Minutes of the Ladies Annual Meeting
Held on Thursday 26th November 2015
The Ladies Captain Beryl opened the meeting at 2.30 pm and welcomed the 34 members present.
Apologies for Absence were received from Jean Stokes, Pat Thompson, Joan Golden, Maggie Openshaw, Iris Geers, Anita Bowman, Brenda Woodman, Viv Foley, Sue Underwood, Pam Rodgers and Josie Massey
Minutes of last year’s Meeting (27th November 2014) copy was sent to most members before the meeting, were accepted no mattes arising. All agreed
Thank you for all the support you gave me over the last year, I had plenty of nominations for the friendly games and I tried to be fair with selection which meant on some occasions you could be asked to skip a game then lead the next one. This does reflect sometimes on the results the mixed games we won 15 lost 11 but the ladies games not so good we only won 6 lost 17. When I was Captain in 2009 selection was more on picking strong teams this meant that members who could skip were selected first then you built the team, the newer or least experience bowlers still got selected but not for so many games as now. Don’t get disappointed with the results, over time and playing more games we will all raise our games and the wins will follow.
My thanks to Jan for his help with selection for the mixed games, this worked very well on a Monday evening with a glass of wine for me and a coke for him, and I can’t remember a cross word.
We had some good results in the external club competitions, lost the Harvey Cup on count back of winning ends, Brigg League we thought we had won but there was some missing results so we came second, Herts County League got into the South Division Finals but once again came second, we also managed to win three rounds in the Top Club this year. I know it’s disappointing not to have won but we all played well and hopefully Sue will be able to build on these results next year.
A couple of issues have been raised at our management meetings, once again a complaint was made about members starting to eat before everyone is sitting down, the only way to avoid this is for the food not to be brought out of the kitchen until all the players are of the green and most look as though they are about to sit down.The next item which surprised me was the fact that members were changing out of their Bowls clothes before dinner, it was agreed at the meeting that we should all remain in the dress code of the day till after the refreshments please.
As this was my second time as Captain I was happy for Sue to Captain some of the games for me, I would like to thank and congratulate her on doing a good job. This club owes its good fill factor to the amount of work the members put in;I would like to thank all the officer’s plus the many helpers who give their time throughout the year for the benefit of us all. It’s also good to have a couple of new names on the committee each year so ladies start think which of you would like to be Captain in 2018.
I wish Sue and Ken every success next season as our Captain’s,and I know you will give them the same support you have given me.
My best wishes to all the ladies for next season and I look forward to seeing you on the green in 2016.
Beryl Burbridge
The club opens next year on the 23rd April, David has worked hard over the last couple of months with a little help from me, and most of the fixtures are in place. I’m sorry about having games cancelled last season 13 in total but only one was cancelled by us. This is an ongoing problem and I can’t guarantee it won’t happen next year, all I can ask is that you accept we are doing our best with the fixtures and making small adjustment to same of the games to try an avoid cancellations.
Last season we decided to arrange a day out and went to Arundel Bowls Club which was very enjoyable, we had 24 players and 14 visitors(non-bowlers) without whomthe costs of a coach would be too expensive. We have arranged a game for next season to play at Leamington Spa the same venue that Bowls England National Championships are held, I hope you will find this a good location for a day out we need about 36 names for it to be cost effective. In the past when we have arranged more than one day out this has not always been successful because of numbers, but if you think we could manage to get the support for another game oneis pending against Thorpe Bay Bowls Club. A show of hands please for two coach trips or should we leave it at one each year. (25 voted for two games and most said they would also go as visitors).
The entries for theCounty competitions 2016 season have been sent, and it’s good to see more of you taking part, if you have any questions about these competitions please ask if I don’t have the answer I will find out. If you are entering District competitions can you please make sure your names are on the forms as I will be sorting these out next?
Thank you to all the ladies who took part in our Club competitions,my congratulations to the finalist and I hope you enjoyed your presentation Dinner on Saturday. A lot of work goes into arranging our Annual Dinner I would like to thank Anne and Hazel for arranging the venue and meal and Richard for collecting all the Trophy’s and getting them engraved.
Once again Finals weekend was great, thanks to Richards’s organization of the games,food being served all day and some very good games to watch. If you did not come along please make a date in your diary’s for next year it’s too good to miss.
Don’t forget when you get your forms for the competitions to please enter as many as you can, this is one of the best ways to improve your game. Any ladies who have not entered any before and want some advice please phone me.
We have two items for Christine to vote on at the District AGM.
Dress Code re shorts: - Tailored white shorts may be worn for match play Harperbury BC
Potters Bar voted NO
Rules entering competitions: - Players need not have to put their names down for 2 District matches in order to compete in District competitions Townsend BC
Potters Bar voted to keep the two game rule.
Beryl Burbridge
Hello everyone
Pam and I would like to thank everyone for supporting us in the kitchen this year as usual it was a busy one. Also to the ladies who organised and cooked the Friday Evening Suppers, coffee mornings and afternoon teas, these are very popular and raise a lot of money for the club and an opportunity to meet up with everyone, especially through the winter months.
Pam and I have decided to stand down from the catering, we have done it for a long time and it’s time to give someone else a chance, with some fresh and new ideas. Anita and Kath have agreed to take it over and I know they will do a grand job.
Can I ask if you have any holidays booked in the bowls season, that you give the dates to Anita and Kath so that they do not allocate you kitchen duties while you are away?
I would like to wish Anita and Kath every success next season and know that you have our full support.
Christine Edwards
Sandra proposed a vote of thanks to Pam and Christine
Sandra ask me why the ladies were not part of the main election form, I think we must just have carried on from when the ladies were a separate section.
Having spoken to Graham thepositions listed below will be included in the main notice for the 2017 elections.
Match and Competition Secretary / BERYL BURBRIDGE / JOSIE MASSEY / MAUREEN NEAL
Voting Delegate St Albans & District / CHRIS EDWARDS / HAZEL THURGOOD / JEAN STOKES
Delegate Hertfordshire Bowls South Division / SANDRA SMALE / BERYL BURBRIDGE / SUE POWERS
All voted in
Are the following willing to continue being responsible for.
CATERING ROTA Anita Bowman and Kath Fordham YES
WEEKLY SHOPPING Sue Burfoot and Maureen Neal YES
MALC Pat Feeney and Sue Powers YES
I must begin my Incoming Captain’s remarks by thanking Beryl on behalf of you all for being such an outstanding Captain last season. Having worked closely with her over the last few months I understand how difficult it can be to make fair selections for the Club’s friendly matches but Beryl has tried and succeeded to give everyone who put their names down to play that fair chance. Also, Beryl knows so much about the game of bowls and about this Club which she and so many of us love.
Thank you again Beryl for all your hard work and dedication to the Club and its members over the years. Long may it continue, but one thing I would say is ……YOU ARE A HARD ACT TO FOLLOW.
My year as Vice-Captain was a huge learning curve. Beryl, you taught me so much and I have thoroughly enjoyed being your Vice Captain. Thank you, too, for giving me the opportunity to now be Ladies Captain of this very special bowls club. I feel hugely privileged and I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to the year ahead.
I’m delighted that Sue Powers will be my Vice Captain – just to warn you ladies - you have a year of the Terrible Sues or Susan Power to look forward to but don’t worry we’ll be kind!
I give you my word that I will be very fair in the match selection – making sure that our newer bowlers and of course the not so new are all given opportunities to play as often as is possible.
As most of you know I have only been playing for a short time but believe me, the only way to improve your game is to actually play in friendlies, club competitions and even District games. Indeed who would have believed that Maggie, Viv and I would have got through to the Semi Finals of the St A and District Triples at our first attempt? Playing is the best way to learn and improve so please………grasp the woods – and the pen and put your names down to play.
Do remember that we can only play outdoors from April to September so I would encourage you to make the most of your membership. A good time to practice and roll up is in the evenings – especially if you go walking, have various classes, do keep fit or have family commitments during the day. Also there is the Malc on Monday afternoons, spoon drives on Bank Holidays not to mention Club competitions and special days. Opportunities to play and get involved in this Club ARE YOURS FOR THE TAKING.
Lastly I would say that if you have any issues or concerns I would like to hear them face to face and not through Chinese whispers or the grapevine. I will do my level best to iron out any problems as quickly as I can. We have a reputation for being a friendly club both among the members and our visitors……long may that continue.
Finally I wish each and every one of you a very happy and successful bowling season. Please make sure that you observe the correct dress code, please support the TWO SUES, Good luck AND ENJOY A VERY GOOD SEASON.
Ladies’ Captain
Ladies Lunch; - We agreed a date 28th January and will be going back to Wyllyotts.
Pat Feeney collected names and £5 deposit from most of the ladies at the meeting.
Meeting closed at 3.15 pm
(A short meeting as we had no heating)