Dental Public Health Activity
Practice ReportSubmission Form
Please provide a full and detailed description of your successful dental public health activity (e.g., a practice, program, service, event, or policy) by completing this form. Add space and expand the submission form as needed. Thank you.
CONTACT INFORMATION OF THE PERSON PREPARING THE SUBMISSIONInclude name, title, agency/organization, address, phone, fax & email address. Add space as needed.
Practice Number:
Submission Date:
Submission Filename:
Name of the Dental Public Health Activity (e.g., name of program, service, event, or policy):
Public Health Functions: Check one or more categories related to the practice.
“X” / Assessment
1. Acquiring Data
2. Use of Data
Policy Development
3. Collaboration and Partnership for Planning and Integration
4. Oral Health Program Policies
5. Use of State Oral Health Plan
6. Oral Health Program Organizational Structure and Resources
7. Population-based Interventions
8. Oral Health Communications
9. Building Linkages and Partnerships for Interventions
10. Building State and Community Capacity for Interventions
11. Access to Care and Health System Interventions
12. Program Evaluation for Outcomes and Quality Management
Healthy People 2020 Objectives: Check one or more key objectives related to the practice. If appropriate, add other HP 2020 Objectives, such as tobacco use or injury. Full listing of objectives is provided online at
“X” / Healthy People 2020 Oral Health Objectives
OH-1 / Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who have dental caries experience in their primary or permanent teeth
OH-2 / Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents with untreated dental decay
OH-3 / Reduce the proportion of adults with untreated dental decay
OH-4 / Reduce the proportion of adults who have ever had a permanent tooth extracted because of dental caries or periodontal disease
OH-5 / Reduce the proportion of adults aged 45 to 74 years with moderate or severe periodontitisReduce the proportion of adults aged 45 to 74 years with moderate or severe periodontitis
ON-6 / Increase the proportion of oral and pharyngeal cancers detected at the earliest stage
OH-7 / Increase the proportion of children, adolescents, and adults who used the oral health care system in the past yearIncrease the proportion of children, adolescents, and adults who used the oral health care system in the past year
OH-8 / Increase the proportion of low-income children and adolescents who received any preventive dental service during the past yeIncrease the proportion of low-income children and adolescents who received any preventive dental service during the past year
OH-9 / Increase the proportion of school-based health centers with an oral health component
OH-10 / Increase the proportion of local health departments and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) that have an oral health component
OH-11 / Increase the proportion of patients who receive oral health services at Federally Qualified Health Centers each yeIncrease the proportion of patients who receive oral health services at Federally Qualified Health Centers each year
OH-12 / Increase the proportion of children and adolescents who have received dental sealants on their molar teeth
OH-13 / Increase the proportion of the U.S. population served by community water systems with optimally fluoridated waterIncrease the proportion of the U.S. population served by community water systems with optimally fluoridated water
OH-14 / Increase the proportion of adults who receive preventive interventions in dental offices
OH-15 / Increase the number of States and the District of Columbia that have a system for recording and referring infants and children with cleft lips and cleft palates to craniofacial anomaly rehabilitative teams
OH-16 / Increase the number of States and the District of Columbia that have an oral and craniofacial health surveillance systemIncrease the number of States and the District of Columbia that have an oral and craniofacial health surveillance system
OH-17 / Increase health agencies that have a dental public health program directed by a dental professional with public health training
“X” / Other Healthy People 2020 Objectives: (list objective number and topic)
Federal Region:
Key Words for Searches:
Provide a full and detailed paragraph of the dental public health activity (a practice, program, service, event, or policy). Include information on: (1) what are you doing; (2) who is doing it and why; (3) what is the cost; and (4) why do you think it made a difference such as the benefits & achievements. Prepare one or more paragraphs. Add space as needed but please limit the summary description to around one page.
Contact Persons for Inquiries:
Include name, title, agency/organization, address, phone, fax & email address for 1-2 contact persons. Add space as needed.
Please describe the practice/program/service/event by completing the following subsections. Include details to help readers understand what you do and how you do it. Add space to the form as needed. Thank you.
History of the Practice:
Use this subsection to provide information such as: when did the practice/program/service/event begin, what were the key issues that led to the initiation of the practice and what were the milestones in the development of the practice.
Justification of the Practice:
Use this subsection to provide information such as the need of the practice/program/service/event specific to your state or setting and the evidence supporting the effectiveness/impact of the approach or method of the practice.
Inputs, Activities, Outputs and Outcomes of the Practice:
Use this subsection to provide information detailing the practice/program/service/event regarding its inputs (such as staff, volunteers, funding and other resources), activities (such as administration and operations), outputs (such as the number of clients served, service units delivered and products developed), and outcomes (such as changes in health status, knowledge, behaviors and care delivery systems). USE THIS SUBSECTION TO DESCRIBE YOUR PRACTICE/PROGRAM IN DETAIL (USE HEADINGS TO ORGANIZE INFORMATION ON VARIOUS ASPECTS OF THE PRACTICE/PROGRAM).
Budget Estimates and Formulas of the Practice:
Use this subsection to provide information related to the program budget, key cost components and/or unit cost analysis of the practice/program/service/event.
Lessons Learned and/or Plans for Improvement:
Use this subsection to provide information related to the lessons learned through the practice/program/service/event or plans for improving the practice that may be useful advice for readers.
Available Information Resources:
Use this subsection to provide information such as models, tools and guidelines developed for, use by or relevant to the practice/program/service/event that can be requested as resources or used as reference information.
SECTION III: PRACTICE EVALUATION INFORMATIONPlease answer the following questions. Section III is intended to be a short recap highlighting selected information from Section II. Illustrate with key data and examples specific to your practice in the responses. This section should be less than 2 pages. Add space to the form as needed. Thank you.
How has the practice demonstrated impact, applicability, and benefits to the oral health care and well-being of certain populations or communities (i.e., reference scientific evidence, outcomes of the practice and/or evaluation results)?
How has the practice demonstrated cost and resource efficiency where expenses are appropriate to benefits? How has the practice demonstrated realistic and reasonable staffing and time requirements? Provide unit cost analysis or cost-benefit analysis if appropriate.
Demonstrated Sustainability
How has the practice showed sustainable benefits and/or how has the practice been sustainable within populations/communities and between states/territories? What mechanisms have been built into the practice to assure sustainability?
How has the practice built effective partnerships/collaborations among various organizations and integrated oral health with other health projects and issues? What are the traditional, non-traditional, public and private partnerships/collaborations established by the practice for integration, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability?
How has the practice addressed HP 2020 objectives, met the National Call to Action to Promote Oral Health, and/or built basic infrastructure and capacity for state/territorial/community oral health programs?
Extent of Use Among States
Describe the extent of the practice or aspects of the practice used in other states?
ASTDD Practice ReportSubmission Form1