Authorship Poll 01/29/03

“Packed” Version


This poll is designed to gain information about authors of articles in business and academic journals. Throughout the poll, author group refers to the authors of the article mentioned in the e-mail you received.

Your answers to this poll will remain both confidential and anonymous. Responses will be aggregated and analyzed at the group level by research assistants. We have no interest in identifying individual respondents, and your identity will not be attached to the data for any analyses.

[Page 1 – Question 1]

Please indicate the order in which your name appeared among the authors for this paper (1 = first author, 2 = second author, etc.)

I was author number _____

[Page 2 – Question 2]

Of the total work that your author group did on the article, what percent of the work do you feel you personally contributed?


[Page 3 – Question 3]

Please indicate your responses to the questions below using the rating scales provided.

a.  How interested would you be in initiating a brand new line of research (independent of any current ongoing projects) with this same author group right now?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Not at all interested / Somewhat interested / Very interested

b.  How happy are you right now with the order in which your name was listed among the authors of this paper?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Not at all happy / Somewhat happy / Very happy

c.  How happy were you with the order in which your name was listed among the authors of this paper when the order was first decided?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Not at all happy / Somewhat happy / Very happy

d.  Compared to other colleagues with whom you have worked, how much did you enjoy working with your author group on this particular paper?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Not at all / Somewhat / Very much

e.  Since submitting this paper, have you actually initiated a brand new line of research (independent of any ongoing projects) with this same author group?

Yes _____ No _____

[Page 4 – Question 4]

For each topic below, please indicate the percent of the group’s total contributions for which you were responsible:

Writing the paper ______%

Amount of thought dedicated to the project ______%

[Page 5 – Question 5]

Finally, please indicate which method best describes how the order of authorship was determined for this paper.

__ Alphabetically

__ Based on Contribution

__ Based on Seniority

__ Randomly (i.e. coin toss)

__ Other (please specify)


Thank you for your participation. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact “Unpacked - Explicit” Version


This poll is designed to gain information about authors of articles in business and academic journals. Throughout the poll, author group refers to the authors of the article mentioned in the e-mail you received.

Your answers to this poll will remain both confidential and anonymous. Responses will be aggregated and analyzed at the group level by research assistants. We have no interest in identifying individual respondents, and your identity will not be attached to the data for any analyses.

[Page 1 – Question 1]

Please indicate the order in which your name appeared among the authors for this paper (1 = first author, 2 = second author, etc.)

I was author number _____

[Page 2 – Question 2]

In the spaces below, please indicate the other authors (including yourself) of the paper in the order in which each name appeared among the authors in the paper (first author, second author, etc.). You can write down their initials or come up with a nickname for each person. You should only fill out as many rows as there were authors for this paper.

For all authors of the paper, please take a few moments to think about the contributions that they made to the article. Go down the list one at a time and consider the work that each person prepared and the contributions they made based on their particular area of expertise. Once you have thought about all the authors, click continue.

[Page 3 – Question 3]

Of the total work that your author group did on the article, what percent of the work do you feel that each colleague (including yourself) contributed? (Think about the contributions of each member of your author group. Please fill in only as many rows as you there were authors for this paper.)

Percent of total work
Author 1 contributed… / ______%
Author 2 contributed… / ______%
Author 3 contributed… / ______%
Author 4 contributed… / ______%
Author 5 contributed… / ______%
Author 6 contributed… / ______%

[Page 4 – Question 4]

Please indicate your responses to the questions below using the rating scales provided.

a.  How interested would you be in initiating a brand new line of research (independent of any current ongoing projects) with this same author group right now?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Not at all interested / Somewhat interested / Very interested

b.  How happy are you right now with the order in which your name was listed among the authors of this paper?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Not at all happy / Somewhat happy / Very happy

c.  How happy were you with the order in which your name was listed among the authors of this paper when the order was first decided?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Not at all happy / Somewhat happy / Very happy

d.  Compared to other colleagues with whom you have worked, how much did you enjoy working with your author group on this particular paper?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Not at all / Somewhat / Very much

e.  Since submitting this paper, have you actually initiated a brand new line of research (independent of any ongoing projects) with this same author group?

Yes _____ No _____

[Page 5 – Question 5]

For each topic below, please indicate the percent of the group’s total contributions that each colleague (including yourself) was responsible for. Please fill in only as many rows as you have authors for this paper. Again, the author number refers to the order in which the author’s name appeared on the paper (Author 1 = first author, Author 2 = second author, etc.)

Writing the paper / Amount of thought dedicated to the project
Author 1 contributed / _____% / _____%
Author 2 contributed / _____% / _____%
Author 3 contributed / _____% / _____%
Author 4 contributed / _____% / _____%
Author 5 contributed / _____% / _____%
Author 6 contributed / _____% / _____%

[Page 6 – Question 6]

Finally, please indicate which method best describes how the order of authorship was determined for this paper.

__ Alphabetically

__ Based on Contribution

__ Based on Seniority

__ Randomly (i.e. coin toss)

__ Other (please specify)


Thank you for your participation. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact