Direct Teaching Model &

Direct Teaching Model &

Direct Teaching Model &

Madeline Hunter Approach to Teaching

  1. Anticipatory Set: A brief activity that focuses students on the concept of the day.

Example: Video clip of Robin Williams in Dead Poet’s Society

  1. Daily Review: Teachers review prior learning, focusing on homework, clarifying points of confusion and providing extra practice for skills and facts that need more attention.

Example: Name the Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy

  1. Set objectives for new material: Clearly identify the new objectives for learning. In many districts, teachers will need to identify standards or district objectives in their lesson plans. New information should be broken down into small chucks and covered quickly. The teacher should provide concrete examples. Teacher should check for understanding before students start independent work.

Example: Learn and apply the Direct Teaching Model and Madeline Hunter’s Approach to Learning. Make sure students understand Bloom’s Taxonomy (10/5 & 10/10) and Howard Garnder’s concept of Multiple Intelligences (10/12). Working in cooperative groups, have students understand the concepts of chapters 2 and 13 (10/12 & 10/14) through the Direct Teaching Model and using Bloom’s Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligences.

  1. Guided practice: Students use new skills and knowledge under teacher guidance, to practice skills. Teachers review material as a whole group or in small groups. The teacher will use guided practice continues until students answer 70-80% accuracy, then independent practice starts.

Example: The class will be divided into small groups with specific topics to read. The groups will demonstrate their understanding of Direct Teaching and Madeline Hunter’s Approach to Learning by developing a short lesson plan that will be presented to the entire class (Due: Monday & Wednesday, 10/17 & 10/19)

  1. Independent Practice: Each student is asked to complete independent work to assure understanding of stated learning goals. Student tutoring, worksheets, presentations or individual questioning are ways to assure individual understanding.

Example: Each student will design two lesson plans following the Direct Teaching/Madeline Hunter outline that involves the concepts of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences and Bloom’s Taxonomy (Due: 10/19). In addition, each student will complete four classroom observations and one extra curricular observation. The four classroom observations reports will focus on the use of Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Technology and Assessments during the instructional cycle (Due: 10/31)

  1. Closure: As a whole group or individually, the unit should wrap up with discussion or activity that summarizes the learning objective.

Example: Class will review expectations and due dates for next week.

Small Group Topics:

1. Learning Styles: How are cognitive, affective and physiological factors incorporated into effective instruction? (p. 35-39)

2. Cultural Diversity and Multicultural Education: What should be the goals and strategies for the future of multicultural education in America? (p. 44-51)

3. Bilingual Education: Predict the future the political and instructional issues of bilingual education. (p. 51-56)

4. Exceptional Learners: What are the implications for teachers given the five critical principles of special education? (p. 56-64)

5. Gifted and Talented: What are specific programs that gifted kids need and how can they be best integrated into our schools in the future? (p. 63-68)

  1. Technology in the Classroom: How can technology integrate into schools and enhance instruction? (p. 489-496)
  2. Technology and Equity: Does technology exacerbate racial, class, geographic, and gender divisions? (p. 500-504)
  3. Technology and the Virtual Teachers: Is the virtual teacher a positive trend of the future or an example of corporate greed and technology replacing good instruction? (p. 496-499 and 503-505)