projects / - / -
Term project / - / -
Laboratory / - / -
Others / - / -
Final exam / 1 / 50
About assessment criteria / One midterm written exam (50%) and one final written exam (50%)
Contribution of the contents (%) / Medical Sciences / -
Engineering / 100
General Sciences / -
Social sciences / -
Learning Outcomes / The students who complete this course learn to receiver and transmitter antenna, antenna types, antenna measurements and principles of wide band antenna design.
Goals / To give advanced level information about antennas and propagation; To give detailed information about today’s applications of antennas.
Course Format / The course includes face-to-face theoretical teaching
Relation between the learning and program outcomes
Outputs / 1 / 2 / 3
1 / Improve and deepen their knowledge to a level of expertise in the same or a different area based on undergraduate qualifications. / X
2 / Grasp the interaction among disciplines related to their field / X
3 / Be able to use theoretical and practical knowledge in the field to a level of expertise / X
4 / Develop new knowledge by integrating information with their field and different disciplinary areas; solve problems requiring expert knowledge with scientific research methods / X
5 / Mount a challenge in their area, develop a solution method, solve, evaluate results and implement when necessary / X
6 / Develop new strategic approaches to complex and unforeseen cases when encountered, produce a solution by taking responsibility / X
7 / Evaluate information related to their field critically, guide learning, carry out advanced level studies independently / X
8 / Transfer current developments in the field and their work in written, oral and visual form, systematically / X
9 / Examine social relationships and norms critically, improve the mand take action to change when necessary / X
10 / Establish oral and written communication in a foreign language at minimum B2 level, as defined by the European Language Portfolio. / X
11 / Use computer software, information, and communication technologies at an advanced level required by their field. / X
12 / Develop strategy, policy, and implementation plans related to their field issues and evaluate obtained results within the framework of quality processes. / X
13 / Comply with social, scientific and ethical values in the process of collecting, interpreting and reporting data and examine / X
14 / Apply knowledge and problem-solving skills in their area to interdisciplinary studies. / X
Contribution : 1:None 2:Partially 3:Completely

Prepared by: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayhan AKBAL

Date of preparation: 14.09.2012