Flu Immunization- Location/Reasons
[if i1a eq <5>][goto i1h_new][not had a flu shot]
[if i1a ge <8>][goto i1_hist2]
Where did you get your last seasonal flu shot (since September 20xx)?
Interviewer: do NOT read list, code only one.
7 clinic sponsored by the public health unit/department
4 community health centre
1 doctor's office/medical clinic/walk in clinic
8 doctor/nurse came to my house
9 hospital
10 nursing home
5 pharmacy
6 public health unit/department
3 school
2 work
97 other, specify
98 don't know
99 refused
if <97>[specify]
What was the main reason you had your last flu shot?
Interviewer: DO NOT READ LIST: code appropriate response
1 As a preventative measure, so I wouldn't get the flu, to avoid
getting sick, to avoid transmitting it to others, etc.
2Doctor or health professional recommended getting the flu
3 Mandatory at my place of work
4 I have a chronic condition (e.g. AIDS, Heart Disease,Lung
Disease, Asthma, Cancer, etc./ high risk group)
5 Free, no cost
6 Always get one each year, got it last year
7 because of my age
8 because of advertising/public information
9 family/friend pressure or recommendation
97 other (specify)
96 more than one reason (specify)
98 don't know
99 refused
if <1-9,98,99> [goto i1_hist1]
if <97> [specify][goto i1_hist1]
if <96> [specify][goto i1_hist1]
[did not get a flu shot this year - since Sept 2004]
Tell me about the main reason you did not get your flu shot?
Interviewer: DO NOT READ LIST: code appropriate response
1 General concern about negative side effects, getting sick,
2 Specific concerns about side effects, asthma, allergies,
breast feeding, pregnancy etc.
3 Do not need it, don't get sick, never get the flu, etc.
4 Doctor or health professional recommended against having the
5 no time, too busy, laziness, no reason, not easy to get to
doctors office/clinic etc.
6 Afraid of needles
7 Concern about bio-terrorism/ vaccine quality
8 Don't believe in it/ it doesn't work/didn't want one
9 Didn't know about the free flu shots
10 Never had one in the past
11 was too sick at the time
12 fear of lowering the immune system
96 more than one reason (specify)
97 other (specify)
98 don't know
99 refused
if <97> [specify]
if <96> [specify]
[if i1h_new eq <10> goto exit_flu]
Have you ever had a flu shot?
1 yes
5 no
8 don't know/have not really thought about it
9 refused
if <1> [goto i1_hist3]
if <5,8,9> [goto exit_flu]
In what month or year did you get your last flu shot? Was it between
September 20XX and April 20XX, or prior to September 20XX?
1 Sept 20XX - April 20XX
5 Prior to September 20XX
8 don't remember/don't know
9 refused
[did get a flu shot this year - since Sept 2004]
[if i1h_new eq <10> goto exit_flu]
Before this most recent flu shot when was your last flu shot? Was it
between September 20XX and April 20XX, or prior to September 20XX?
1 between Sept 20XX- April 20XX
3 before September 20XX
5 never had a flu shot before this year
8 don't remember/don't know
9 refused