European Doctoral Seminar on the Anthropology of Development and Social Dynamics (Copenhagen, June 1-3, 2015)

The European doctoral school for the anthropology of development and social dynamics organizes every two years a doctoral seminar hosted by one of the participating research institutions. Since the early 1990s, the doctoral school has offered a forum of exchange to young and senior scholars from various European and non-European (mainly African) countries working on topics linked to development and social change. The doctoral school is bilingual in French and English and a good understanding of both languages is required to participate. In a three-day session, a group of around 25 junior and senior PhD students come together and intensively discuss a broad range of topics, defined by the research interests of the young researchers and the topics of their doctoral theses. Every doctoral candidate gets the opportunity to give an overview of his or her thesis, to present a chapter or to discuss particular questions, and receives comments from two senior researchers specialised in their region and/or theme. Senior PhD students present their articles or chapters in plenary sessions while junior PhD students present their research in smaller and more specialised panels (the themes of the panels will depend on the subject of the papers submitted). For more information on the school or past seminars, see:

Preliminary programme (with preliminary titles)

Monday 1/6

8H30-9H00: Inscriptions, coffee

9H00-9H15: Official opening of the seminar by the Dean of the Social Sciences Faculty

9H15-9H30: Local welcome, thanks to financial donors, practical details (Quentin Gausset and Eric Hahonou)

9H30-10H00: Historique du réseau et de l’école doctorale (Pierre Petit et Sten Hagberg)

10H00-11H00: Pauline Jarroux (EHESS): Administration et sanction scolaire déconcentrée au Bénin. Discussants: Thomas Bierschenk (Mainz) et Eric Hahonou (Roskilde)

11H-11H30: Coffee Break

11H30-12H30: Aurélia Desplain(Bordeaux): Genre et rapports de production en Chine. Discussants: Pierre Petit (Bruxelles) etMatthew Carey (Copenhague)

12H30-13H30: Lunch

13H30-14H30: Line Richter (Copenhagen): Brokering in the bordeland: Malian migrating to Europe. Discussants: Sten Hagberg (Uppsala) and Lotte Pelckmans(Copenhagen/DIIS)

14H30-15H30: Mie Vestergaard (Roskilde): Humanitarian Categorization of Victimhood in the Nigeria-Biafra Conflict. Discussants: Marc-Eric Gruénais (Bordeaux) and Quentin Gausset


15H30-16H00: Coffee break

16H00-17H00: Christine Grard (Louvain): Evolution et inclusion des quartiers marginaux de Lima. Discussants: Ann Cassiman (Leuven) and Perle Møhl (Copenhague)

Evening dinner (for all presenters and discussants)

Tuesday 2/6

9H00-10H00: Geetrui Vanoppen (Leuven). Oil-city vision: Urbanization in Takoradi, Ghana. Discussants: Benjamin Rubbers (Liège) andHenrik Vigh (Copenhagen)

10H00-11H00: Hannelore Verbrugge (Leuven): Women’s lives in small-scale gold mining towns in Tanzania. Discussants: Hanne Mogensen (Copenhagen) and one person TBC

11H00-11H30: coffee break

11H30-12H30: Guillaume Nicaise (EHESS): Décentralisation fiscale et impact de l’aide au développement sur la gouvernance locale au Burundi. Discussants: Jacinthe Mazzochetti

(Louvain) et Giorgio Blundo (EHESS)

12H30-13H30: Lunch

13H30-17H00: 5 parallel workshops (3 students in each workshop)

Presenter / Theme / Discussant 1 / Discussant 2
1 / Fernando Matai Manjate
(Uppsala) / Land inheritance in Mozambique / TBC / Quentin Gausset
1 / Tom Gosseye
(Louvain) / Sécuriser le marché latifundaire au Sud-Cameroun / Sten Hagberg / Quentin Gausset
1 / Yacouba Cisso
(Copenhague) / Communautés rurales et gestion des conflits au Burkina Faso / Sten Hagberg / TBC
2 / Césarine Sambou
(Bordeaux) / Prévention du paludisme des migrants d’Afrique à Bordeaux / Jacinthe Mazzochetti / Lotte Pelckmans
2 / Lea Linconstant
(Aix-Marseille) / Politique de procréation médicalement assistée en Italie / Jacinthe Mazzochetti / Pierre Petit
2 / Lise Rosendal Østergaard
(Copenhagen) / Giving birth in rural Burkina Faso / Lotte Pelckmans / Pierre Petit
3 / Issa Sombie
(Copenhague) / Participation communautaire à la santé au Burkina Faso / Marc-Eric Gruénais / Benjamin Rubbers
3 / David Ilboudo
(Copenhague) / La relation des soins à l’épreuve des corps défendants / Marc-Eric Gruénais / Pierre-Jo Laurent
3 / Emir Mahieddin
(Aix-Marseille) / Pentecotisme, economie morale et dynamique sociale en Suède / Benjamin Rubbers / Pierre-Jo Laurent
4 / Marie Schnitzler
(Liège) / Gérer les stigmates du handicap dans les townships (Afr. Sud) / Eric Hahonou / Thomas Bierschenk
4 / Samuel Lempereur
(Bruxelles) / Mémoire de l’esclavage au Bénin méridional / Eric Hahonou / Perle Møhl
4 / Cynthia Dahomé Mørk
(Roskilde) / Genetic ancestry tracing between Benin and French Guyana / Thomas Bierschenk / Perle Møhl
5 / Anna Baral
(Uppsala) / Cleaning the city: informal workers in Kampala / Jonna Both / Ann Cassiman
5 / Souleymane Abdoulaye Adoum
(Leiden) / L’économie de communication rebelle au Tchad / Giorgio Blundo / Ann Cassiman
5 / Annalena Kolloch
(Mainz) / Magistrats au Bénin: motivations et stratégies d’adaptation / Giorgio Blundo / Jonna Both

Wednesday 3/6

9H00-10H00: Cornelia Günauer (Mainz): Election strategies and politics of difference in India. Discussants: Luisa Steur (Copenhagen) and Atreyee Sen (Copenhagen)

10H00-11H00: Mikaela Lemeur: Le mythe du recyclage à l’épreuve d’une filière Vietnamienne. Pierre Jo Laurent (Louvain) and Oscar Salemink (Copenhague)

11H00-11H30: Coffee break

11H30-12H30: Maria José Pont (EHESS): Bush, yams, witnesses and chiefscreating resources. Discussants: Jonna Both (Leiden) and Helle Samuelsen (Copenhagen)

12H30-13H30: Lunch