Oracle 11g DBA
Practice 4: Creating a Database

Practice 4: Creating a Database

The directories specified for the files must be placed within $HOME/DATA.

1 Create a password file using the following information:

- Password for sys:oracle

- Enable five privileged users

Ensure that Oracle can write to this file.

2 Write a script for the creation of a database with the following configuration:

– Database name and instance name DB<xx

– One control file named control01.con located in the directory DISK5

– Two redo log file groups each with one 150K member named redo0101.log

and redo0201.log located in the directory DISK6

– The maximum number of five log file groups and five log file members for

each group

– A 20M data file named system01.dbf and located in DISK4 directory

– Maximum of 30 data files that can be created for the database

– A maximum number of 100 archived redo logs for automatic media recovery

– The Character set WE8ISO8859P1

The Trace file location should be in the BDUMP and CDUMP directory.

3 Enable spooling to capture the errors and run the script.

4 (Optional) Include the command “spool <file_name>” before running the


5 (Optional) After creation check the database state and ensure that the database files

are created

6 Try to display the names of the database users? What happens and why?

Practice 4: Creating a Database

The directories specified for the files must be placed within $HOME/DATA.

1 Create a password file using the following information:

– Password for sys:oracle

– Enable five privileged users

Ensure that Oracle can write to this file.

Hint: Use the orapwd utility to create the password file and locate the

password file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.

2 Write a script for the creation of a database with the following configuration:

– Database name and instance name U<xx

– One control file named control01.con located in the directory DISK5

– Two redo log file groups each with one 150K member named log1a.rdo and

log2a.rdo located in the directory DISK6

– The maximum number of five log file groups and five log file members for

each group

– A 20M data file named system01.dbf and located in DISK4 directory

– Maximum of 30 data files that can be created for the database

– A maximum number of 100 archived redo logs for automatic media recovery

– The Character set WE8ISO8859P1

The Trace file location should be in the BDUMP and CDUMP directory.


– Edit the parameter file.

– Start the instance.

– Generate the CREATE DATABASE command script.

3 Enable spooling to capture the errors and run the script (optional): Include the

command “spool <file_name>” before running the command.

4 After creation check the database state and ensure that the database files are

created (optional).

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE,


check the database state and display the information about data files,

online redo log files, and control files.

5 Try to display the names of the database users? What happens and why? (optional)

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

Practice 4 Solutions

The directories specified for the files must be placed within $HOME/DATA.

1 Create a password file using the following information:

– Password for sys:oracle

– Enable five privileged users

Ensure that Oracle can write to this file.

Hint: Use the orapwd utility to create the password file and locate the password

file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.

2 Write a script for the creation of a database with the following configuration:

– Database name and instance name DB<xx

– One control file named control01.con, located in the directory DISK5

– Two redo log file groups each with one 150 KB member named

redo0101.log and redo0201.log, located in the directory DISK6

– The maximum number of five log file groups and five log file members for

each group.

– A 20 MB data file named system01.dbf, located in DISK4 directory

– A maximum of 30 data files that can be created for the database

– A maximum of 100 archived redo logs for automatic media recovery

– The character set WE8ISO8859P1

The trace file location should be in the BDUMP and CDUMP directory.


– Edit the parameter file.

– Start the instance.

– Generate the CREATE DATABASE command script

3 Enable spooling to capture the errors and run the script.

4 (Optional) Include the command “spool <file_name>” before running the


5 (Optional) After creation, check the database state and ensure that the database

files are created.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE, V$THREAD,


6 Try to display the names of the database users. What happens and why?