Sexual and Reproductive Health:

Understanding Diverse Investments and Moving Forward under

Health Care Reform


In a proactive response to the challenges of providing high-quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care, SRH-focused donors, advocates, and other partners from both the private and public sectors have sought solutions, implemented new initiatives, and made investments to improve health outcomes. These investments have come from across the silos of a larger SRH health rubric. However, mapping and understanding the intersections and potential gaps in these diverse investments has not been done within the larger frame, but rather in individual sectors such as family planning, STDs, and HIV.

[LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS THAT COMPRISE THE PLANNING TEAM] are coming together to host a meeting with various partners that have made investments and have a stake in improving SRH outcomes in our region. Our hope is that this meeting will allow us the opportunity to span across the SRH sectors to better coordinate care and improve patient outcomes.


The purpose of this meeting is to gather stakeholders engaged in efforts to support and expand SRH, as a way to share information and foster opportunities for coordination to help improve health outcomes and ensure the accessibility of high-quality SRH services.


  1. State public sector partners such as STD Directors, HIV Directors, Immunization Directors, and Family Planning Directors
  2. Private sector partners such as state or regional SRH-focused service delivery providers or advocacy groups
  3. National private partners working in SRH
  4. National public sector partners working in SRH such as agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services
  5. Foundation donors focused on SRH


Invitees will arrive [DATE OF DAY 1]. That evening, attendees will network and hear from speakers, and enjoy dinner at nearby restaurants. The meeting will convene on [DATE OF DAY 2], and conclude in the afternoon of [DATE OF DAY 3]. [DATE OF DAY 2] will begin with a series of facilitated roundtable dialogues, and the afternoon will include a luncheon and further time for discussion with peers. On the final day, participants will continue the intensive workgroup discussions, and the meeting will conclude after a luncheon and afternoon summary session. All meeting events will be documented, which will be used to develop a summary report with recommendations for next steps that will be circulated to participants post-meeting.