Medicare Resident to Hospital: When a Medicare resident goes to the hospital, we want the census to stop counting Medicare days while the resident is out. In order to do that, you must follow the steps listed:
- When a Medicare resident goes out to the hospital, you do not have to discharge them on the census.
- You MUST change the resident’s payer type to the resident’s Secondary payer type. Choices: Medicaid, Medicaid Pending, Private Pay. You will never admit a resident as Medicare without establishing the secondary payer. If the resident has Secondary Insurance, be sure to leave that one as well (for example, from Medicare/Insurance to Medicaid/Insurance while the resident is in the hospital).
- Next, change the resident’s status from “In Facility” to “Hospital” for a non-paid bed hold, or “PaidHospital” for a paid bed hold.
- Medicare/Medicaid residents to the hospital, always select “Hospital.” This is the “non-paid” bed hold.
- Medicare/Medicaid Pending residents to the hospital, always select “Hospital” as status. This is the non-paid bed hold.
- Medicare/Private Pay residents to the hospital, you have the choice to select “Paid Hospital” for a paid bed hold, or “Hospital” for a non-paid bed hold. This depends on your facility’s policies. Your selection indicates to A/R if you are charging the resident for the bed hold days or not! This does affect the billing!!
- Non-Billable Day: If the resident is out of the facility less than 24 hours and is not admitted to the hospital, you use the “Non-Billable” status and you would NOT have to change the payer for the day.
Medicare Resident Returns from Hospital: These are the steps to re-admit your Medicare resident who has gone to the hospital and is now returning from the hospital as Medicare:
- Go to Resident Maintenance and discharge the resident on the day of return to the facility, NOT on the day the resident went to the hospital. Do not change the payer type, or admit date, just discharge to hospital.
- This also applies if a Medicaid or Private Pay resident on your census goes on to Medicare within 30 days, but not on the day of return from the hospital. Discharge on the day of admission to Medicare, not on the day of return to facility. Use Discharge Reason: Discharge to PHC Facility.
- Go to Admit a Resident. Re-admit the resident as Medicare including the correct secondary payer. Be sure to fill in the “Previous Days on Medicare” box indicating how many Medicare days in the benefit period the resident has used. This includes days (in this benefit period) the resident used in your facility as well as any swing bed days the resident may have used in the hospital or at another facility before admission. This controls the Medicare day number (1-100) that the system will begin counting at on the day of re-admission.
- Follow the fields through the end. You will have to fill in the Swing Bed Days box showing the same number of days as you listed in the Previous Days on Medicare box. Save. Make sure your Qualifying Hospital Stay is also listed and accurate.
- Now go to Submit Census and continue as always.
- These same rules apply for the Primary Insurance payers and the Medicare Replacement Policy payer as well.
- Don’t forget to review the Resident Daily Census Report to be sure your Medicare numbers for this resident flow properly.