Reminder Checklist SFY 2015

WIC Management Evaluation/Quality Assurance (MEQA) Review

Please use thischecklist to assist in preparing the necessary local agency documents that will be utilized for the WIC MEQA Review. Preparing these materials, including completion of the Pre-Visit Questionnaire, prior to the start of the review will help in streamlining the review process and on-site time.

I.Caseload Management/Scheduling
Participation by Program Report (HSPR0702) for previous month
Clinic Schedule (HSPR0505) for days of review
  1. Budget and Fiscal

Current Organizational Chart
“Summary Expenditure Documentation Forms” for the most recent completed fiscal reporting quarter
WIC Equipment Inventory List per policy manual
(required for all equipment ever purchased with WIC funds costing $100 or more)
III.NVRA (since last WIC ME)
Copies of the Voter Registration Information (VRI) cards –for past two years
Weekly Transmittal forms –for past two years
IV.Civil Rights (since last WIC ME)
Civil Rights Complaint Forms (kept on file) and Complaint Log(dated annually & indicate “no complaints” if applicable)
Civil Rights Training Log/Records and Training material used
V.Program Integrity
Pre-Visit Questionnaire (complete and submitted to IDHS RNC prior to Review)
BOD/EOD Reports (if requested)
“Potential Dual Participant” BOD reports with documentation of reconciliation
Cornerstone computer available for IDHS staff to use during time of WIC ME Review
VI. Local Agency Reports and Other Documents
Validation/Calibration documentation for Anthropometric & Biochemical equipment
Nutrition Education Plan, current and past year, including past Participant Survey results
Participation by Priority and Category Report (HSPR0107) past 3 months
WIC Education Summary Report (HSPR0108) past 3 months
Medically Prescribed Formula Report (HSPR0116) past 3 months
Breastfeeding Food Package Assignment Report (HSPR0120) past 3 months
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on file (if applicable)
WIC Farmers’ Market Monitoring Forms (if applicable)
Local Agency Letters of Department Approval (i.e. Approval for purchase per policy (PPM AD 3.1a), Disposal of WIC Equipment (PPM AD 3.1b), and Participant related research (PPM AD 8))(if applicable)
  1. Local Agency Procedures & Quality Assurance

Local Agency Procedures
  1. Enhanced Outreach
  2. Geographic Boundaries (if applicable)
  3. Deferred Bloodwork Follow-up
  4. Referrals
  5. Communication to Medical Providers regarding abnormal values/health concerns
  6. Immunization Screening and Documentation
  7. Sample or donated formula (fair, equal distribution and safe disposal) (if applicable)
  8. Breastfeeding Positive Clinic Environment
  9. Breastfeeding Promotion and Support for BF and Postpartum Women
  10. Breastpump Issuance Procedures
Other Required Items
  1. Standing Orders for Hgb/Hct, updated annually
  2. Public Announcement for No Smoking (signs posted/visible)
  3. “And Justice For All” current USDA Posters (posted/visible in WIC clinic areas)
  4. Outreach Log/File (identifies: activities, dates, & staff involved) – for past two years
  5. Referral List, updated annually

Local Agency Quality Assurance /Self- Monitoring
  1. Certification Observation Results (Self-Monitoring Worksheets per MCH Integrated Plan)
  2. Program Operations Self-evaluation/Review, completed annually and kept on file
  3. Medically Prescribed Formula Quality Assurance (Internal Chart/Records Reviews)
  4. Breastfeeding Food Package Assignment (Internal QA Chart/Records Reviews)

Training Log/File(s):
  1. Security Training (provide current Security Coordinator Report (HSPR0424) for review)
  2. WIC job specific training for all staff (minimum annually, since last WIC ME)
  3. Breastfeeding (training for staff at orientation and annually since last WIC ME)
  4. Counseling Training List (staff trained on Counseling Skills – past 3 years)
  5. Formula Authorization List (staff trained on Medically Prescribed Formulas – past 3 years)

VIII. Secondary Nutrition Education & Nutrition Education Materials
Group EducationAttendance Sheets (HSPR0503) since last WIC ME (if applicable)
WIC Nutrition Education materials created by local agency and those from outside resources (non-IDHS)
Secondary Education utilized by agency on file for review(applicable per type of education offered)
  • Group Education Lesson Plans and Calendar (identifying group sessions offered)
  • Self–Study Modules
  • Internet Education Certificates (documentation accessible upon request)
  • Other Secondary Education utilized (i.e. displays, Shopping Matters, etc.)

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