Practice Interview Program

Student Handbook

Fall 2011

Please READ this handbook thoroughly, it contains all relevant registration and

program specific information you will need. If you have questions that are not

covered in this handbook, please contact our office as soon as possible.

Career Development Center








About the Program

The Practice Interview Program (PIP) offers students the opportunity to develop and practice interviewing skills essential for success in any future endeavor – whether it be finding an internship, conducting a job search, or applying to graduate school. Students also learn to reflect and articulate the connections between their liberal education and their life goals. Students will have the opportunity to connect with professionals and build their professional network.

Critical Information

Company Research

Piper Ventures is a company created by the Career Development Center specifically for the Practice Interview Program. Piper Ventures was created to make the interview experience more 'real' for students and the interviewers and well as introduce/reinforce the concept of company research as an important component of the interview process. A company overview, information about thedivisions within the company and jobs connected to each division are located in the Document Library of NACElink. As part of this process, you should go to the Document Library and review the general company information, information on the division you are interviewing with, and the job/internship/graduate program you select to interview for. This step should only take you a few minutes to complete.

Day of Interview

All interviews are held in the Kay Fredericks Ballroom on the third floor of the Klas Center. You need to arrive a few minutes early to check-in and complete a pre-interview questionnaire. In an effort to make the experience as real as possible, you are also asked to dress professionally (ideally a business suit, but at minimum dress slacks and a dress shirt/blouse). You will interview with a volunteer for approximately 20-30 minutes, after which time you will receive verbal and written feedback on your performance and resume. Finally, you will be asked to complete a post-interview questionnaire and write a thank-you note to your interviewer (stationery provided by the CDC).

Following the event, turn in the white copy of your Interview Evaluation Form to your faculty as proof of program completion.


It is expected that all students required to complete a Practice Interview WILL check their Hamline email accounts periodically for program related emails and reminders.

Important Dates for Fall 2011

Student Registration Week:
Help is available during regular business hours:
Monday Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. / Registration is available 24/7, beginning Monday, October 3 at Midnight and ending Wednesday, October 12, at 11:59 p.m.
Practice Interview Program: / Monday, October 31-Thursday, November 3, 2011
Klas Center, 3rd Floor

Registration Requirements - (Step by step instructions below)

1.  All registrations MUST be done during the registration period – Monday, October 3 - Wednesday, October 12, 2011.

2.  To register, you MUST log in to your NACElink account; if you do not have an account you will need to register for one. A link can be found on the CDC homepage.

3.  You MUST upload a current resume; you will not be allowed to register without one.

4.  Cover Letters may be submitted, but are optional.

Instructions for Registering

1. Log in to your NACElink account (

2. Click on the “Profile” tab to review and make changes if necessary. Pay close attention to the "Practice Interview Interest Area" under “Academic Profile” as this selection will match you with volunteers within that area. If you are having difficulty finding available times you may need to expand* your selection. *You can select more than one option by holding the Shift key while clicking.

3. Upload your resume (if you haven’t done so already) – click on “My Documents/Document Library”.

4. Once you’ve uploaded your resume, go to your home page and click on “Practice Interview Scheduling” Under the SHORTCUTS menu. This will bring up a new screen. (See bottom of page.)

5. From the “Position Type” drop down menu, select Practice Interviews ONLY. This will bring up a list of all jobs that match your interest area. Once you find a position that most accurately aligns with your interests, click on the job title. Positions may not match exactly with your area of interest but that is not critical for this process.

The screen below will come up. This is where you register for your interview. Click on, “Apply And Interview”.

A new screen will pop up - from here you will select your resume and a time that fits your schedule. Once you’ve selected a time, click “Submit”.

The screen will be refreshed and you should see the screen below. This is your confirmation message. Print this page for your records and/or add the appointment to your calendar. *Please note that the confirmation page does not contain your interview time – write it down. The following page shows you how and where to review your scheduled interview.

To review your scheduled interview at any time, log-in and go to your home page. At the top of the page, click on the “Scheduled Interviews” tab and then “Scheduled Interviews” - here you will see the date and time of your interview as well as the position you are interviewing for.

Important Policies and Reminders

1.  Late Registrations – Late registrations are not acceptable and cannot be accommodated. Please DO NOT attempt to register after the registration period has ended. Speak to your professor to determine next steps.

2.  Cancellations and No-Shows – If you cancel or fail to show up for your interview, we require you to write an apology note to your scheduled interviewer. This note must be turned into the CDC to be mailed. If you fail to write an apology note, your access to the CDC will be suspended until you do so. Names and contact information can be obtained at the CDC.

3.  Following Registration - After you have registered, mark your interview date and time on your calendar! It is extremely important that you do not forget to show up!Your interviewer has volunteered his or her time and has put energy into preparing an interview that meets your needs.

4.  To prepare for the interview - It is important for you to research the position and the company, as well as prepare answers to questions you may expect based on the description you selected. The CDC has resources for interview preparation, and you are welcome to meet with a career counselor to discuss how you might prepare for your interview based on your job, internship or graduate school program.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is the benefit of doing a practice interview?

Whether you plan to enter directly into the working world, apply for graduate school or take time off to join a program such as the Peace Corps, interview experience is essential for everyone. Being able to effectively articulate how your skills and experience have prepared you to achieve your goals is a critical part of marketing yourself to the world. By participating inPIP:

·  You get a chanceto practice your interviewing skills in a non-threatening, yet professional environment with experienced interviewers and receive helpful feedback and professional advice.

·  You will learnhow to articulate the importance of your liberal arts degree, your strengths, weaknesses, values, and skills in an employment setting or admission into a graduate school.

·  You will gain confidence in interviewing.

·  You will have the opportunity to connect with professionals and build your professional network.

2.  Who are the interviewers?

All of our interviewers are volunteers. Many are Hamline alumnior community members whorepresent different companies and organizations within the Twin Cities area.

3.  Will I be interviewing with someone who is in my field of interest or major?

We try very hard to find volunteers with a variety of backgrounds in order to give you experience interviewing with someone from your unique interest area. However, because students have such varied interests, it is impossible to meet everyone's needs. In order to get the best match possible, we recommend registering for the program early. Even if you don't get your ideal match, it is important to keep in mind that all of our interviewers will do their best to tailor the interview according to your interests. The practice and the feedback you receive will most certainly better prepare you for any interview situation.

4.  How long is the interview?

The practice interview session is scheduled for 50 minutes. The interview itself will last about 30 minutes after which timeyour interviewer will give you feedback on your performance and provide suggestions for how you might improve. In addition, he or she will review your resume with you and give you feedback on it as well.

5.  I’ve completed the program in the past. Do I have to do it again?

This is up to the discretion of the professor requiring the experience. However, we strongly recommend having as many Practice Interview experiences as possible – continued practice just makes you a better interviewer! If you are concerned about having to participate in the program again, or find that you are being required to participate by multiple faculty in a semester, consult with the professors who are requiring it of you. They may still require you to participate, or they may come up with relevant alternative activities.

6.  Can I do more than one interview?

Yes! However, there are a limited number of slots available. During registration week,students required to participate are given priority. We keep a wait list at the front desk for students who are interested but not required by a professor to participate and for students who wish to complete more than one interview. If at the end of registration week there are slots remaining, we will contact the students on the wait list in the order they were received.

What other student’s have to say about the program:

“I think this is a great program and I am glad that I was required to do this. I also thought it was good that we had to find an actual job listing to pretend we were interviewing for.”

“I really liked that it was set up in such a professional manner. My interviewer was very helpful, positive, and made me feel comfortable, as well as encouraged me for interviews I may have in the future. I thought overall it was a very helpful experience and I appreciate those who put it together. I think I will go into my next interview with a greater sense of confidence.”

Contact the CDC with any additional questions or concerns.