PostonJunior High School

School Improvement Advisory Council

S.I.A.C. Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2008


Parents: Jeromey Allen, Alissa Gonzalez, and Laurie Lee

Staff Members: Maggie Casmus, Kate Haskew, Laurel Moore, Patti Pemberton, and Mary Yahn

Class Representatives: Emmy Wright, Melissa Santos, Ashleigh Orr, Jordan Key, Adam McKay, and Maddie Eder

Administration: Catherine Pletchette and Patrice Bjornstad

Absent: Mary Erickson, Kimball Layton, Shannon Heronema, Brenda Partridge, Ginny Bartes, Eileen McFadyen, and Zoe Young

Guests: Officer Jake Shumway and Dorna Khazdooz

I. Welcome/Approval of Minutes

The S.I.A.C. was welcomed by Laurie Lee, Chairperson, at 4:35 p.m. The minutes from the October 21, 2008 meeting were approved.

II. Guest Speaker – Officer Shumway

Officer Shumway patrols Poston and StapleyJunior High Schools. He gave a brief summary of his duties as our officer on campus. His duties include but are not limited to dealing with criminal matters during school hours, and working to build trust between the students and the police department.

III. Bike Vandalism

Laurie Lee brought up concerns with her own daughter’s bike being vandalized. Catherine Pletchette advised that cameras were to be installed, and all vandalism should be reported to office.

IV. Academic Goals – District Incentive Plan

Catherine Pletchette summarized the school’s goals which had been mentioned in a prior meeting. These fifteen goals include a 1% increase based on the previous year’s AIMS scores for 7th and 8th grades reading/writing and math scores and the district level test for 9th grade.

V. Parent Vacancy

Due to Miyuki Ketchum moving, it was recommended by Alissa Gonzles to contact those parents who had voiced an interest in serving on S.I.A.C. at the beginning of the school year. A parent would be selected from those who still wished to serve on the committee.

VI. Outside Walk

A walk was taken to view where the new entry way would be built in front of the gymnasium door.

VII. New Business

Laurel Moore asked what can be done about recycling paper on campus. It was reported by Patti Pemberton, that a plan has been proposed and will be off and running within the next few months.

VIII. Adjournment

The S.I.A.C. Committee will convene again on January 12, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. in the media center. Refreshments will be provided by Mary Yahn, Maggie Casmus, and Patti Pemberton.

Minutes submitted by Mary Yahn