Notes of Steering Group meeting 10th June 2015

Present:Nick Rawles, Mary Doyle, Mary-Ann Warmington, Bob Allso, RainieHoltom, Mike Terry, Bill Fletcher, Debbie Clarke, Sarah Furniss, John Gallagher, Jonathan Coley.

MinutesThe minutes from the last meeting were still awaited from Barry.

Running order for Plan.

John Gallagher

Introduction to plan, History, findings of questionnaire (eg.development/environmental/

sustainability. Documentation needed to support it. Identify sites etc. Council has done summary.

Bill Fletcher

Get draft together, pass on to Neil Hempstead for comment and then send to professional before sending out for approval. (John Gallagher mentioned that this should be precise rather than long)

Rainie pointed out that the group has not yet looked at the analysis to work out it’s importance.

Bill – sites to be identified – Rainie – landowners to be contacted.

Nick – Simon Purfield to do further analysis on 3 items

Road Safety

Potential sites

Green spaces.

Nick will ask him to do this in 2 weeks.

Drafts of History can be started.

John Gallagher

Introduction and background.

History Priorities for future.

Bob Allso

Potted History.

Long Compton document to be sent to Bill for review.

To do: Vision, (outcome eg.beautiful village/balanced community.) Conclusion (last thing to do)

Nick said that we need a picture of Ettington of the important things like community spirit and rural aspect.

Mike Terry mentioned things that need to be retained eg. Buildings amenities.

Debbie asked that we please include Fulready!

John G mentioned that we should include things that Ettington and Fulready value – Bill agreed to work on this. Also that Long Compton outlined village opinions eg. One policy was NOT greenfield.

Natural environment, policies probably bulk of the whole plan.

Long Compton plan may possibly be adapted.


  1. Housing – then sub divisions – Bill Fletcher

Policies, develop criteria, plan of possible sites (not greenfield) steady and moderate development, affordable housing, re-use of buildings, environmental sustainability.

  1. Environment – John Gallogher
  1. Infrastructure – Drainage, flooding. Fuel should be mentioned. (Nick will email Richard Fletcher)
  1. Employment – Rainie offered to write on this.
  1. Transport/Traffic management – Mike Terry

Also: GP surgeries and primary healthcare, shop and community centre. Cyclists should also be mentioned.

Sarah pointed out that documents must be referenced.

Bill Fletcher suggested it should be made as simple as possible but robust enough to be long lasting.

Sarah needs to know about funding requirements as soon as possible.

Funds needed for technical inspection/ editor and professional publishing.

Website content – Sarah has a section for minutes evidence/ reference to results of questionnaire consultation.

Need to get banners now we have grant. (Sarah offered to deal with these)

Bill Fletcher to put sort out notice for Parish magazine and website.

Jonathan Coley will look into email address for neighbourhood plan committee.


Next meeting will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 at the Houndshill.