Department of Allied Health Sciences
Practice Educators Report Forms
Student Name: …………………………………………………………………………...…………...
Programme (please circle): MSc/PgDip/BSc (Hons)Full time / BSc (Hons)Part time
Practice Placement Dates: from …………………….……. to ……………….……………….
Name of Practice Educator: ……………………….……………………………………………......
Address of Placement: ……………………….………………………………………………………
Full Name of Organisation (e.g. Trust/Borough): …………………………………………………..
Age Range: / Paediatric / Adolescent / Adult / Older PeopleFunding Body: / NHS / Social Services / Charity/Private / Other: ......
Placement Type: / Physical / Mental Health / Learning Disabilities / Other:......
Type of Service: / Acute / Rehabilitation / Palliative Care / Other: ......
Location: / Community / In-Patient Unit / Out-Patient / Other :......
(Please circle above)
Placement Speciality: ………………….………………………………………………..………….
Please Note: Where a student is absent for up to 5 days throughout the placement, the students progression should be discussed with the placement facilitators at LSBU prior to completing the final assessment. Contact details of the placement team are available on the first page of Placement Handbook.
Electronic versions of this document, Placement Handbook and further information are available at:
This contract has been negotiated between:……………………….………… (Student)
and………………………………. (Practice Educator), at ………………………………..
(placement setting), on …………………….…… (Date)
(It is recommended that the learning contract section is completed within the first week of practice placement through initial discussion and negotiation between the practice educator and the student)
Formal supervision
It is agreed that we shall meet on each ...... day at ...... a.m./p.m.
for ...... (length of time) at ...... (venue)
A written record of supervision sessions must be kept and signed by both parties.
Informal supervision will also take place as follows:
Identified STUDENT needs:
-...... ………………......
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-...... ………………......
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Opportunities identified by PRACTICE EDUCATOR for learning on this placement:
-...... ………………......
-...... ………………......
-...... ………………......
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-...... ………………......
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-...... ………………...... - ...... ………………......
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Please refer to placement aims and overall learning outcomes in Practice Handbook before completing individual placement learning outcomes
Signature of Student:…………………………...... Date:......
Signature of Practice Educator:...... Date:......
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week One / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week Two / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week Three / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week Four / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week Five / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week six / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week Seven / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week Eight / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week Nine / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
The progress the student is making needs to be reviewed on a weekly basis
Record of Supervision Discussion
Week Ten / Date:……………………………..Agreed Agenda:
(include review of student preparation and regular review of placement outcomes)
Summary of Discussion
(include areas of achievement, areas for development and any advice given)
Agreed objectives for next week
Student…………………………………………… / Date ………………………………….Educator………………………………………….. / Date ………………………………….
An electronic version of the Practice Placement Handbook is available at link on page 1.
If you would like a hard copy of the handbook then please email:
Assessment of Student Performance
Student performance is assessed at a midway point of the placement (to provide formative feedback to the student) and at the end of the placement.
Student performance is assessed using the grid provided on the following pages.
Students are assessed on the following component areas:
- Written communication skills
- Verbal / non-verbal / Interaction Skills
- Working within a team
Personal and People Development
- Development of self and professional role identity
- Feedback: learning with and from others
Safe Practice
- Professional conduct and ethics:
- Safe Practice
Effective Practice
- Time and workload management
- Quality
Occupation Centred Practice
- Equality and diversity
- Co-production and working in partnership
- Occupational therapy theory and related knowledge across the OT process:
- Evidence informed practice
- Professional reasoning
- Assessment skills, analysis and interpretation of assessment results
- Intervention and treatment skills
- Monitoring and evaluation
Grading the Student
Students are graded on the following scale:
- Exceptional student
- Exceeds expectations for this level of placement
- Meets expectation for this level of placement
- Fails to meet expectation for this level of placement
Educators should tick the box in the column that most closely represents the students’ performance at midway and at final assessment.
Fail Grades
- Students are required to meet expectations in every area on the grid to pass the placement.
- If a student is at risk of failing please contact the university:
In this document the student’s performance is graded using three descriptors: “support”, “guidance” and “feedback”. These descriptors, as used within this document are defined as follows:
Support: Active assistance provided to student.
Guidance: Help and advice provided, as and when required.
Feedback: Information on performance provided at supervision or regular intervals to improve performance.
COMMUNICATIONCommunication includes all forms of communication (e.g. written records, IT, verbal, formal, informal). The assessment of the student’s performance in this area should be considered in the context of the legislation, policies and procedures relevant to this setting.
Fails to meet expectation for PP4 / Meets expectation for PP4 / Exceeds Expectation for PP4 / Exceptional performance for PP4
Written Communication Skills:In the context of the, national and local policies, the student:
Requires support, guidance & feedback to:
- demonstrate understanding & skills required for accurate written communication.
- meets required standards in professional written communication.
- demonstrates accurate skills required for written communication.
- meets required standards in professional written communication.
- Consistently demonstrates skills required for clear and accurate written communication.
- Is proactive in meeting the required standards in written communication.
- Demonstrates exceptional skills required for clear and accurate written communication.
- Demonstrates an extensive range of skills.
- Critically reflects on the impact of local and national policies.
*Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final:
Verbal / non-verbal / Interaction Skills: When communicating with clients, carers and colleagues, the student:
Requires support, guidance & feedback to:
- demonstrate the ability to use effective verbal/non-verbal communication & interaction skills
- listen & respond appropriately
- ability to select and modify approach in order to communicate with service users, carers and others
- adequate verbal/ non-verbal communication & interaction skills.
- Able to select and modify approach in order to communicate with service users, carers and others
- Consistently demonstrates full, reasoned, flexible & effective verbal/non-verbal communication & interaction skills.
- Critically reflects on potential communication differences & anticipates barriers to communication
- Consistently demonstrates exceptional, flexible & effective verbal/ non-verbal communication & interaction skills.
*Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final:
Working within a team: When discussing the role of the OT in the service setting, and collaborative working with teams the student:
Requires support, guidance & feedback to:
- communicate an understanding of the OT role.
- build & sustain professional relationships
- Can articulate the role of the OT to service users, carers and other health and social care professionals.
- Builds & sustains professional relationships with minimal support.
- Consistently and confidently articulates the role of the OT to service users, carers and other health and social care professionals
- Independently builds & sustains professional relationships.
- Demonstrates exceptional & confident ability to articulate the OT role & build & sustain professional relationships.
- Can reflect on & critically evaluate these skills to enhance collaborative working.
*Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final:
*Tick the box in the column that most closely represents the students’ performance at midway and at final assessment
This section assesses how the student takes personal responsibility to identify their own knowledge and skills and evaluate their own strengths, limitations and learning needs. Consider whether the student has taken an active part in supervision, CPD opportunities, has acted on feedback given and can use reflection for self-development from which to set developmental goals
Fails to meet expectation for PP4 / Meets expectation for PP4 / Exceeds Expectation for PP4 / Exceptional performance for PP4
Development of self (CPD):In the context of supervision, CPD opportunities and reflective practice, the student:
- Has limited ability to identify strengths, limitations & areas for personal & professional development.
- Has limited ability to reflect on performance.
- Can assess own knowledge, skills, strengths & limitations. Relates this to areas for personal & professional development.
- Independently reflects on performance and identifies learning opportunities.
- Consistently assesses own knowledge, skills, strengths & limitations.
- Relates this to areas for personal & professional development.
- Provides an in-depth reflection on own performance.
- Actively seeks out learning opportunities.
- Demonstrates exceptional ability to identify, assess and evaluate areas for personal & professional development.
- Demonstrates an exceptional ability to reflect on performance and takes full responsibility for personal & professional development based on accurate self-appraisal.
*Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final:
Feedback: learning with and from others: In the context of supervision, CPD opportunities and reflective practice, the student:
Often requires support, guidance and feedback
- to respond to or learn from the feedback of others and engage in learning opportunities
- to use supervision & feedback on performance for personal & professional development
- Responds appropriately to feedback from others and engages in learning opportunities.
- Actively uses supervision & feedback.
- Consistently responds to & learns from others and proactively seeks feedback.
- Effectively and proactively uses supervision & feedback.
- Contributes to learning of others where appropriate.
- Demonstrates an exceptional ability to respond to & learn from the feedback of others and proactively seeks learning opportunities.
- Demonstrates an exceptional ability to use supervision & feedback & actively seeks this when appropriate.
- Contributes to and enhances the learning of others where appropriate.
*Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final: / *Mid: / *Final:
*Tick the box in the column that most closely represents the students’ performance at midway and at final assessment
This section assesses the students’ awareness of, observation of and compliance with the COT Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and other relevant codes, legislation, policies and procedures.It also assesses the requirements for safe practice (e.g. student’s awareness of their limits and when to seek advice, risk assessment, risk management ,safeguarding and confidentiality and ethical judgment
Fails to meet expectation for PP4 / Meets expectation for PP4 / Exceeds Expectation for PP4 / Exceptional performance for PP4
Professional Conduct and Ethics:
In the context of placement setting, local and national policies and procedures, and the work required for a competent student, the student:
Requires support and guidance to practice within legal and ethical boundaries / With guidance practices within legal and ethical boundaries and adheres to local and national policies, procedures and legislation relevant to this setting and upholds the values of the profession / Consistently practices within legal and ethical boundaries and adheres to local and national policies and procedures. / Consistently practices within legal and ethical boundaries and adheres to local and national policies and procedures.
Critically explores issues related to ethical practice
*Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final
Safe practice: In the context of placement setting, local and national policies and procedures, and the work required for a competent student, the student:
- Requires supervision to identify health, safety and security needs of self and / or others.
- Puts self or others at risk of injury / harm when not supervised.
- Identifies health, safety and security needs of self and / or others.
- With feedback is able to complete risk assessment and risk management tasks.
- Consistently identifies health, safety and security needs of self and / others.
- Is able to complete complex Is able to complete complex risk assessment and risk management tasks.
- Demonstrates the ability to consistently identify health, safety and security needs of self and / others within day to day practice and with complex risk assessment and risk management tasks.
- Critically explores issues around risk assessment and risk management tasks.
*Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final
*Tick the box in the column that most closely represents the students’ performance at midway and at final assessment
Effective PracticeThis section assesses the students’ awareness of, observation of and compliance with the COT Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, and other relevant codes, and relevant legislation, policies and procedures.
Does not meet expectation for PP4 / Meets expectation for PP4 / Exceeds Expectation for PP4 / Exceptional performance for PP4
Time, workload and case load management and prioritisation:
In the context of placement setting, local and national policies and procedures, and the work required for a competent student, the student:
Consistently requires support, guidance & feedback to be able to:
- manage a small caseload / workload and resources effectively
- organiseprioritise time & workload to meet requirements.
- Is able to manage a small caseload / workload and resources effectively with supervision from the practice educator.
- Effectively organisesprioritises time & workload with minimal support.
- Demonstrates ability to manage a small caseload / workload and resources effectively with supervision from the practice educator.
- Consistently & effectivelyorganisesprioritises time & workload.
- Consistently & proactively monitors the quality of their work.
- Demonstrates exceptional ability to manage a caseload / workload and resources effectively and weekly supervision from the practice educator.
- Consistently & effectively organisesprioritises time & workload.
- Consistently & proactively monitors and reflects on the quality of their work.
- Critically evaluates the effectiveness of their work and the impact of time and resources on service provision.
*Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final
QualityIn the context of the placementsetting’s governance and quality systems , the student:
Consistently requires support, guidance & feedback to be able to:
- demonstrate understanding of & compliance with quality systems & standards.
- demonstrate understanding of & compliance with quality systems & standards.
- demonstrate understanding of & compliance with quality systems & standards.
- demonstrate exceptional understanding of & compliance with quality systems & standards.
*Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final / *Mid: / *Final
*Tick the box in the column that most closely represents the students’ performance at midway and at final assessment