Abusive or Threatening Behaviour Policy
Rainbow Playgroup believes that all children and staff have the right to feel safe within the boundaries of the setting. Any behaviour deemed abusive of threatening will not be tolerated. This policy was written in line with the following Public Order Acts:
Public Order Act 1986
Section 5 “Disorderly Conduct”
Verbal abuse, threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviours or any disorderly behaviour whereby a person is caused alarm harassment or distress
Section 4 “Threatening behaviour”
A person fears that violence or threat of violence is likely to be provoked
- All members of Rainbow Playgroup community have a right to expect that the setting is a safe place in which to work and learn.
- Violence, threatening behaviour and abuse towards any member of staff, parent or child will not be tolerated.
- Where such behaviour does occur, action will be taken to deal with the person or persons concerned.
Actions to be taken if an incident occurs
- If an incident involving violence, threatening behaviour or abuse does occur then an incident report form will be completed by the member of staff against whom the abuse was directed. In the case of this being a child a member of staff may complete the form on their behalf.
- The manager of Rainbow Playgroup will speak to the person or persons involved in such an incident privately. It will be put to them that such behaviour is unacceptable and an assurance will be sought that such an incident will not be repeated. Repetition of such an incident will result in more serious action being taken. (Step 1 – Verbal warning.)
- If a second incident occurs involving the same person or persons, the manager will write to the adult(s) informing them once again that this conduct is unacceptable. (Step 2 – written warning.)
- If a third incident occurs involving the same person or persons, the chair of the committee will write to the adult(s) giving a final warning that this abusive and threatening behaviour is unacceptable, and that a repetition of this conduct will leave committee members no option other than to involve the Local Authority. (Step 3 – final written warning.)
- If such an incident recurs, or if an initial incident is considered serious enough by the manager, the Local Authority would be involved to enforce any action deemed necessary. This may result in a person or persons being excluded from the premises. (Step 4 – Local Authority involvement.)
- If following a decision to ban a person from the premises, that person persist in entering the premises and is displaying unreasonable behaviour, such a person may be removed from the premises as a trespasser under section 547 of the Education Act and charged with an offence under the Public Order Act 1986. (step 5 – Police involvement.)
If any member of staff feels that they are in danger, the police will be called immediately.
Policy Reviewed and Readopted/Amended on (date) / Committee Chair Signature
Abusive or Threatening Behaviour – Incident Report Form
Date of incident: ______
Day of the week: ______
Time: ______
Member of staff reporting incident
Name: ______
Position: ______
Details of person assaulted / verbally abused
Name: ______
Job / Position (if a member of staff)
Details of trespasser / assailant / verbal abuser (if known)
Witness if any
Name: ______
Other information / relationship between member of staff / abuser if any
Details of the incident
Location of incident: ______
Outcome (see policy): Step______
Has the abuser been involved in any previous incidents? ______
Name and contact details of police officer involved / incident number:
Signed: ______
Date: ______
Please return to the manager as soon as possible.