EPIC Partnership Innovation Grant (Fund Code 178)
Competitive Grant Program Application Form
District & Educator Preparation Organization name(s):District Primary Contact Name: / Email: / Phone:
Ed Prep Org Primary Contact Name: / Email: / Phone:
Part I: Summary
1. Please provide an overview of the proposed activities and how they support an innovative, mutually beneficial partnership between the educator preparation organization and school districtdesigned to improve the pipeline of teachers entering into a district, such that novice teachers are better prepared to meet higher levels of expertise and instruction demanded by Massachusetts’ rigorous college- and career-ready standards, new evaluation standards, and rapidly diversifying student population.(limit: 300 words)Note: ESE may publish this information along with the program contact information.
Part II: Proposal Narrative
2a. Partnership Model Focus Area:
2b. Briefly describe your rationale for choosing the partnership model focus areanamed above. What data and conditions did you consider? How will this partnership focus area address the needs of the district and the educator preparation organization? (limit: 300 words)
2c. Explain your theory of action for successfully implementing this partnership model. What outcomes do you envision? (limit: 300 words)
2d. Who will be participating in this partnership? Include types and numbers of personnel (e.g., specific licensure categories, roles, schools or programs, etc.), including individuals in charge of planning and implementation. (limit: 500 words)
2e. Detail the anticipated scope/scale of impact of your plan (e.g., # of teacher candidates, PK12 students, supervising practitioners impacted), both for the direct period of the grant and in years to follow.
Part III: Strategic Planning & Implementation Framework
January 1, 2017 – June 30, 2017 / 3a. Action Steps / 3b. Early Evidence of Change/Process Benchmarks / 3c. Timeline
List the actions that you will need to take in order to achieve your desired outcomes. You may group actions together or separate them out in whatever way you think best captures the work you need to do. (list as many as you need) / Use this section to communicate what you expect to see once you begin implementing each action you list. Specify what will happen, who will do it, and when (process benchmarks).What indicators of effective implementation will you look for (evidence of change benchmarks)? / For each action, designate a timeline. This could be a hard deadline (ex. “By June 30th”) or a timeframe (ex. “begin immediately, revise in November, finalize in May”)
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3d. Interim/Final Outcomes: (limit: 200 words)
July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 / 3e. Action Steps / 3f. Early Evidence of Change/Process Benchmarks / 3g. Timeline
List the actions that you will need to take in order to achieve your desired outcomes. You may group actions together or separate them out in whatever way you think best captures the work you need to do. (list as many as you need) / Use this section to communicate what you expect to see once you begin implementing each action you list. Specify what will happen, who will do it, and when (process benchmarks).What indicators of effective implementation will you look for (evidence of change benchmarks)? / For each action, designate a timeline. This could be a hard deadline (ex. “By June 30th”) or a timeframe (ex. “begin immediately, revise in November, finalize in May”)
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3h. Interim/Final Outcomes: (limit: 200 words)
Part IV: Sustainability Plan
4. How are you designing the 18-month grant period to support long-term sustainability of this partnership model? (limit: 300 words)
Part V: Sharing Innovations
5a. How does your proposal represent an innovative approach to structuring district/educator preparation partnerships?(limit: 200 words)
5b. What steps will the partnership take to document and share promising practices developed through this grant? (limit: 200 words)
Part VI: Fund Use
6. Fund Use (Please complete and submit Budget Worksheet)
FY17 Application for Fund Code 178Page 1 of 4