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OFFICE ADDRESS:University of Thessaly, Dept. of Planning and Regional Studies, Pedion Areos, 38334Volos
OFFICE TEL:00 30.24210. 83666/30 421 74430/ 74432
OFFICE FAX:00 30.24210. 83666/ 74394
- LICENCE in Sociology, University of Paris VIII, February 1974.
- MAITRISE in Sociology, University of Paris VIII, October 1975.
- Diplôme de Démographie Générale, Institut of Demography, University of Paris I-Sorbonne, June1976.
- D.E.A. in Research Studies. Field: Urban Sociology, University of Paris X/CNRS-ERSMOI, December 1976.
- Diplôme d’Expert Démographe (D.E.D), Institute of Demography, University of Paris I/ Sorbonne, June 1977.
- D.E.A. in Research Studies. Field: Social Demography, University of Paris V, June 1978.
- Doctorat d’Etat (es Lettres et Sciences Humaines). Thesis: Emigration in Post-War Greece: emigration experiences, liberation mechanisms of working potential and preconditions/conditions that permitted the exit in the period 1950-80, University of Paris X, 1989.
- Participation (1975-76) in research team of the National French Research Centre (C.N.R.S.), with aim the study of subjects related to the admission and stay of foreign workers in France and in the West Europe countries (CNRS/ERSMOI-Equipe de Recherches Sociologiques sur la Main d' Oeuvre Immigrée).
- Postgraduate specialisation (stage) in the Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Qualifications et l'Emploi. Processing of the annual research of CEREQ for the graduates of the Technological University Institutes (1977-78).
- Since the beginning of 1984 and up to 1989, scientific collaborator at the National Centre of Social Research (EKKE).Member of the research team constituted for the planning and implementation of the research on: “Housing and Building Enterprises in Greece”.
- Researcher at EKKE, responsible for the implementation of the research project: “Demographic developments and the socio-economic consequences in post-war Greece” (1990-1997).
- Scientific consultant of the "Sociological team for the Solar village" aiming at (in the context of the bilateral scientific programme GDR-Greece) the study of the quality of social life and of the environment in the community as well as the attitudes of the inhabitants towards systems (September 1990-December 1992).
- Member of the Greek research team of the Institute of Regional Development for the realisation of the research financed by Division XVI of CEE on the subject: Development Prospects of the Central Mediterranean Regions (Mezzogiorno-Greece), ISMERI EUROPA - Team 4 - Institute of Regional Development (Athens), 1992-93.
- Scientific consultant of the National Statistical Service of Greece (NSSG), responsible for the realisation of the Community pilot research in Greece: "European Employment Cost Index", 1993-94.
- Scientific responsible for the bilateral research programme with France“Analysis of demographic data and demographic conjuncture in France and Greece-fertility/nuptiality”, 1993-94.
- Participation, on behalf of Greece, in the international pilot project “Social exclusion in urban deprived areas of EU” (URBAN DEPRIVED AREAS -CDSM-OTAN/ Ministère des Affaires Etrangères - France), 1994-1996.
- Scientific responsible for the financed by both the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology and the Municipal Health and for Social Issues Organisation of Volos research programme - ΠΕΝΕΔ - aiming at the creation of a Demographic, social and economical Atlas of Volos Municipality, 1994-1995.
- Scientific responsible of the EKKE research team (in collaboration with four other teams) for the realisation of the financed by the Greek GRST research proposal “Eurogis-Integrated urban and local government information system for the geographic and socio-economic data” (Approved proposal submitted in collaboration with ORCO Ltd. and INTRASOFT Ltd. to the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology under the Programme EPET II, Subprogram 1, Act 1.3), 1995-1996.
- Scientific responsible for the bilateral programme with France“Ageing in France and Greece and its consequences: Analysis and perspectives in the context of its evolution in southern Europe”, 1996-97.
- Participation in the project run by ΥΠΕΧΩΔΕ (Directorate of Land Planning) “Housing development and holiday residence”, 1996-1997
- Scientific responsible of the EKKE research team for the realisation of the approved by the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology research proposal aiming at the analysis of the post-war demographic evolution in Greece and in the Balkan countries, 1996-1998.
- Scientific responsible for the bilateral programme with Spain with the subject: Fertility and Family in Southern Europe, Comparative Study between Spain and Greece, 1997-98.
- Scientific responsible of the EKKE research team for the realisation of the national survey “Knowledge and representation of the third lyceum class students on subjects concerning population” (European comparative study under the auspices of the European Observatory for the Education and Information on population subjects), 1997-1998.
- Scientific responsible for the project “Spatial dimensions of the recent demographic evolution in Greece”, University of Thessaly, Dept. of Regional Planning and Development, 1998.
- Coordinator for the financed by the Greek Ministry of Education project “Review of the Curricula and Textbooks for the Dept. of Regional Planning and Development, University of Thessaly, 1998-1999.
- Scientific responsible for the financed by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology the project “PANDORA/ A Digital demographic Atlas of Greece”, University of Thessaly, Dept. of Regional Planning and Development, 1999-2001.
- Scientific responsible for the implementation of the financed by the Local Self-administration project “Land-planning arrangement – economic development of the Municipality of Aithikon”, University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Studies, Laboratory of Demographic and Social analyses in collaboration with the Laboratories of Geographic Research and Environment Planning and of Tourist Planning and Policy, 2000.
- Scientific responsible of the Greek team, for the implementation of the research program OPPA (Outil prospectif pour les personnes âgées), financed by the EC (DG Emploi et Affaires Sociales). Implementation Institutions: Univ. Catholique de Louvain-Centre d’Etudes Démographiques pour les Administrations publiques (Be), Institut National d’études démographiques (Fr), Univ. Nova Lisboa-Centre de recherches sociologiques (Port), Univ. of London- London School of Hygiene (GB), Univ. Firenza-Dipartimento di Statistica (I), University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analysis, 2001.
- Scientific responsible, team-leader for the implementation of the financed by EUROSTAT project “Documentation of the national censuses in the EU, EFTA and Candidate Countries”, 2001-2002.
- Scientific responsible for the implementation of the project “Statistical assessment of TV viewing measurement methods (University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Studies), 2002.
- Scientific responsible for the financed by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology and by the Research Centre for Gender Studies project for the representation and analysis of the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the Modern Greek woman, a spatial approach. University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Studies, Laboratory of Demographic and Social analyses, Laboratory of Information Applications in Land Planning, 2003-2006.
- Scientific responsible for the financed by the World Bank project “Thematic mapping on non-income dimensions of poverty in Albania”, University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Studies, Laboratory of Demographic and Social analyses, 2003-2004.
- Scientific responsible for the bilateral research programme with France“Migrations in the south-western Balkans during the last decade (Les migrations de la dernière décennie dans la partie sud-est des Balkans)”, 2003-2006.
- Scientific responsible for the financed by the Ministry of Education Program project “e-demography-Digital information infrastructure for documentation and analysis of demographic information”, University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Studies, Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses, 2004-2006.
- Scientific responsible for the financed by the World Bank project “Supporting the Design of Migration Policies: an Analysis of Migration Flows between Albania and Greece ”, University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Studies, Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses, 2005-2006.
- Scientific responsible for the bilateral project in the framework of the Scientific Cooperation with France“Population ageing in the Western Balkans: factors, perspectives, implications (Le viellissement démographique dans la partie ouest des Balkans: prospectives, facteurs, incidences)”, 2006-2007.
- Scientific responsible for the research program “The demographic profile of the room population of Istanbul” (University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Studies, Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses, 2007).
- Scientific responsible for the implementation of the project “Statistical assessment of TV viewing measurement methods (University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Studies), 2008.
- Member of the scientific team (coordinator Prof. B. Pappas) received the first prize in the international tender competition of Α. Papandreou Foundation (proposals and ideas for fire-stricken region of Ilia –Greece.
- Associateresearcher in the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED), 1996-1998/ 2004-2012.
- Scientific responsible for the research program “Mortality by cause of death in Greece, a first spatial approach” financed by the Research Committee of Univ. Of Thessaly. 2011.
- Scientific responsible for the research program “Low fertility in developed countries, trends and prospective, the case of Greece” financed by the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong learning and Religious Affairs, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, 2011-2013.
- Member of the scientific Team (2013-2015) for the implementation of the research project «Analyses SOciologiques et DEmographiques des transformations des MOdes de vie en MEDiterranée» financed by the National Agency of Research of France- in the frame of the TRANSMED program.
- Member of the scientific Team (2013-2014) for the implementation of the research proposal within the framework of action ENVI-MED funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France in the frame of the interdisciplinary program MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Local Scales). The ENVI-MED, is an initiative of the French cooperation for the Mediterranean countries, aiming the development of technological high level of cooperation and networking of research focusing on sustainable development and understanding of the environmental function of basin Mediterranean.
- Scientific coordinator of the Demobalk Association team participating in the community program ITAN (Integrated Territorial Analysis of the Neighbourhoods) by providing demographic and socio - economic data/indicators & metadata for the Western Balkans in order to generate the ITAN data base (coordination CNRS / EVS), 2013-2014
- Scientific responsible for the research program “The impact of the current economic crisis on population dynamics in Greece” financed by the Institute for work /General Confederation of Greek Workers, 2014-2015
- Professor of Demography and Sociology in the MilitarySchool of Air Forces in Thessaloniki (1985).
- Professor of Sociology and Demography in the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (academic years 1989-1998).
- Associate Professor in the Dept. of Planning and Regional Development of the University of Thessaly- (1989-1999).
- Professor in the Dept. of Planning and Regional Development of the University of Thessaly (1999->).
- Member of the National Committee for EUROPAN (1989-1990).
- Member of the Counselling Team of the Committee of European Communities for the Observatoire Européen des Politiques Familiales Nationales. (1989-1992).
- Expert collaborator with EUROSTAT on issues concerning Greek demographic statistics.
- Member of the organisational and scientific committee of the Conference: Social research in Greece today, EKKE, Athens, 1989.
- Member of the organisational and scientific committee of the IV International Congress of the International Association of the French Language Demographers with subject: Regulation modes of human reproduction-consequences on the fertility and health, Greece 1992.
- Member of the organisational and scientific committee for the organisation of the 1st Hellenic Demographic Conference, Athens 1992.
- Member of the organisational and scientific committee of the National Conference on Ageing and Society, Athens, 1993.
- Member of the International Census Observation Mission (I.C.O.M, European Council and European Union) for the 1994 Census in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, June -July 1994.
- Member of the European Observatory for the Education and Information on population subjects (1996-2006).
- Member of the organisational and scientific committee of the International Conference 50 years of demographic evolution in the Balkan countries, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1996.
- Scientific consultant of the National Statistical Service of Greece (NSSG), member of the team of experts for the preparation and planning of the 2001 Greek census, 1997-98.
- Scientific consultant and co-ordinator for the demographic issues in the scientific consortium, responsible for the study Territorial impact in the European Union from the evolutions of the countries of Black Sea (study assigned by the European Union DG16XV1 to Planet -Greece and TAD Agency-France, 1997).
- Responsible for and editing of the special issue of the Review of Social Research on the topic Post-war demographic developments in Greece (issue 96-97, 1998).
- Member of the Management Board of the National Centre of Social Research (EKKE) for 1990-91 and 1997-98.
- Member of South And EastEuropeanDevelopmentCenter (SEED), University of Thessaly
- Coordinator of the European Network “Demobalk” which aims at the development of research in matters of population in the SE Europe, the publication of its outcomes and the organization of conferences (1998).
- Member of the organisational and president of the scientific committee of the International Conference:Changes in the 90s and the demographic future of the Balkans, Sarajevo, 2000 – organised by the International Association of French Speaking Demographers (AIDELF), the network DemoBalk, the ABS and the EFTA.
- Member of the organisational and scientific committee for the organization of the National Conference Spatial dimensions of demographic phenomena, organised by the University of Thessaly-Department of Planning and Regional Development, Volos, 2000.
- Expert of the European Commission. Responsible for the organisation and operation for the first phase (Sept. 1998-June 2000) of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency of Statistics (international coordinator – member of the first Management Board of the Agency).
- Expert of the European Commission. Technical assistance support for the Statistical Office of the Republic of Montenegro-OSM (March 2000- March 2001). Objective of the mission the design of a medium term program to upgrade and modernise the OSM.
- Member of the Census Observation Mission for the 2001 Census in Albania, April 2001.
- Team leader for the implementation of the Phare Programme (Statistics) for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000-2002).
- Team leader for the implementation of the Cards Programme (Statistics) for Serbia and Montenegro (2002-2003).
- Member of the International Census Observation Mission (I.C.O.M, European Council and European Union) for the 2002 Census in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, April 2002.
- Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the XI Colloque International de Démographie (Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française) Les migrations Internationales, observation, analyse et perspectives and organizer of the session «Migrations Internationales et conflits”, Budapest, 2004.
- Member of the Monitoring and observation mission of the Council of Europe (team leader) for the 2004 census in Moldova (October 2004).
- Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the International ConferenceCrisis, Recent conflicts and Migrations in the Balkans, (DemoBalk, Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue FrançaiseAssociation of Serbs Demographers), Beograd-Serbia, 2005.
- Member of the Monitoring and observation mission of the Council of Europe for the pilot census in Kosovo (October 2006 )
- Member of the Monitoring and observation mission of the Council of Europe for the census in Kosovo (April 2011 )
- Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the International Conference Spatial Demography of the Balkans tends and challenges (DemoBalk, Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue FrançaiseStatistical Office of Montenegro),Budva -Montenegro, 2010.
- Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the International Conference The population of the Balkans at the dawn of the 21st century(DemoBalkEconomic Institute—Ss Cyril & Methodius University/Fyrom), Ohrid-FYROM, 2015
- Director of the Post-graduate Studies Program 2001-2004 (University of Thessaly, Dept. of Planning and Regional Studies).
- Director of the Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses (University of Thessaly, Dept. of Planning and Regional Studies), 1998->
- Editor of the series “Discussion Papers of the Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses” (ISSN 1790-9325, (2001->)
- Co-editor of the series “Démographie des Balkans/Balkan Demographic Papers” (ISSN 1790-5958 )of the Network Demo-Balk (2001->).
- Editor (2007) of the “Demographic News” (ISSN 1791-5880)
- Director of the common (French-Greek) Master Program “Population-Development-Foresight” organised by the University of Thessaly and the University of Bordeaux, 2005
- Coordinator of the Network of the Joint French-Greek Masters programs in Greece (2007->).
- Editor of two scientific exhibitions (2007): (6 billions of people/ 9 billion people to ensure their food) presented in several Greek cities in collaboration with the Dept of Scientific and academic cooperation of the Embassy of France in Greece and the Regional Directions of Secondary Education.
- Member of DEMOMED network (2012 ->) that aims to promote research on issues related to population in Mediterranean countries ( ).
- Vice Rector of Financial Planning and Development, University of Thessaly (11/7/2013-10/4/2014)
- CEOofthe Property Development and Management Company ofUniversityofThessaly, (4/9/2013-->)
- Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Stanovnistvo (2006->)and member of the Advisory Committee της Statistical Review (Journal of the Greek Statistical Association).Reviewer in international and national peer-reviewed journals (The Greek Review of Social Research, Geographies, Αειχώρος, The Social Sciences Tribune, Population Studies,Population, Space and Place, Population Dev. Review, IMR, Stanovnistvo, Statistical Review…).
- Chevalier de Palmes Academiques of the French Government (2005).
- President (2001-2004) of the International Association of Demographers of the French Language (AIDELF)and Honorary president (-> 2005).
- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (UIESP)
- International Sociological Association (ISA).
- European Association for the Study of Population (EAPS).
- International Institute of Sociology (IIA).
- International Association of Sociologists of the French Language (AISLF).
- Ex-officio member of Association of Serbs Demographers.
- President (> 2007) of the International Association DEMOBALK