Ratified Minutes ofaMeeting of Dinton Parish Council held on 16thJanuary 2018in the village hall.

Present;Cllrs Grover, Kerley, MacKinder and Rowitt (Chairman).

In attendance;Mrs C Churchill (Clerk).Wilts Cllr Mrs Wayman. No members of the public.

Apologies;Cllr Bennie and Smith.Community Police Team.

Not present;Cllr Fry

There were no questions or statements from members of the public on any matter concerning the village.

Report from Community Police Team. Apologies received.

Report from Wiltshire Cllr Mrs Bridget Wayman.

CATG meeting last week.

Footway / Pavement improvement, deadline has passed for this year but items can be added to the list for future years.

Road schemes for 2018/19, nothing in Dinton except the C277 from Teffont to Dinton is on the reserve or future years list.

Has spoken to a resident regarding the proposal for Steep Hollow, resident was not keen on the proposal.

Cllr Rowitt opened the meeting at 7.36pm

0520Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bennie (unwell) and Smith (conflicting social engagement).

Cllr Fry was not present.

Dinton PC resolved to accept the apologies for the reasons given.

Local Government Act 1972 s85(1)

0521.Council meeting minutes - to confirm and sign the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 12th December2017.

Dinton PC resolved to approve the previously circulated Minutes, without amendment, which were signed by the Chairman.

Local Government Act 1972 sch 12, para 41(1)

0522.Declarations of Interest.

(i)Cllrs to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interestsrelated to any matters to be considered in this agenda that do not appear in the Cllr’s register of interests.

None declared.

(ii)In accordance with the Dispensation Procedure, any requests for a grant of dispensation must be submitted prior to this meeting.

None received.

Cllrswere reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure their register of interests on the WC website is kept up to date.Localism Act 2011. S 33.

0523. Exclusion of the press and public. To agree any items to be dealt with after the public, including the press, have been excluded under.Not required.

Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1972 ss100

0524.Update of Actions of the Minutes dated 12th December 2017.

All actions appear as agenda items.

0525.Storage of salt and salt spreader. To receive an update on the storage of the spreader at the Recreation Ground container and collecting the salt.

The spreader has not yet been put into the container.Ongoing

Clerk to request 6 x 25kg bags of salt from WC Highways.Clerk

0526.Projector for use in the small hall.The Village Hall Committee has confirmed that there is no projector for the small hall.

Dinton PC resolved to purchase a projector up to the value of £100.Clerk

0527.Telephone Box on The Green. Dinton PC now owns this box and resolved to turn it into a community library.

Dinton PC will request quotes for shelves etc once the spec has been drawn up.

Cllrs will look at the phone box and prepare a spec for the next meeting.All Cllrs

0528.Approval of the survey for the Vision and Objectives. Cllr Fry to lead.

Due to the absence of Cllr Fry this item could not be discussed.Ongoing

0529.To review the Dinton PC email policy.

The current policy was circulated with the agenda.

Dinton PC resolved to;

Insert Act in (b) after Freedom of Information.Clerk

The Policy will be revised again after the GDPR becomes law in May 2018, Clerk to reword the fourth bullet point to make it clearer about to whom an email is being sent to. Clerk

0530.Annual Parish Meeting. This is the meeting organised by the Parish Council and Chaired by the Chairman but it is not a Parish Council meeting. It was resolved to hold this in March as opposed to April.This year the meeting will be held on 20th March.

(i)To agree a start time for this meeting.

Dinton PC resolved the meeting will start at 7pm.

(ii)To agree a theme if any for this meeting.

Dinton PC resolved the theme to be the Vision and Objectives.

(iii)To agree to invite village organisations to make a report.

All community organisations will be invited to make a report.Clerk

(iv)To consider whether to provide refreshments.

Dinton PC resolved not to provide refreshments.

Dinton PC resolved that the Parish Council Meeting to be held immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting should have a reduced agenda. Clerk

0531.Dinton Newsletter. The latest newsletter has gone to print and another one will not be published before the Annual Parish Meeting.

To consider whether to issue an additional newsletter from Dinton Parish Council to publicise the Annual Parish Meeting.

If Dinton Parish Council resolve to print a newsletter, Cllrs would be required to distribute the newsletter.

Since the agenda was published the Clerk has been informed that the next newsletter will be published in late Feb / early March therefore no additional newsletter is required to publicise the Annual Parish Meeting.

Clerk to ask if extra copies can be printed for Baverstock.Clerk


0532.To receive an update on the Speed Indicator Device scheme. This item is ongoing.

0533.Year ending 31st March 2018.

(i)To note the balance of the accounts.

Opening balance£19,459.23

Total receipts£10,505.89

Total payments£12,812.05

Balance as at 5th January £17,153.07

This includes ring fenced / committed monies totalling £8405.25, leaving a balance of £8,747.82

The bank balance stands at £17,454.27, cheques totalling £301.20 have yet to be presented.

Dinton PC resolved to note the balance of the accounts.

(ii)To consider ring fenced monies and vire across if required.

No viring of money required.

(iii)To note payments made since the last meeting. None have been made.

(iv)To authorise terms of expenditure as detailed in the schedule of payments.

Dinton PC resolved to authorise payments totalling £370.33

Dinton PC resolved that due to the lack of signatories at the meeting, Cllr Rowitt could sign the cheque payable to him (Chairman’s allowance).

Account and Audit Regulations 2003 reg 4.Local Government Act 1972 s150(5)

0534.Year ending 31stMarch 2017. To note the External Auditor’s comments regarding the Annual Return for the year ending 31st March 2017.

Clerk has spoken to the External Auditor who was happy that the objections had been addressed and will be sending a written report. Ongoing


0535.To consider how to respond to any planning applications made after the publication of this agenda. There were none.

0536.Tree applications. To note any tree applications received after the publication of this agenda. There were none.

0537.Steep Hollow. The request for highways to look at making this one way will be considered at CATG on 10th January. If Highways do move this up it is advised that Dinton Parish Council consult with parishioners about any proposed changes.

The issue was raised to the top 5 list and will be progressed by an Officer.Ongoing

Dinton PC resolved to wait until a proposal is received before consulting the parish.Ongoing

0538.A303 Community Forum. A request has been circulated by Steve Harris for a member of the A303 Community Forum. To consider nominating someone to represent Dinton.

Cllr Smith has volunteered to represent Dinton.

Dinton PC resolved that Cllr Smith may represent the parish and requested written updates so that neighbouring parishes can also be updated. Cllr Smith

0539.Dinton Parish Council website. Vision ICT has sent the passwords for the Cllr emails and Clerk will do telephone training to start with. A guide to editing the website has also been emailed.

Dinton PC resolved the website guide should be sent to Cllr Grover.Clerk

Cllr emails are working, Clerk to send payment.Clerk

0540.To receive reports from Cllrs.

Cllr Rowitt reported he had received a thank you from Mrs Smith for the rose given in memory of Mr Neil Smith.

0541.Clerk’s Report.

Information re nominating a Cllr for the annual garden party. There were no nominations.

AONB Dark Skies events – details circulated.

Policing precept consultation – wish to increase this by £12 per annum – details circulated.

SWWAB meeting on 7th February

Attended SW OFWG on 13th December

CATG on 10th January 2018

0542.To note items for the agenda of the next meeting to be held on Tuesday20thFebruary2018

Please note that all agenda items must be sent to the Clerk before Monday 12thFebruary2018.

Cllr Rowitt closed the meeting at 8.44pm.