Teacher:MCCABESix Weeks: SPRING4th Six Wks
Subject/Grade:GOVERNMENT Week of: 1-23-1-27-2012
Week 1234 5 67891011 1213 14 15 1617 18
Daily Plans and Activities
/ AdjustmentsMonday
01/23/12 / Objective: As a class TLW analyze the different forms and systems of government focusing on the relationship between those in power and the people.
Procedure: The teacher will present a power point detailing the different forms and systems of government, the pros and cons of each system, and example governments. The students will complete the chart created by the teacher which categorizes each form as Autocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, Anarchy with the main forms under each category. The teacher also provided a column for Economic Systems of Capitalism and Communism. The students will complete the chart by using the power point and discussion during the presentation.
Evaluation: Students will take notes and on Wednesday start their group work on creating their own government.
01/24/12 / Objective:
01/25/12 / Objective: In groups of 4 TLW evaluate the different forms of government.
Procedure: The students will be placed in groups of 4 and will be required to create their form of government for their imaginary country. The students will be given instructions as to what they are to do, and questions they are to consider and answer about their form of government. Once the form of Government is chosen, the group will then create a slogan that embodies their government. Once the project is finished, each group will present their government and slogan to the class.
Evaluation: Questions will be graded for a Daily Grade, presentation will be a Daily Grade and slogan and how it ties into their form of Government will be a major grade.
01/26/12 / Objective:
Procedure: Continuation of Wednesday, and beginning of presentation to class.
01/27/12 / Objective:
Procedure: Completion of presentations.
TEKS ; G.12 Government. The student understands the similarities and differences that exist among the US system of government and other political systems.
- Compare the US constitutional republic to historical and contemporary forms of government such as monarchy, a classical republic, authoritarian, socialist, direct democracy, theocracy, tribal and other republics.