Water company drought plan technical guideline

We welcome your views on our guideline.If you would like to comment on this guideline, please submit this consultation response form to ourselves by 30th Sept 2017.This form also provides specific consultation questions we would like your feedback on.

It would help us to know if you are responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation or group
Please select from the following options: /  Responding as an individual
 Responding on behalf of an organisation(Please specify which organisation or group you are responding on behalf of and include what type it is e.g. business, environmental group)
 Other (please specify) ______
Contact details (e-mail and phone number)
Please tell us if you would like to (tick all that apply): /  Receive an email acknowledging your response
 Receive an email to let you know that the summary of responses has been published
Please tell us if you like us to include your comments in our published responses document: /  Yes, I do want a copy of this response to be included
 No, I do not want a copy of this response to be included
Please tell us how you found out about the consultation: /  From Natural Resources Wales
 From another organisation
 Through an organisation you’re a member of
 Advert
 Press article
 Social media e.g. Facebook, Twitter
 Through a meeting you attended
 Other (please specify) ______

How we will use your information

Natural Resources Wales will look to make all responses publicly available during and after the consultation, unless you have specifically requested that we keep your response confidential.

We will not publish names of individuals who respond.

We will also publish a summary of responses on our website in which we will publish the name of the organisation for those responses made on behalf of organisations.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we may be required to publish your response to this consultation, but will not include any personal information. If you have requested your response to be kept confidential, we may still be required to provide a summary of it.

Your response form should be submitted to:

Water Resources Planning
Natural Resources Wales

Tŷ Cambria
29 Newport Road
CF24 0TP


This consultation runs from the 16 August 2017 and ends on 30 September 2017 by 23:59pm

Consultation Questions

Q1. Drought triggers and scenarios
Water companies have a statutory requirement to include their chosen drought trigger(s) and how they have tested their plan against different drought scenarios. We strongly encourage them to plan for challenging but plausible droughts beyond the capabilities of their supply system. Is there anything else water companies in Wales should consider in relation to triggers and scenarios?
Please explain your answer
Q2. Drought management actions (demand and supply-side)
Are there are any other drought management actions that water companies should consider that are not covered by this guideline?
Please explain your answer
Q3. Related plans
The guideline refers to other relevant plans that water companies should consider.
Please tell us if there are any other plans and processes that you feel are relevant to drought plans that companies should consider.
Please explain your answer
Q4. How to assess impact of actions on the Environment
Water companies must consider the environment during a drought. They will also have to consider their obligations in relation to the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 for any of their supply-side drought actions (for example drought permit or order sites).
Does the guideline on environmental assessment allow all the ‘potential environmental impacts’ to be identified during a drought (baseline) and after implementation of an action? Please tell us if there is any additional information water companies should consider.
Please explain your answer.
Q5. Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring
Does the guideline on environmental mitigation allow for sufficient protection of the environment during a drought?
Is the guideline on environmental monitoring before, during and after a drought clear enough? How could it be improved?
Please explain your answer.
Q6. Drought Communications Plan
Drought communications are an important component of drought planning and water companies should set out what actions they intend to carry out during a drought and who they will communicate with.
Is there enough guideline for water companies on how they should communicate with customers, businesses and other organisations during a drought? Please tell us if there are any additional information Water companies should consider.
Please explain your answer

General feedback on the guideline

Please provide any further feedback on the guideline, particularly in relation to anything that required further refinement or should be included.

If you have any questions or complaints about the way this consultation has been carried out, please contact:

Water Resources Planning

Natural Resources Wales

Ty Cambria

29 Newport Road,


CF24 0TP

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