Pre IB (first year)
Pre IB Parents’ evening will take place on Wednesday 14th August.
The following courses are compulsory for all pre-year students.
Finnish language ÄI1e, ÄI3e, ÄI5e
Swedish language RUB1e, RUB2e, RUB3e
English languageENA1e,ENA2e, ENA3e
MathematicsHigher Level Mathematics: MAA16e, MAA1e, MAA2e, MAA3e, MAA9e
Lower Level Mathematics: MAB1, MAB2, MAB3
BiologyBI1e, BI12e
Geography GE1e
PhysicsFY1e, FY2e
Chemistry:KE1e, KE2e
Practical work and Internal Assessment in Science
BFK1e (1/3 bio, 1/3 phy and 1/3 che)
HistoryHI1e, HI3e, HI4e
Introduction to EconomicsYH2e
Physical education LI1e
Study counsellingOP4e
Voluntary workOP7
Requirements for promotion of pre-year students to the IB programme
1. The student has completed all the compulsory pre-year courses (see the list above).
2. The grade on each compulsory course is 5 or above.
If the student gets grade 4 on a compulsory course, he or she has to complete the course with an acceptable grade during the following period. A failed course (grade 4) in period 5 has to be completed before 16th June. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher of the course, who will provide the instructions for the student.
The final decision on which students will be promoted to the IB is made in the IB teachers’ assessment meeting at the end of the school year. In an exceptional case the student may continue his/her studies in the IB programme with the permission of the head of the school.
IB1 and IB2 Diploma Programme Internal Assessment Calendar 2013-2014
IB exams mainly take place during the exam weeks of the national programme. Group IB2 take MOCK exams from 10th to 19th March. IB final exams take place from 5th to 20th May 2014.
IB exams mainly take place during the exam weeks of the national programme. Group IB2 take MOCK exams from 10th to 19th March. IB final exams take place from 5th to 20th May 2014.
IB1 (May 2015 Diploma Candidates) Calendar
Individual consultation with CAS coordinatorAugust - September
May 2011 Diploma CeremonyFriday 6th Sep. at 19
Extended Essay Seminar 1 with DP coordinator and
subject teachersExam week/Period 2
Group 4 project (Bio, Che, Phy)Autumn term
Mid-Term Verbal AssessmentThursday 10th Oct.
CAS documentation on autumn term to CAS coordinatorTuesday 3rdDec.
CAS oral report and group consultationExam week/Period 2
Extended Essay consultation, signed sheet submitted at
Extended Essay Seminar 2 with IB2, DP coordinator and
EE supervisorsExam week/Period 3
IB1 Parents’ EveningWednesday 15th Jan.
Autumn term reports to studentsThursday 16th Jan.
Economics Commentary 1February
Extended Essay supervisor and topic selectedTuesday 25th Feb.
Extended Essay plan submitted to the supervisor and DP
coordinatorTuesday25th March
Consultation with CAS coordinatorMarch - April
Mid-Term Verbal AssessmentThursday 17 April
Finnish A individual oral presentationApril
IB1 CAS documentation submitted to CAS coordinatorMonday 28th April
Finnish A Written assignment (first draft)Tuesday 6th May
Extended Essay timetable submittedMonday 12th May
History IA 1st draftFriday 23rd May
Conditions for promotion of IB1 students to IB2
1. Student has completed acceptably all IB1 courses
with no SL subject grade lower than 3
with no HL subject grade lower than 3
Active attendance in lessons required.
2. Student has completed the following assignments given during the year within the given
Finnish A1 written assignment (first draft)
Finnish A1 Individual oral presentation
Economics commentaries
History Internal Assessment assignments
Sciences (Bio, Che, Phy) Internal Assessment assignments
Mathematical Studies SL Project outline
Mathematics HL or SL IA outline
Preliminary TOK presentation submitted
CAS documentation with at least 75 hours of CAS activities properly recorded in it.
3. Student has submitted a well-thought and realistic plan and timetable for his/her EE research
Student who, for an acceptable reason, fails to fulfil the above requirements by the end of the school year may still win access to IB2 by doing extra work. Permission for this must be obtained from the subject teacher and the coordinator. Details of extra work must be agreed with the respective subject teacher. The quality of the work will be examinedand the result will be informed to the student by the subject teacher preferably before the summer break but no later than the beginning of the following school year. In an exceptional case the student may continue his/her studies in the IB2 with the permission of the head.
IB2 (May 2014 Diploma Candidates) Calendar
Historical investigation Friday 23rd August
Economics Commentary 2August
Group consultation with CAS coordinator each exam week
Diploma Ceremony for May 2010 candidatesFriday 6th Sep. at 19
EE (First draft)before exam registration
Parents’ EveningWednesday 9th Oct.
Mid-Term Verbal AssessmentThursday 10th Oct.
Mathematics HL, SL and Math Studies Project (first draft)October
Finnish A Written assignment (Final version) Friday 25th Oct.
Registration for May 2013 Examinations
examination fee approximately 550 euros End of Oct.
TOK Essay (First draft)Friday 8th Nov.
Economics Commentary 3November
Mathematics HL, SL and Math Studies Project (Final version)December
CAS documentationon autumn term to CAS coordinatorTuesday 3rd Dec.
TOK essay (final version)Friday 10th Jan.
Autumn term reports to studentsThursday 16th Jan.
Extended Essay (Final version)Thursday 30th January
Extended Essay seminar with IB1Exam week/Period 3
Finnish A individual oral commentaryJanuary - February
English B individual oral commentary and written assignmentFebruary
German Ab Initio individual oral componentFebruary
Economics commentary 4February
Lab books (Bio, Che, Phy)Monday 17th March
IB CAS documentation submitted to CAS coordinatorTuesday 25th March
Predicted Grade reports to the candidates Friday 4th April
End of regular schoolwork Friday 4th April
Self-guided review and preparation for the examinations7th April – 4thMay
MAY 2014 IB Diploma Examinations5th - 20th May 2014
Feedback meeting with IB teachersTuesday 20th May
White Cap Day (final school reports) Saturday 31st June at 11
May 2014 examination results availableSunday 6th July
Diploma Ceremony for May 2014 candidates Friday 29th Aug. at 7 pm
The candidate must complete all assessment components for each of the six subjects and the additional IB diploma requirements to qualify for the award of the IB diploma. The minimum requirement for the award of the diploma is 24 points provided all requirements specified in the General Regulations document have been met.
The minimum of 28 points is required if the candidate is awarded a grade E for either TOK or the extended essay. If the candidate is awarded a grade E for both TOK or the extended essay, the candidate will not qualify for the diploma. See more detailed information in the General Regulations.