It is proposed that in view of the increased input costs for organizing RCC & NBOG, the reimbursement cap to the host chapters/sub-chapters for the RCCs and NBOGs be revised as below from the current Society Year with effect from 1st April 2016.
- 1st RCC - Rs. 1,50,000/- in place of Rs. 75,000/-
- Other RCC- Rs. 50,000/- in place of Rs. 30,000/-
- NBOGs- Rs. 4,00,000/- in place of Rs. 2,00,000/-
The reimbursement shall be given on actual basis based on submission of invoices having the upper cap as above and for meeting the expenses under the below mentioned expense heads;
- Expenses incurred for 2 Lunches and tea/coffee expenses during the NBOG session.
- Expenses incurred for 1 dinner with cocktails for the networking evening and expenses towards some light entertainments during networking session.
- Expenses incurred towards meeting expenses including hall rentals if any, internet charges during NBOG session, AV rentals etc.
- Airport transfers to and from the hotel.
No other expenses shall be covered and reimbursed by HQ apart from the above.
The Chapters/Sub-chapters are advised not to invite any sponsorship/partnership for the RCC and NBOG unless some program for general membership is clubbed with the RCC/NBOG.
Back ground:
It has been noticed that the input costs for organizing RCC/NBOG has gone up over a period of time and the Chapter/Sub-chapters are facing challenges to meet the expenses with the current reimbursement amount. The increase is proposed so that the Chapters/Sub-chapters do not have to spend excess from their own resource. The cap is suggested to keep the expenses within a limit.
The increase for the 1st RCC is more than the other RCCs as due to change in the format around 50 participants now attend the 1st RCC and it is also held for one and a half days.
Financial Implication:
Though HQ has to initially spend more due the higher reimbursements as proposed but there would be no negative effect on HQ coffers as these reimbursements are finally adjusted from the ACREX reimbursements given to all the Chapters.
There would be no negative effect on the host chapter also as they would have in any case spend this amount due to increased costs and would have borne the burden of the excess amount alone. For other chapters/sub-chapters also the effect will be very minimal as the additional reimbursement would be divided amongst all chapters/sub-chapters.
Proposed by: - Mr. ______, Delegate, Chapter Name: ______
Seconded by: - Mr. ______, Delegate, Chapter Name: ______
Vote Count:
For: ____ Against: ____ Abstained: ____ Chair Voting: ______
Passed: ____Failed: _____ Withdrawn: ___ __"