Preparation Worksheet for Online Application
Request for Proposals to Increase Voter Engagement – 2018 Elections
Before beginning this worksheet, please be sure to read the instructions and requirements for this grant opportunity at
Provide a summary of your request (330-character limit, including spaces):
Dollar amount of request:
Organization Information
Legal name of organization:
Year organization was established:
Employer Identification Number:
Organization address:
Organization phone number:
Organization website:
Head of organization:
Head of organization’s title:
Head of organization’swork phone:
Head of organization’semail:
Type of organization:
501(c)(4) ____
501(c)(4) organizations must agree that all grant funds will be used solely for charitable purposes (described in Section 170 (c) (2) (B) of the Internal Revenue Code). These funds must not, under any circumstances, be used to cover fundraising expenses or to support partisan political activities.
If not a public agency or unit of the government, please list the following for your fiscal agent:
Legal name:
Contact email:
Contact Information
Contact person for this application:
Work phone:
Cell phone:
About Your Organization
Briefly describe the mission of your organization(500-character limit, including spaces):
Briefly describe your organization’s major programs and activities(1,500-character limit, including spaces):
Describe the people you serve in terms of age, race, ethnicity, and income:
Approximately how many of the people you serve live in Minneapolis?
Approximately what percentage of the total number of people you serve live in Minneapolis?
Financial Information
Total amount of this request:
Total projected cost of the project for which you seek funding:
Annual organization budget:
Start date of your current fiscal year:
Has your organization ever received financial support from The Minneapolis Foundation? Y/N
Organization History with Voter Engagement
Since 2012, has your organization engaged in any voter engagement work? Y/N
If yes, what quantitative data did you collect to assess results?
If yes, what qualitative data did you collect to assess results?
If yes, please describe your organization’s history with voter engagement work since 2012, along with key outcomes from each year. (1,500-character limit, including spaces)
If yes, what past successes and failures with voter engagement will inform your organization’s proposal and your planning in 2018?(1,500-character limit, including spaces)
Has your organization engaged with any Minnesota Voice leadership development programs or voter engagement efforts? Y/N
If yes, please describe your engagement. (1,000-character limit, including spaces)
Please explain why voter engagement and voter turnout work is a strategy for your organization at this time. (1,500-character limit, including spaces)
About This Project
We will prioritize funding proposals from organizations that will participate in a collaborative voter engagement effort led by Minnesota Voice. Before completing this section of the application, be sure to read the grant requirements at If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Gray.
Will your organization commit the required staff time, data reporting and recruitment of volunteers for Minnesota Voice voter engagement cohort activities, including the trainings and collaborative GOTV work during the weekend before the election? Y/N
If not, please explain.
One benefit of working with Minnesota Voiceis thatgrant recipientswilluse the Voter Activation Network (VAN) to trackoutcomes andactual voting behavior of their constituents. The process also offers grant recipients a system to build engagement around issues that concern their constituents.
What is your goal for how many of those engaged by your organizationwillvote in 2018?
How many of those engaged do you anticipate will be first-time voters in 2018?
To meet the goals you identified above:
How many voter registrations will your organization collect?
How many voter pledges will your organization collect?
Please explain how you have determinedyour goals for registrations, pledges, and votes.
In addition to the goals for votes, please list up to three other intended outcomes. Please also detail how you will measure results for each intended outcome.
Intended Outcome 1:
How will the results be measured for Outcome 1?
Intended Outcome 2:
How will the results be measured for Outcome2?
Intended Outcome 3:
How will the results be measured for Outcome 3?
Summarize your project timeline, with key activities listed(1,500-character limit, including spaces):
Will you target specificneighborhoods or wards? Y/N
If yes, which ones?
Will you target specific demographic populations? Y/N
If yes, which ones?
Is this project a collaborative effort? Y/N
If yes, please list the names and role of your partners.
Are you seeking other funding support for this project? Y/N
If yes, please list amounts, names of other funders, and whether it is support you have secured or are seeking.
In what other way(s) does your organization cultivate civic participation among your constituents between election cycles? (1,000-character limit)
OPTIONAL: Because The Minneapolis Foundation values your insight, please shareyour perspective about the following: How is the current political climate and shifting policies in our nation and state impacting your organization’s work or planning for the next few years? (1,500-character limit)
Documents to Upload
- Project budget (required)
- Organization budget for 2018 (required)
- List of board of directors and senior leadership with a summary of their demographics(required only by applicants who did not receive voter engagement funding from The Minneapolis Foundation in 2017)
Please note: Consistent with the equity framework adopted by The Minneapolis Foundation, we willprioritize partnering with organizations led by people who share the cultural or racial identity of those that they serve. - Most recent available audited financial statement (required only by applicants who didnot receive voter engagement funding from The Minneapolis Foundation in 2017)
Further Assistance
Please direct any technical questions about the application process to Rush Merchantat 612-672-3847 or .
If you have questions about your project proposal, please contact Catherine Gray, Director of Impact Strategy, Civic Engagement, at or 612-672-3876.