Nease High School

English II

August 2015 – May 2016

Teacher: Ms. Sandra Strauss

Classroom: E-106

Phone: 904-547-8300

Email: *Best way to contact is via email.


  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Florida collections, 10th grade(student copy plus digital access; directions will be provided for digital access)
  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Close Reader, 10th grade (student workbook)
  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Assessment, 10th grade (workbook; used in class)
  • McDougal LittellLiterature, 10th grade(class set, for supplemental readings)
  • Holt Elements of Language (class set, for grammar/writing/speech practice)
  • Holt Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Language Skills Practice workbook

(class set, for grammar/writing practice)

  • Writers Inc (student copy via media center, utilize as a reference resource)
  • Additional Reading/Novels/Drama as announced, including, but not limited to Anthem, Lord of the Flies, and Night.

Recommended Texts:

  • Students should have access to a collegiate dictionary at home.
  • Students may want to purchase copies of the novels we will be reading.

Course Description*

English II Honors

Course No.: 1001350

Prerequisite: English I/English I Honors

Credit: 1.0

The purpose of this course is to build upon previous years’ language arts experiences through accelerated, in-depth studies emphasizing a survey of world literature, and advanced reading strategies, modes of writing including expository, persuasive, narrative and descriptive.

*For further information, please see Year at a Glance (at back of syllabus).

Required Materials

  • A 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder with at least 6 dividers
  • College-ruled notebook paper
  • Blue or black ink pens for daily work:

All handed-in work is to be done in ink or word-processed!

  • Pencils for practice work (Vocabulary and Grammar)
  • Red/Purple/or Pink pen: All corrections on practice assignments must be made in one of these three ink colors.
  • Highlighters: Set of at least five colors.
  • Post-It Notes of varying sizes and colors: Used to mark passages in text
  • One set of Colored Pencils
  • 3 x 5 index cards: LOTS! Use for Vocabulary flashcards; Use for Literary Terms flashcards; Use for Research projects.

Recommended Materials

  • Flash Drive *I cannot print for you. If you have difficulties printing, save your document to a flash drive and print in the media center or arrange ahead of time to print at a friend’s house. You will have several days’ notice regarding items that need to be printed.
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • Ruler
  • White out pen
  • Other items needed to work on assigned projects

Absences/Make-Up Work and Tests

The school and district policy are followed in regards to make-up work for student absences. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete any work missed due to an absence. The student has one day in addition to the # of days absent to complete missed work. Quizzes and tests are to be taken within five school days of the date given in class. If the student was present when the quiz, test, or project/presentation was announced and during the practice work for the quiz/test, or project/presentation, then he/she should be prepared to make us the quiz/test/presentation the day he/she returns to class. I encourage that quizzes and tests are taken as early as possible. Some of this class involves discussion and instruction which is difficult to replicate, so onsistent attendance is important. If you miss class time, you miss out! *See Student Handbook.


A student is allowed one tardy or warning. A second tardy results in a teacher-assigned consequence. A third tardy results in referral to Dean and automatic lunch detail. All subsequent tardies are referred to the Dean. We will begin promptly; arrive on time. You are expected to be in your seat at the bell and to begin the “Opener” activity immediately.

Classroom Expectations and Discipline Policy

I expect all students to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the learning environment. I expect that each student:

  • Is on time
  • Is prepared for class: brings all materials and homework
  • Is attentive: while the teacher talks, during student presentations, etc.
  • Is respectful: of teacher and other students, of school/teacher/student property
  • Tries his/her best
  • Is a positive member of the class
  • Follows school rules

In addition, I expect that all students adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth in the St. Johns County Schools Student Code of Conduct.

As discipline is necessary, I will administer it. Steps of my discipline process include, but are not limited to:

  • Nonverbal warning
  • Verbal warning
  • Detention with teacher
  • Parent/guardian contact
  • Referral to dean

Much of this high school classroom calls for a positive classroom environment and discipline is mostly self- and class- managed. I do not anticipate having to assign consequences to students as they become a positive member of the class; however, discipline consequences will be assigned if necessary.


  • Students are expected to consistently complete daily and practice assignments. Daily in-class and homework or practice work is meant to provide practice opportunities for students. Students should attempt all practice work, should put forth their best effort, should think critically, and should ask questions or seek help in order to aide their own learning.
  • Students are expected to consistently and positively participate in class. Participate by being prepared with work from the previous day, by completing the opening activity and listening and sharing during discussion, by being attentive, by taking notes, and so on. Be an active member of the class. You get much more out of a class when you put much more into it.
  • Students demonstrate their learning on assessments (quizzes, tests, finalized papers, projects, and timed writes). The majority of the student’s grade evaluation is based upon his/her performance on assessments.
  • As per district policy, since this is a FSA course, the first semester grade will consist 50% from the first quarter grade and 50% from the second quarter grade. A semester exam will be taken and will count in the second quarter grade. The second semester grade will consist of 50% from third quarter’s grade and 50% from fourth quarter’s grade. A final exam will be taken and be included in fourth quarter’s grade.

Grading Categories:

  1. Practice Work, including Vocabulary practice; Grammar practice; Reading-related assignments and brief Literary Analysispractice work; brief pre-writing and longer written practice; Participation in class Discussions and Socratic Seminars and group activities = 30% of grade

(Called “Assignment” on online grade program)

  1. Quizzes, including Vocabulary quizzes, brief Grammar quizzes, Reading check quizzes, Literary terms quizzes, and application of techniques quizzes = 20% of grade

(Called “Quizzes” on online grade program)

  1. Assessments, including Tests and Longer Papers and Projects. Assessments will assess student skill level on benchmarks and will be a progression from in-class and practice work. Work which will be scored as an assessment will be announced prior to completion of the work. = 50% of grade

(Called “Assessments” on online grade program)

Grading Scale

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = 0-59 %