Preparation for Adulthood / Life Skills & Knowledge
Clothing - Do laundry
- Folding clean clothes
- Shine shoes
- Sew on button
- Repair torn seam
- Matching colors and patterns
- Using makeup
- Tie a tie
Home - Make bed
- Clean bathroom
- Vacuum floor
- Wash windows
- Handle Trash
- Clean dishes
- Stop running toilet
- Change light bulb
- Use basic tools (hammer, screw driver, saw)
- Use power tools (drill, saber saw, circular saw, lawn mower, edge trimmer)
Moving - Change address / forward mail
- Change driver’s license
- Change car registration
- Contact utilities
Car - Change flat tire
- Call 911
- Call insurance carrier
- Check Fluids (oil, washer & radiator)
- Navigate with map
- Interact with police
- Correct skid on snow
Money - Balance check book
- Check balances and bills on line
- Budget (create & follow)
- Fill out 1040EZ
Food - Boil water
- Cook / Fry Eggs
- Cook Pasta
- Make salad
- Fry hamburger
- Prepare frozen vegetables
- Follow recipe in cook book
Bugs - Kill them
- Safely use poison
- Treating a spider or insect bite or sting
- How to clean to prevent infestation
Professional - Schedule and keep appointments
- Prepare and give simple report
- Basic job interview skills
- Receive and follow directions
- Receive constructive criticism
- Interact politely on phone
- Type
- Use word processing software
- Read
Social - Dressing suitably for various situations
- Being gentlemanly / ladylike
- Polite Greeting
- Handshake
- Eye contact
- Polite conversation
- Using flatware properly
- Table manners
- Using: “please, thank you, you’re welcome, sir, ma’am, excuse me, pardon me, respectfully I don’t agree, etc.”
First Aid - Call 911
- Call local police
- Stop bleeding
- handle seizure
- mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
- handling a kitchen fire
- 1st & 2nd degree burns
- Approaching a dog
- Approach a cat
- Treating a cut
- Heimlich maneuver in case of choking
- Mild allergic reaction (antihistamine)
- Severe allergic reaction (911 & Epi-Pen)
- Poison Ivy
- Headache
- Cold
- Sore throat
Fitness - Aerobic exercise
- Resistance training
- Stretching
- Hydration
- Balanced Nutrition
- Rest
Firearm safety - Point away from self and others
- Check and clear chamber
- Remove clip
- Set gun lock