John Redd Smith Elementary School - PTO

Minutes for September 17, 2012 Meeting

People attending the meeting: Kim Sprouse, Tammy Ross, Kristy Fisher, Roberta Wright, April Crowder, Patricia Grandinetti, Paige Scott, Donna Weaver, Amy Elliott, Nicci Kelley, Lisa Hobbs, Fran Snead, Teresa Bredamus, Sharon Welborne, Tim Gilley and Ben Boone

Welcome: Everyone was welcomed by Kim Sprouse.

Approval of Minutes: The Minutes of the July 17, 2012 board meeting were provided to each person attending the meeting. After review, Paige Witt made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Ben Boone seconded the motion and it was passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Kim Sprouse highlighted the Treasurer’s Report as of September 17, 2012. She noted that there was an additional $1900 collected from the Believe Fundraiser which is not included on the report. In addition, approximately $1200-$1300 is payable for JRS T-shirts, as well as the funds payable for the Believe Fundraiser. Tammy Ross made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Roberta Wright seconded the motion and it was passed.

School Skate: Kim Sprouse reported that we had 80 skaters at the Back to School skate in September. Mrs. Pace’s class had the highest turnout. A total of $160 was earned for the night. The next school skate is scheduled for October 9th.

Little Caesar’s Night: Kim Sprouse reported that $90 was raised during the September Little Caesar’s Night. The next JRS night is scheduled for Oct. 23rd. Additional fundraising ideas were discussed later during the meeting.

Box Tops and Soup Labels: Kim Sprouse asked that any collected box tops be turned in before October 19th. These have to be submitted by the end of October for credit. Soup labels can continue to be turned in at any time. A group of labels submitted during the previous school year have already been submitted.

Hospitality: April Crowder reported that there would be a Duty-Free lunch on the first Friday of the month, October 5th. She’ll be looking for volunteers. Also, she mentioned that she would like to schedule something special for the teachers around Halloween. She will get with Mr. Boone to decide on the specifics closer to time.

Newsletter: Kim Sprouse reported that a volunteer has been found to help with the JRS Newsletter. However, that individual will need to be at the next meeting before they can be voted in. Kim will continue to do the newsletter this month during the interim. Please have all submissions to Kim by Friday, September 21.

Web Page: No report.

FUNdraising: Kim Sprouse reported that Chick-fil-A has been contacted regarding a JRS Spirit night. They fund at 15% of all sales < $700 or 20% of all sales > $700. We would need to have an individual on-site during the JRS night. After discussion, it was decided that Kim should get back in touch with Chick-fil-A to let them know that we’d like to schedule a date after the beginning of the new year, once the free-stand store is up and running.

Old Business: Kim Sprouse again reminded everyone who had previously had background checks to be sure to sign an affidavit for the upcoming year.

New Business: Nicci Kelley reported that the 4th grade classes have ordered t-shirts, and several children have not been able to pay. She asked if the PTO would assist in paying for approximately 20 shirts at $11 each, or $220. Paige Witt made the motion that the PTO approves this request. Amy Elliott seconded, and it was passed.

Donna Weaver reported that the 3rd grade had 13 children who were unable to pay their $15 fees. She asked if the PTO would assist in this funding of approximately $200. Patricia Grandinetti made a motion that the PTO approves this request. Kristy Fisher seconded, and it was passed.

Tim Gilley reported that the 5th grade students were required to purchase a newspaper subscription for history class at a cost of $7 per student for the year. They have 20-25 students who have not paid for this subscription. He asked that the PTO assist in funding the $175 for those students who were unable to pay. Nicci Kelley made motion that the PTO approves this request. Paige Witt seconded, and it was passed.

Principal/Title I: Mr. Boone reported that they have spent approximately $3000 of Title I funds on educational supplies, along with $75 for the Parents/Partner night.

April Crowder asked for any discussion on new fundraising ideas. Activities discussed were Krispy Kreme donuts, a spaghetti or hot dog dinner, or re-visiting the Vera Bradley/variety bingo idea. The possibility of a Spring Fair was visited through discussion as a potential fundraiser. Mr. Boone agreed that he liked the idea of the fair, and that it could possibly held in conjunction with the SOL celebrations. This will be discussed at a later meeting. Roberta Wright mentioned that CPS had produced student/faculty cookbooks and sold them for $10 each. They paid for the printing at Quality Printing, but did the collating and binding themselves. This had been a good fundraiser for them. Anyone with any ideas should contact Kim Sprouse to have these discussed at a later meeting.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Tammy Ross
