Nonlinear Presentation

1.Choose a Design Template

  1. Click design on the formatting toolbar
  2. A task pane will appear on the right side of the screen. Choose a design then click it to apply it to your slides
  3. Type your title and subtitle on the first slide

2.Add a New Slide and Choose a Slide Layout

  1. Click new slide on the formatting toolbar
  2. From the task pane, click on the layout you want to apply it to the slide.
  3. Add 3 new slides with any layout that you want
  4. Type titles on each of the slides. These should be main headings for the information you will insert on each slide.

3.Add a Menu Slide to your Presentation

  1. On the slide #2, type a title at the top
  2. In the text placeholder (the box below the title), type the name of 3 main headings that will be on the next 3 slides. When you type the first heading, press enter and type heading #2, etc.
  3. Highlight heading #1
  4. Go to the Insert menu and choose hyperlink
  5. On the left side of the pop up window, choose Place in this Document
  6. Find the slide that matches your heading. Click on it and click OK.
  7. Do the same for each menu heading
  8. View your show and test each menu link
  9. You can use your arrow keys to move back and forth between slides

4.Add Navigational Buttons to Slides

  1. Go to slide 3. This should be your first main menu heading
  2. Go to the Insert menu and choose picture clip art
  3. Type in the word, arrow to search for the arrows. Click on one of the arrows that points toward the left to insert it in the slide.
  4. Resize the arrow if needed and place it on the bottom left side of the slide.
  5. Click on the arrow one time. You will see handles around the clip art.
  6. Copy the clip art and then paste to create a second button. Move this arrow on the bottom right side of the slide.
  7. Make sure the handles are still around the right arrow. Go to the Draw menu at the bottom of the window, choose Rotate and FlipFlip Horizontal to turn the arrow to the right
  8. Add one more piece of clip art that will be linked to the menu slide. This can be a picture of a house or simply type the words, Main Menu.

5.Align the Buttons

  1. Press your shift key and click on each of the arrows.
  2. Go to the Draw menu, choose Align and Distribute and choose Align Middle.

6.Add Hyperlinks to Navigational Buttons

  1. Click the arrow on the bottom left to select it
  2. Go to the Insert menu, choose hyperlink
  3. Choose Place in this Document again and choose previous slide.Click OK
  4. Click the arrow on the bottom right to select it
  5. Go to the Insert menu, choose hyperlink
  6. Choose Place in this Document again and choose next slide. Click OK
  7. Click the arrow in the middle of the slide or the words that you typed to take the viewer back to the main menu
  8. Go to the Insert menu, choose hyperlink
  9. Choose Place in this Document again and choose main menu slide. Click OK
  10. View you presentation and test the buttons. If they do not work, repeat the needed steps above until you get them to work

7.Copy and Paste Buttons on each Slide

  1. Press the shift key and click on all 3 buttons
  2. Copy, move to the next slide and paste.
  3. Move to each slide and paste again. This will place the buttons on each slide. You do not need buttons on the menu slide since viewers will choose one of your menu items to navigate.
  4. You will need to copy one button that points to the right and paste it on the very first slide (Main title slide) of your presentation.

8.Insert Clip Art

  1. Go to the Insert menu. Choose PictureClip Art
  2. Click on the clip art you want to insert
  3. Place your cursor in the middle of the clip art to move it.
  4. Grab one of the handles on the corner to resize the clip art

9.Insert Organization Chart

  1. Go to the Insert menu. Choose PictureOrganization Chart (Like those in Inspiration)
  2. Place your cursor in the middle of the chart to move it.
  3. Grab one of the handles on the corner to resize the chart
  4. On the Organization menu that appears, you can choose to change the layout of your chart or add more links
  5. To change the color of your chart items, click on one of the shapes. Go to the draw menu at the bottom of the screen and using the Fill Color tool, choose a different color.
  6. Click inside one of the shapes to type

10.Insert an Autoshape or Word art

  1. Repeat the steps above in Organization Chart to insert either of these
  2. Just choose the object you want to insert

11.Insert a Diagram

  1. Go to the Insert menu. ChooseDiagram
  2. Place your cursor in the middle of the chart to move it.
  3. Grab one of the handles on the corner to resize the chart
  4. Click inside one of the shapes to type

12.Insert a Chart

  1. Go to the Insert menu. ChooseChart
  2. A chart will appear and a spreadsheet in which you can type your information
  3. Enter your information in the spreadsheet and close it by clicking the box on t he right top of its window
  4. You can resize the chart now or change its features just as you do in Excel.

13.Insert a Video

  1. Go to the Insert menu. ChooseMovies and Sounds
  2. Locate the movie on your computer, choose it, and click OK
  3. You will be prompted to choose whether the movie begins automatically or if the viewer must click on the movie to view it. Choose automatically
  4. Click and drag to place the movie where you want it on the slide

14.Insert a Sound

  1. Repeat the steps above in Movies but choose InsertSound
  2. You will again be prompted to choose automatic or to let the viewer click

15.Insert Music to Play in Background

  1. Go to Slide 1. Insert a sound as you did in step #13 but choose automatic.
  2. Place the sound on the slide then click once on the sound to select it
  3. From the Slide Show menu, choose Custom Animation.
  4. On the task pane, choose Add EffectSound ActionsPlay
  5. In the little box that you see at the bottom of the task pane, double click the sound that you have inserted into the slide.
  6. A Play Sound dialog window will appear. On the Effect tab, click the button beside the word,After and type 20 slides. This will make the music continually play.
  7. On the Timing tab, click the box beside the words, Rewind when done playing.
  8. On the Sound Settings tab, click the box beside Hide sound icon during slide show.
  9. Click OK and test your music.

16.Add Transitions between Slides

  1. Choose the Slide Show menu > Slide Transition
  2. On the task pane, click to test the transitions. Highlight one to choose it.
  3. Choose the speed and sound. You do not want to choose a sound that will be distracting.
  4. If there is a check in the Advance Slide box, click it to uncheck it since we want the viewer to use our navigational buttons to move around in the presentation.
  5. Click Apply to All Slides so that the transitions are the same throughout the presentation.

Dr. Judy Lambert, 2007