Preliminary ROW Plan Checklist Page 2

Project Name and Location


Reviewed By:


Preliminary Right of Way Plan Checklist / Route: / C.S.
Reviewed By: / Date: / Job #
Compliance / Requirement / Comments
Yes / No
/ Plans are standard size reproducible plans sheets (created from construction plan sheets, if available). 3½ “ high density diskette(s) or CD’s of drawings utilizing MDOT’s standard system format
/ Plan sheets for the proposed ROW must be included. A title sheet and preliminary typical sections are required. Benchmarks and Witness Sheet are required.
/ General outline of the proposed ROW needs for the project should be delineated on the plans. For example, ROW widths, type of ROW, easements for drain relocation, grading permits, and whether it is to be free or limited access.
/ Streets and Roads labeled
/ Section, Town and Range labeled. Also, Township/City name.
/ Subdivision names, lot lines, lot numbers, streets, and alleys of subdivisions that are affected by the proposed ROW acquisition. Subdivisions are to be plotted as accurately as possible along with any additional information that may have been found during the survey.
/ Existing topography, including trees, buildings, if available at the time of submittal.

Additional comments are included below, and in the mark-ups returned to the Project Manager.

Design Comments:

ROW Comments: