¿Practicas español afuera de clase? ¡Claro que sí!

Do you practice Spanish outside of class? Of course!

Meta/Goal: To practice Spanish outside of the 85-minute block using the online resources available to you.

  1. Go to our classroom website: Remember that you can access this site by going to the ‘Faculty’ page on Reagan’s website. On that page, find my name, and click on the link.
  1. Visit the page: ‘Unidad 1: Para empezar’ page.

  1. Task One: Go to Day #2’s Study Materials!

-Click on all of the resources under ‘Study Materials’.

-Select at least one to spend five minutes reviewing and practicing your skills!

-Record the name of the study materials that you found most helpful in this section & state why:


  1. Task Two: Go to Day #3’s Study Materials!

-Click on all of the resources under ‘Study Materials’.

-Select at least one to spend five minutes reviewing and practicing your skills!

-Record the name of the study materials that you found most helpful in this section & state why:


  1. Task Three: Go to Day #4’s Study Materials!

-Click on all of the resources under ‘Study Materials’.

-Select at least one to spend five minutes reviewing and practicing your skills!

-Record the name of the study materials that you found most helpful in this section & state why:


  1. Task Four: Go to Day #5’s Study Materials!

-Click on all of the resources under ‘Study Materials’.

-Select at least one to spend five minutes reviewing and practicing your skills!

-Record the name of the study materials that you found most helpful in this section & state why:


  1. Task Five: Go to Day #6’s Study Materials!

-Click on all of the resources under ‘Study Materials’.

-Select at least one to spend five minutes reviewing and practicing your skills!

-Record the name of the study materials that you found most helpful in this section & state why:


  1. Task Five: Go to Day #7’s Study Materials!

-Click on all of the resources under ‘Study Materials’.

-Select at least one to spend five minutes reviewing and practicing your skills!

-Record the name of the study materials that you found most helpful in this section & state why:



Please sign below that you have completed all of the above tasks:


Student SignatureDate(s)

Please obtain a parent/guardian signature as a witnessthat you completed all of the above tasks (note: students should spend at least thirty minutes on the sites – 10 minutes or more a day is optimal.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date