Appendix 1. Description of the morphological characteristics, molecular lineages, haplotypes, geographical origins and possible cases of hybridization or genetic introgression of the Saimiri taxa analyzed (218 individuals) at the mt COI and COII genes.

Morphological species and subspecies of Saimiri analyzed in this study following the classification of Groves (2001) / Morphological description of the Saimiri taxa studied / Molecular lineage / Geographical origins / Haplotypes found in each molecular lineage / Cases of possible hybridization or genetic introgression
S.sciureus albigena
(n= 119) / A / albigena / Colombia
Meta Department (n = 88); Casanare Department (n = 12); Boyaca Department (n = 11); Arauca Department (n = 3); Huila Department (n = 5) / H1, H3, H4, H7, H8, H9, H14, H17, H19, H20, H24, H25, H38, H40, H43, H49, H50, H51, H52, H59, H63, H65, H66 / Within this molecular lineage appeared 4 specimens of typical macrodon phenotype
S.s. cassiquiarensis
(n = 14) / B / cassiquiarensis / Colombia
Guaviare River (n = 3); Guainia River (n = 4), Inirida River (n = 3), Vaupes River (n = 4) / H6,H16, H18, H22, H42, H46, H48, H60, H88 / NO
S.sciureus macrodon
(n= 36) / C / macrodon I / Colombia
Putumayo Department (n = 3)
Flor de Agosto, Putumayo River (n = 1) / H1 / These 4 macrodon individuals of the Putumayo region showed the most common haplotype (H1) of the albigena group
C / macrodon II / Colombia
Amazon Department (n = 2); Caqueta Department (n = 1)
Nanay River (n = 2; Puesto Soledad and Tarqui, Curaray River) / H12, H36, H39, H58, H62 / NO
C / macrodon III / Colombia
Amazon Department (n = 1); Mesay River in Caqueta Department (n =1)
Nanay River (n = 3) / H13, H23, H45 / Two specimens from the Nanay River (Peru) showed intermixed morphological traits of macrodon and boliviensis peruvensis, but with macrodon haplotype
C / macrodon IV / Colombia
Atacuari, Amazon Department (n = 1)
Nueva Esperanza, Amazon River (n = 1); Genaro Herrera, Requena, Puhinauva, Pucallpa, Ucayali River (n = 6)
Tena (n =2); Puyo (n =2) / H11, H37, H53, H54, H56, H57, H80, H81, H82 / Four individuals (1 from the Amazon River and 3 from the Ucayali River) showed intermixed morphological traits of macrodon and boliviensis peruvensis, but with macrodon haplotype
C / macrodon V / Colombia
Putumayo River (n = 5); Amazon River (n = 2); Caqueta River (n =1); Caguan River (n = 1); Igara-Parana River (n = 1) / H2, H15, H21, H61 / NO
S.sciureus sciureus
(n= 13) / D / sciureus / French Guyana
Pasteur Institute (n = 12)
Balbina, Northern Amazon (n = 1) / H67, H71, H72, H74, H84, H85, H86, H87 / Within this molecular lineage appeared 2 individuals of collinsi phenotype and geographical origin with a sciureus haplotype. The animal of Balbina showed typical sciureus phenotype but with a haplotype more related to macrodon
S. sciureus collinsi
(n = 5) / E / collinsi / Brazil
Marajo Island / H67, H77, H78, H79 / Two collinsi exemplars showed the H67, which is typically of the sciureus lineage
S. ustus
(n = 10) / F / ustus I / Brazil
Aruma and Paricatuba, Purus River (n = 2); Camara, Amazon River (n = 2) / H29, H30, H31 / NO
F / ustus II / Brazil
Careiro, Amazon River (n = 1); Boraba, Madeira River (n = 1) / H28, H32 / NO
F / ustus III / Brazil
Villa Rica and Muritinga, Amazon River (n = 2); Humaita and Manicore, Madeira River (n = 2) / H27, H33, H73 / NO
S. boliviensis peruvensis
(n = 14) / G / peruvensis / Peru
Iquitos, Parinari, Tamshiyacu, Concordia, Amazon River (n = 4); Nauta, Marañon River (n = 3); Samiria River (n = 1); Ucayali River (n = 6) / H5, H10, H26, H44, H47, H55, H64 / Seven individuals (1 from Marañon River, 2 from Amazon River and 4 from Ucayali River) showed intermixed phenotypes between macrodon and peruvensis but showed peruvensis haplotypes
S.boliviensis boliviensis
(n= 3) / H / boliviensis / Bolivia
Santa Cruz Department (n = 3) / H35, H75, H76 / NO
S. vanzolinii
(n = 1) / I / vanzolinii / Brazil
Mamiraua Lake (n = 1) / H34 / NO
S. oerstedii oerstedii
(n = 1) / J / oerstedii / Panama
Chiriqui River (n = 1) / H70 / NO
S. oerstedii citrinellus
(n = 2) / K / citrinellus / Costa Rica
Manuel Antonio National Park (n = 2) / H68, H69 / NO

A-Gothic type sensu Hershkovitz (1984); ears with fringe hairs; crown head of gray-olive color; absent line sinks medio dorsal; front arm lever of yellow or brown-gray color; peeling of the back orange or agouti; dorsal pigmentation of the tail with present black tape or absent; the distal brush of the tail could be contrasted or not; absent stain supra-eye piece. In general, forearms and hands mostly grayish agouti with at most a pale orange tinge.

B-Gothic type; similar to the previous phenotype but with a contrasting light nuchal collar, with a tawny orange body color and with tawniness in the crown.

C-Gothic type; ears with fringe hairs; crown head of gray-olive color; absent line sinks medio dorsal; front arm lever of red-orange color; peeling of the back gray or gray-black; dorsal pigmentation of the tail with absent black; the distal brush of the tail is contrasted; absent or present stain supra-eye piece.

D-Gothic type; ears with fringe hairs; crown head of gray-olive color; present line sinks medio dorsal; front arm lever red-orange color; peeling of the back gray or gray-black; dorsal pigmentation of the tail with absent black; the distal brush of the tail is contrasted or not; absent stain supra-eye piece. No defined nuchal band.

E-Gothic type; ears with fringe hairs; crown head of gray-olive color; present line sinks medio dorsal; front arm lever red-orange color; peeling of the back gray or gray-black; dorsal pigmentation of the tail with absent black; the distal brush of the tail is not contrasted; absent stain supra-eye piece. No defined nuchal band. Small size than the previous phenotype.

F-Gothic type; naked ears; crown head of gray-olive color but with black intermixture; present line sinks medio dorsal; front arm lever red-orange color; peeling of the back gray, gray-black or red-agouti; dorsal pigmentation of the tail with black; the distal brush of the tail is not contrasted; present stain supra-eye piece. Size is large compared with the two previous phenotypes.

G-Roman type sensu Hershkovitz (1984); ears with check of hairs; crown head of gray-olive color in males, but mainly black or blackish agouti in females; absent line sinks medio dorsal; front arm lever red-orange color; peeling of the back gray or gray-black; dorsal pigmentation of the tail absent; the distal brush of the tail is contrasted with black; absent stain supra-eye piece.

H-Roman type; ears with fringe hairs; crown head of black color (preauricular patch also blackish in both sexes); present line sinks medio dorsal; front arm lever red-orange color; peeling of the back orange-agouti; dorsal pigmentation of the tail black tape; the distal brush of the tail is not contrasted; absent stain supra-eye piece.

I-Roman type; ears with fringe hairs; crown head of black color in both sexes; back very dark forming a broad continuous black band from crown to tail tip; hands, forearm and foot of light burnt yellow. The size is small than the previous two phenotypes.

J-Gothic type; ears tufted; pelage predominantly orange to reddish orange; crown blackish in both sexes; preauricular patch blackish; outer side of legs orange like arms.

K-Gothic type; ears tufted; pelage predominantly orange to reddish orange; crown agouti in the males and blackish in the females; preauricular patch agouti or buffy; outer side of legs buffy or grayish agouti.

Supplementary data. A Maximum likelihood tree for the 218 Saimiri individuals analyzed for the mt COI gene. Numbers in the nodes are bootstrap percentages. B. Maximum likelihood tree for the 218 Saimiri individuals analyzed for the mt COII gene. Numbers in the nodes are bootstrap percentages. Arrows indicate the individuals with possible hybrid events and/or genetic introgression from diverse Saimiri taxa.