1B: Public speaking (Sierra Stopper)

1B_PS_1: Presentation Types

·  What are the four types of presentations/speeches we learned about? Briefly describe each one.

·  What types of situations would you use thesespeeches in? Give an example for each type of speech

·  What makes each of these types of speeches challenging? Which one was the easiest for you? Why?

1B_PS_2: Quality Speeches

·  Think about a speech from which you learned something - whether it be a useful skill, a valuable life lesson, new facts, or something inspiring. Talk about that speech and describe what the speaker did to grab and keep your attention.

·  What about their speech inspired or challenged you? What did you learn from this person and this speech? (This could be one of the speeches we watched in class or any speech you have seen on your own.)

·  What makes this type of speech a quality one? Why did you remember and think of this speech?

1B_PS_3: Body Language and Other Forms of Communication

·  Discuss these different aspects of public speaking:

·  Body language

·  Voice (intonation, volume, pitch, speed, etc.)

·  Enthusiasm

·  Words

·  Talking about these four aspects, describe how you should properly give a speech. What are the "Dos of Presentations"? What are the "Don'ts of Presentations?"

·  Givesome examplesof recommended speaking practices, and tell us what you wouldnotrecommend.

1B_PS_4: Informative Speeches vs. Public Readings

·  What is aninformative speech? Describe the structure of an informative speech. What is the 3-Tell Method?

·  Give an example of an informative speech using the proper structure.

·  What is the purpose of an informative speech, especially compared to other types of speeches?

·  Talk about your informative speech topic - why you chose it and how you presented it.

·  What things should one consider before doing apublic reading and why? You may give examples of how this applies to specific texts one might read in public.

1B_PS_5: Encouragement Project

·  Describe for us the process of choosing what to do for your encouragement project in the first semester. Did it just happen? Or was it planned?

·  How would you describe the reaction of the person/people you encouraged? How did they respond?

·  What was the result of this project? Do you think it worked? Why or why not?

·  Think of a time when someone else encouraged you in some way, be it a small kindness or a grand gesture. How did it make you feel?

1B: Literature and Writing (Andrew Gibson)

1B_LW_1: Of Mice and Men

Discuss the ideas of sexism in Of Mice and Men. How do the main characters refer to

Curley’s wife? How does Steinbeck refer to Curley’s wife? How is the film different from the book in the representation of Curley’s wife?

1B_LW_2: Of Mice and Men

Discuss the characters, setting and plot of the novel. Explain foreshadowing and give at least one example from the novel. Characterize Lennie and George and pick two other characters and discuss what type of characters they are and what their relationship with George and Lennie is like.

1B_LW_3: Of Mice and Men

Discuss Steinbeck’s original intended title for the book Of Mice and Men, which incident gave rise to the inspiration for the book, name the poem that influenced Steinbeck’s decision to use Of Mice and Men as the title and why? What was it that Steinbeck wanted to encourage the reader to think about when reading the book and why?

1B_LW_4: Animal Farm

Discuss the concept of totalitarianism in Animal Farm? How does Animal Farm look like a typical totalitarian society after the revolution?

1B_LW_5: Animal Farm

What makes Napoleon a typical dictator in Animal Farm? Discuss the things that Napoleon does that we have seen in other historical figures.

1B: Global Studies (Shane Markowitz)

1B_GS_1: Globalization

1a Discuss what globalization is and explain how it affects people, goods and ideas. Use one of the examples discussed in class (e.g. the Afghani war rugs, T-shirt supply chain, quinoa).

1b Why does Alex Tabarrok (see Ted Talk) think that it is a good thing that the world is becoming one market?

1c Slovakia and globalization – what are some positive and negative effects of globalization on Slovakia? On your own life?

1B_GS_2: Global poverty

2a What is poverty? What is the experience of poverty like? Is it easy to escape poverty, why or why not?

2b Describe life in a slum – in what conditions do people live? How do people make a living? Is it true that there is no culture and recreation in the slum? You should discuss the examples of the slums we examined in Mumbai and Rio.

2c Discuss sweatshops – we watched a documentary on sweatshops in Cambodia. What did we learn? What are the working and living conditions of workers in sweatshops in Cambodia and Bangladesh?

1B_GS_3: Overcoming the cycle of poverty

3a What is micro-lending? How is it different from charity? How did it help Shantha change her village in India?

3b What role is information technology playing in changing the economy of slums?

3c How might fair trade improve the lives of factory workers around the world?

1B_GS_4: Stereotypes and prejudices

4a What are stereotypes and prejudices? Where do they come from/how do they spread? Give examples from the material we discussed in class.

4b According to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (the Ted Talk we watched) and the article we read on gender roles and toys, why are single stories dangerous?

4c What are some possible steps for intervention to prevent the spread of single stories and the prejudices that result?

1B_GS_5: Migration

5a What is migration and what are some of the reasons that people migrate? What is the main difference between a migrant and a refugee?

5b What problems and challenges do migrants face abroad? In what ways might these challenges differ depending on where the migrant comes from (e.g. a Slovak and a Turk both living in Germany)? Refer to the article written by Ozlem Gezer about Turkification and the Al Jazeera talk show with Jamal, Volker Turk, Mikael.

5c What obstacles do refugees face on their journeys to gaining refugee status?

1B: Coursebook (Veronika Ursínyová)

1B_CB_1: Wellbeing

(A) Describe Slovak or any other (e.g. Japanese, Italian, French) cuisine. What are the main ingredients that define it? How is it similar to or different from the cuisines of other countries (use examples of other countries)?

(B) What are some different exotic foods that you know about (e.g. discuss the example of puffer fish)?

(C) What is your favorite dish? How would you prepare it?

1B_CB_2: Living spaces

(A) What are some different types of homes and living arrangements around the world (discuss one ex-ample in further detail)? Which of these would you most prefer in your future and why?

(B) What is your home like? Describe your favorite place in your home.

(C) What attributes characterize metropolitan cities? What would you expect to find in a cosmopolitan city?

1B_CB_3: Mysteries

(A) What are mysteries and why are they interesting to people?

(B) What are the Nasca lines? What are some of the contending theories about why they were created?

(C) What’s a mystery that interests you? Why? What are some of the theories explaining this mystery? Is there any evidence that lends credence to one theory over the others?

1B_CB_4: Trade

(A) Explain the notion of fair trade. What do you think about the concept?

(B) How do you spend your money? What kind of things do you save up for? What methods of saving money do you know or recommend?

(C) Name some operations people do with their money and types of payment

(D) What do you know about internet banking? What is an e-commerce?

(E) Compare Slovakia and Morocco in terms of trade and negotiations. What is typical for Moroccan markets? Have you ever bargained over the price of something? Where? What? What could you see in the video we watched in 9f?

1B_CB_5: Travel

(A) What is the tourism industry like in Slovakia? Why do tourists come to the country? What attractions and sites would they normally visit?

(B) Name different types of holiday

(C) What is your ideal holiday (discuss the setting/destination, itinerary/activities for a typical day, ex-cursions, etc…)?

(D) What are some of the positive and negatives effects of tourism?