10:00 – 10:05 AM Welcome
10:05 – 11:35 AM Session 1: Managing in Novel Environments
· Daniel Schlagwein, Detlef Schoder, Managing Open Value Creation
· Siegfried Schallenmüller, Stefan Klein, The Rocky Road to Become a Social CIO – Social Media Use in Business: Nightmare or Opportunity for CIOs?
· Hüseyin Tanriverdi, Kui Du How To Lead Business And Information Technology In Novel And Complex Environments: The Case Of Corporate Spinoffs
· Hansen, A.M., Kræmmergaard, P. and Mathiassen, L. “Increasing Social Alignment in IS Management: A Participatory Process Model
11:35 – 12:15PM Session 2: The Changing Role of the Chief Information Officer
· Eph McLean and S.J. Smits, "Management, Leadership and the Role of the CIO"
· Michelle Carter, Varun Grover & Jason Thatcher, What Makes An Effective CIO? How CIOs View Their Roles And Skills.
12:15 – 1:15PM Lunch (box lunch included with registration fee)
1:15 – 2:00PM Special Panel Hosted by Carol Brown on New IS Leadership Roles for a Digital World. Participants: Jeanne Ross and Leslie Wilcocks
2:00 – 3:30PM Session 3: Panel on Emerging Digital Phenomena and Changes in IS Management*
Panel Participants**:
· Subhash (Sam) Valanju and Hemant Jain, (Phenomenon: Embeddedness of IT in Products)
· Timothy Olsen and Richard Welke, (Phenomenon: Shared Service Environment)
· Candace Deans and Kimberly Despain (Phenomenon: Social Media)
· Ravi S. Sharma, Francis Pereira and Narayan Ramasubbu (Phenomenon: Intangible Digital Assets)
· Erik Krogh (Phenomenon: Digital Natives)
** The panel presentations are based on papers on emerging digital phenomena and their influence on IS management. All authors of the papers are listed.
3:30 – 3:45PM Break
3:45 – 5:15PM Session 4: Creating Value through the IS Enterprise*
· Manon G. Guillemette, Guy Pare, Heather Smith, What’s Your It Value Profile?
· Kettinger, W., Marchand, D. and Zhang, C. “Winning by Playing the Zones: The C-Suite and the Information Value Chain”
· Patrick Finnegan, Richard Vidgen, Philip Allen, Opening IS Management: How Internal and External 'Connectedness' affects Innovation and Performance
· Monideepa Tarafdar, T.S. Ragu-Nathan, Examining Exploration and Exploitation Roles of the IS Human Resource in Indian Organizations
5:15 – 5:30PM Closing Thoughts: Omar El Sawy, Elena Karahanna, Varun Grover
(Commonalities, new research questions and key take-aways across presentations)
6:30PM Dinner at Charlie Gitto’s (See invitation, below)
Registration for the Workshop can be completed with ICIS Registration at: http://icis2010.aisnet.org/registration.htm. Workshop Registration Fee: $100.
Dinner Information:
Please join us for the SIM Academic Workshop dinner at Charlie Gitto’s Downtown at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 11.
You will have an opportunity to network with your colleagues and to enjoy St. Louis’s famous Italian cuisine. Charlie Gitto’s is one of the city’s oldest, best-known, and moderately-priced restaurants within walking distance from the Hyatt St. Louis at the Arch.
Please book your dinner reservation for $55.00, including a three-course dinner, wine, and tip. You will have a number of menu options including pasta, vegetarian, and veal or chicken.
Kindly reserve your ticket at the SIM web site by Saturday, December 4, 2010.