Pre-Conference Sessions Thursday, March 2 4:00-7:00 P.M

Pre-Conference Sessions Thursday, March 2 4:00-7:00 P.M

Pre-Conference Sessions • Thursday, March 2 | 4:00-7:00 p.m.

1 - POMP & Circumstance

(.3 CEUs/ABA Tier 1)

2 - Hot Topics in Feeding and Swallowing

(.3 CEUs)

3 - Communication and Aging: The Benefits of InterprofessionalPrehabilitation

(.3 CEUs)

Administration on Aging. (20004). Older Americans: Key Indicators of Wellness. Retrieved from: on June 24, 2016. Bartlett, G., Blais, T., Tablyn, R, et. al. (2008). Impact of patient communication problems on the risk of preventable adverse events in acute care settings. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 178(12), 1555-1562. Boss, G. & Seegmiller, J. (1981). Age-related physiological changes and their clinical significance. In Geriatric Medicine. Western Journal of Medicine. 135, 434-440. Durrand, J., Hackett, R., Yates, D., & Danjoux, G. (2016). Prehabilitation. In Perioperative Medicine – Current Controversies. Springer International Publishing: Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-28819-2. Silver, J., Baima, J., & Mayer, R. (2013). Impairment-driven cancer rehabilitation: an essential component of quality care and survivorship. CA: Cancer Journal for Clinicians. 63(5), 295-317. Yorkston, K., Bourgeois, M., & Baylor, C. (2009). Communication and Aging. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America. 21(2), 309-319.

Pre-Conference Sessions • Thursday, March 2 | 4:00-7:00 p.m.

4 - The Monolingual Clinician and the Bilingual Student: Maximizing Therapy Potential Across Languages

(.3 CEUs)

1. Kohnert, K., Yim, D., Nett, K., Kan, P. F., & Duran, L. (2005). Intervention with linguistically diverse preschool children: A focus on developing home language(s). Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 36, 251–263. 2. Gutiérrez-Clellen, Vera F., and Elizabeth Peña (2001). "Dynamic Assessment of Diverse Children: A Tutorial." Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 32, 212-224. 3. Langdon, Henriette W. (2002) "Communicating Effectively With Clients During a Speech-Language Pathologist/Interpreter Conference: Results of a Survey". Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 29, 17-34.

Morning Activities • Friday, March 3

Friday, March 3 | 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Association Leadership, Member Engagement and Annual Meeting Breakfast

(.1 CEU)

Friday, March 3 | 8:45-9:45 a.m.

Professional Practice and Legislative Updates

(.1 CEU)

Breakouts Block 1 • Friday, March 3 | 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

1.1 Coding and Reimbursement: It’s Not Just About The Codes-Or Is It?

(.2 CEUs)

Chapter 15 of the Medicare Benefits Policy Manual

1.2 The Ups and “Downs”

(.2 CEUs)

Kumin L. Speech Intelligibility and childhood verbal apraxia in children with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice. 2006; 10 (1); 10-22.

1.3 Infant Feeding Difficulties: A look at High Risk Population

(.2 CEUs)

Al-Sayed, L. E., Schrank, W. I., & Thach, B. T. (1994). Ventilatory sparing strategies and swallowing pattern during bottle feeding in human infants. Journal of Applied Physiology,Â77(1), 78-83. Belfort MB, Rifas-Shiman SL, Kleinman KP, et al. Infant feeding and childhood cognition at ages 3 and 7 years: effects of breastfeeding duration and exclusivity [published online July 29, 2013]. JAMA Pediatr. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.455. Blake, A; McComish, C; Crais, E; Thoyre, S. (2014) Breastfeeding Knowledge and Clinical Manegment among Speeh-Language Pathologist. ASHA Convention 2014. Bier, J.B., Ferguson, A., Anderson, L., Solomon, E., Voltas, C., Oh, W., & Vohr, B.R. (1993). Breast-feeding of very low birth weight infants. Journal of Pediatrics, 123, 773- 778. Retrieved from S0022347605808583-main.pdf?_tid=5e0ff2a6-606d-11e3-9273 00000aab0f02&acdnat=1386551039_b8094b34166164d2367b205306ce8bcf Chang, Y.J., Lin, C.P., Lin, Y.J. et al. (2007). Effects of single-hole and cross-cut nipple units on feeding efficiency and physiological parameters in premature infants. Journal of Nursing Research, 15(3); 215-223. Clark, L., Kennedy, G., Pring, T., & Hird, M. (2007). Improving bottle feeding in preterm infants: Investigating the elevated side-lying position.ÂInfant,Â3(4), 354-358. Colson, S.D., Meek, J., & Hawdon, J.M. (2008). Optimal positions triggering primitive neonatal reflexes stimulating breastfeeding. Early Human Development, 84(7), 441-449 Dailey, S. (2013). Feeding and Swallowing Management in Infants With Cleft and Craniofacial Anomalies. PerspectÂSpeechÂSciOrofacDisord, 23(2), 62-72. doi: 10.1044/ssod23.2.62. Eishima, K. (1991). The analysis of sucking behaviour in newborn infants.ÂEarly human development,Â27(3), 163-173. Ewing, C. & Seitz, M (2014) NICU. ISHA Fall Conference 2014 [PowerPoint Slides]. Fletcher, K. & Ash, B. (2005, February 08). The speech-language pathologist and the lactation consultant: The baby’s feeding dream The ASHA Leader, Retrieved from

1.4 The Student Teaching Practicum Triad: University Supervisors, SLPs, and Graduate Students

(.2 CEUs)

Arnold, P. (2002). Cooperating Teachers' Professional Growth through Supervision of Student Teachers and Participation in a Collegial Study Group. Teacher Education Quarterly. 123-132. Retrieved May, 23, 2016 from

1.5 AAC & Transitions: Keys to Success for Individuals With Complex Communication Needs

(.2 CEUs)

Beukelman, D. R., & Mirenda, P. (2013). Augmentative and alternative communication: Management of severe communication disorders in children and adults (4th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Kennedy, P. (2010). Navigating Through Transition With Individuals With Speech Disabilities. Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication,19, 44-50. McNaughton, D.B., & Beukelman, D.R., (2010). Transition Strategies for Adolescents and Young Adults Who Use AAC. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

Breakouts Block 2 • Friday, March 3 | 1:15 – 3:15 p.m.

2.1 Trends in Implantable Technology

(.2 CEUs)

2.2 Neuroembryology in the Context of Clinical Speech Language Pathology

(.2 CEUs)

2.3 Did you see that? Interesting Modified Barium Case Studies and What to do if you See One

(.2 CEUs)

Lyden, T.H. & Haxer, M.J. Troubleshooting Tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis issues. Departments of Speech-Language Pathology and Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, University of Michigan. Last accessed Feb 10, 2015 at: Perlman, A.L. & Schulze-Delrieu, K.S. (Eds.). (1997). Deglutition and Its Disorders. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Ltd. Norwood, S., Vallina, V.L., Short, K., Saigusa, M., Fernandez, L.G. & McLarty, J.W. (2000). Incidence of tracheal stenosis and other late complications after percutanous tracheostomy. Annals of Surgery. 232(2):233-41. Neville, B.W., Damm, C., Allen, J., Bouquot, J. (2002). Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Second Ed.

2.4 Language Therapy for Children using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

(.2 CEUs)

Jens Boenisch & Gloria Soto (2015) The Oral Core Vocabulary of Typically Developing English-Speaking School-Aged Children: Implications for AAC Practice, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 31:1, 77-84, DOI: 10.3109/07434618.2014.1001521

2.5 Graduate Student Panel


Demystifying the Job Search – Panel Presentation

(.2 CEUs)


Breakouts Block 3 • Friday, March 3 | 3:45 – 5:45 p.m.

3.1 Professional Issues in Audiology

(.1 CEUs)

Cavitt, K. (2016, February). 2016 Coding and reimbursement update. AudiologyOnline, Article 16245. Retrieved from .

Starkey – Verification Versus Validation, and how it Applies to Your Practice

(.1 CEUs)

Kochkin S. MarkeTrak VIII: Reducing patient visits through verification and validation. Hearing Review. 2011;18(6):10-12.

3.2 To Clip or Not to Clip: Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Tongue Tie

(.2 CEUs)

Ito, Y. (2014). Does frenotomy improve breast-feeding difficulties in infants with ankyloglossia? Pediatrics International, 56, 497-505.

3.3 Supporting Communication and Quality of Life for Patients with Complex Communication Needs (CCN) in Medical Settings

(.2 CEUs)

The Joint Commission. (2010a). Advancing effective communication, cultural competence, and patient-and family-centered care: A roadmap for hospitals. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Author. AND A Demographic Study of AAC/AT Needs in Hospitalized Patients, Lauren Zubow and Richard Hurtig SIG 12 Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, June 2013, Vol. 22, 79-90. doi:10.1044/aac22.2.79

3.4 Myth Busting: How to Evaluate Pseudoscience and Provide Quality, Evidence-Based Intervention

(.2 CEUs)

Finn, P. (2011). Critical thinking: Knowledge and skills for evidence-based practice. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42, 69-72. Kamhi, A.G. (2011). Balancing certainty and uncertainty in clinical practice. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42, 59-64.

3.5 Telepractice 101

(.1 CEU)

Hall, N., Boisvert, M., & Steele, R. (2013). Telepractice in the assessment and treatment of individuals with aphasia: a systematic review. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 5(1), 27-38. doi: 0.5195/ijt.2013.6119 Cason, J. & Cohn, E. Telepractice: an overview and best practices. SIG 12 Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, January 2014, Vol. 23, 4-17. doi:10.1044/aac23.1.4

SLP Clinical Strategies 101

(.1 CEU)

Schraeder, P. & Rosin, M. (2014). Clinical Teaching Definitions.

General Sessions • Saturday, March 4

Taking Advantage of Leadership Opportunities: News from ASHA

Saturday, March 4 | 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

(.1 CEU)

Challenges and Opportunities in Working with a Diverse Patient Population

Saturday, March 4 | 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

(.2 CEUs)

Breakouts Block 4 • Saturday, March 4 | 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m

4.1 Trauma Informed Care

(.1 CEU)

4.2 Here’s How I Contribute!

(.1 CEU)

ASHA Practice Policy: ASHA Practice Portal: ASHA School Setting webpage: Roles and Responsibilities of Speech-Language Pathologists in Schools (2010): SLPs Contribute to Student Achievement through Functional Therapy and College Career Readiness: PACE: ESSA:

4.3 How do we Move the Needle Related to Pediatric Identification of Hearing Loss?

(.1 CEU)

WSB Annual Report

Meet Your Ethics Requirement • Saturday, March 4 | 1:30- 3:30 pm

Ethical Decision Making in Clinical Practice

Saturday, March 4 | 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

(.2 CEUs)

Bupp, H. (2012). 9 Upsetting Dilemmas. The ASHA Leader, Vol. 17, 10-13. doi:10.1044/leader.FTR1.17142012.10 Chabon, S., Esparza Brown, J., & Gildersleeve-Neumann, C. (2010). Ethics, Equity, and English-Language Learners: A Decision-Making Framework. The ASHA Leader, Vol. 15, 10-13. doi:10.1044/leader.FTR1.15092010.10 Davidson, S.A. & Denton, D.R. (2010). Ethics Compliance: Enforcing ASHA’s Code of Ethics. SIG 4 Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders, Vol. 20, 71-75. doi:10.1044/ffd20.3.71 Jakubowit,z M. & Schill, M.J. (2008). Ethical Implications of Using Outdated Standardized Tests. SIG 16 Perspectives on School-Based Issues, Vol. 9, 79-83. doi:10.1044/sbi9.2.79 Lynch, H. F. (2008). Conflicts of Conscience in Health Care: An Institutional Compromise. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Morrison, E., and Furlong, E. (2014). Health Care Ethics: Critical Issues for the 21st Century. 3rd ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Valadares, K. (2012). Ethics and Healthcare in a Pluralistic Society: A Casebook. St. Louis: Hunt. Waguespack, G. (2016). Sorting Through the Gray: Consider the “ifs†and “whens†of several scenarios to identify real trouble spots. The ASHA Leader, Vol. 21, 44-51. doi:10.1044/leader.FTR1.21072016.44