Postgraduate/ Professional Graduate Certificate in Education
(Part-time) Primary 3-7 or 5-11
(6 term 2017-19)
Introductory Stage Booklet
(to be used in conjunction with Course Specific Guidance)
Trainee name: ……………………………………
Days in School……………………………………. (signed by SBM)…………………………….
Page number / Contents3 - 5 / Timeline of key dates
6 / Contact information
7 / Assessment details
8-11 / Record of attendance
12 / Guidance for Introductory Stage Booklet
13 / Guidance for introductory placement file
14 / Intended learning outcomes for introductory phase
15-26 / Introductory placement checklist
Part of placement / w/c / Outline of week / Key Actions0-3/KS3 / 19th Sept – 7th Oct / 0-3 or KS3 Experience – to be taken as 6 days over three weeks by arrangement with school. / Undertake suggested activities in 0-3/KS3 booklets and obtain signature of school staff member.
Diverse setting / 10th Oct – 21st Oct / Experience in a diverse setting (e.g. SEN/Special or EAL) – five days over two weeks by arrangement with school. / Undertake suggested activities in Enrichment booklets and obtain signature of school staff member.
Half term / Study week
Intro days / 31st Oct & 7th Nov / 4 Days in school: school/classroom orientation / (see relevant checklist pp. 8-10), set up files
Part A / 14th Nov – 16th Dec
2 days/week in school / -Observation of good practice
-Establish self with class
-Continue to complete elements in Standard 3 Portfolio so all are completed by January 2017
-Undertake activities required in this booklet.
-Initially work with groups of pupils, question and identify pupils’ thoughts and ideas regarding what is being taught
-To take a wider role in whole school including involvement in end of term Christmas activities, where appropriate / Meet with mentor to negotiate help to complete booklet tasks.
Meet mentor fortnightly to record progress on eRPD.
Write reflection in the eRPD.
UBM will contact school to support and advise SBM.
Part B / 9th Jan –10th Feb / -Over this part move from observing and analysing pupils’ thoughtsto working from a plan to develop a group of pupils’ learning – todeveloping own plans for groups (and evaluate plans in terms of pupil progress/ what the pupils learnt)
-Move to next stage of booklet and complete activities
-Continue observation of good practice
-Continue planning for groups/leading group(s)
-Teach whole lesson(s) using teacher’s plans – increase number of lessons taught as confidence increases. / Fortnightly Mentor meeting upload to eRPD.
Weekly reflection as directed in the following tasks, upload to eRPD.
SBM with support of UBM to undertake Mid-point review.
Half term / 13thFeb / Study week
Part C / 20th Feb – 31st Mar / -Initially building up to teaching sequences of maths and English.
-Find a week where you can teach at least 4 consecutive lessons of maths or English/C and L (inc. reading, phonics, writing) within one week.
-Find another week (after Easter if necessary) where you can do 4 days and teach maths or English/C and L depending on what you did not teach the first time.
-In weeks you are teaching a sequence you should undertake guided group work in whichever core subject you are not leading.
-As Part C continues and your confidence increases you should plan and teach a science/ understanding of the world lesson/session
-Move onto planning other foundation subject lessons. / Fortnightly Mentor meeting upload to eRPD.
Weekly reflection on eRPD
Easter / 3rd April / Holiday
Part D / 18th Apr -
26th May / -Continue teaching– increase when appropriate to your confidence and skill
-Continue teaching other subjects - increase when appropriate to your confidence and skill.
End of Assessed Placement / Mentor meeting
Weekly reflection on eRPD
Final review point with SBM: UBM to advise.
Half term / 29th May / Study Week
Part E / 5th June – 30th June / -3-7 trainees: 2 days observation and group work with 3 year olds.
-7-11 trainees: 2 days observation/group work with KS1
-All trainees: undertake Leading Learning activities outlined in Leading Learning Booklet.
-opportunity to observe phonics/work with groups
-ensure all introductory placement activities completed / Complete Leading Learning Booklet activities. Update Breadth of Experience review.
Who to contact at BGU
UBM: First point of contact will be your named University Based Mentor
Paul Brenham-Cohort Lead for
Emma Clarke- Cohort Lead
Shaun Thompson – Regional ITT Leader
Sue Lambert – Course Leader
Partnership Office
Partnership email address:
Partnership telephone number: 01522 583720
School Administrators
Trainee Advice at Bishop Grosseteste also offers support for trainees in a confidential environment:
ASSESSMENT OF THE Introductory Phase
- The trainee will be expected to complete all the tasks and elements in the Standard 3 Portfolio according to the given timeline.
- The trainee will be expected to use the activities in the Introductory Booklet as a platform to guide & progress their learning and to set targets.
- School mentors should give feedback on progress towards the Standards, during Mentor Meetings.
- UBM will visit school, to advise SBM, undertake a QA role, talk through booklets, set expectations, talk about trainee progress.
- There will be ‘formal’ summative assessment points:
- UBM visits to QA/ training and Joint observation watching feedback.
- UBM visit also support mentors and trainees if PSP, C4C are needed
- The end of placement review point - by then end of the year if you are in the same school for the year or by Easter if you are moving to another school. Standards Review with ‘grades’ completed on the eRPDand a copy of the form kept in school placement file
- University mentors will liaise with school mentors to finalise assessments and to report grades to the regional liaison tutor.
By the end of the PGCE training, we expect the trainees to be good or outstanding when assessed against the QTS Standards.
Record of attendance
Week No / w/c / Outline of week / Autumn Term: Record of attendance (tick days attended)Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
1 / 30thOct / 2 days
2 / 6th Nov / 2 days
3 / 13th Nov / 2 days
4 / 20th Nov / 2 days
5 / 27th Nov / 2 days
6 / 4th Dec / 2 days
7 / 11th Dec / 2days
Week No / w/c / Outline of week / Spring Term: Record of attendance (tick days attended)
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
8 / 8th Jan / 2 days
9 / 15th Jan / 2 days
10 / 22nd Jan / 2 days
11 / 29th Jan / 2 days
12 / 5th Feb / 2 days
13 / 19th Feb / 12 days over 6 weeks – finding time to teach a sequence of four consecutive maths or English lessons.
14 / 26th Feb
15 / 5th Mar
16 / 12th Mar
17 / 19th Mar
18 / 26th Mar
Week No / w/c / Outline of week / Summer Term: Record of attendance (tick days attended)
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri
19 / 16th Apr / 12 days over 6 weeks – finding time to teach a sequence of four consecutive maths or English lessons.
20 / 23rd Apr
21 / 30th Apr
22 / 7th May
23 / 14th May
24 / 21st May
HALF TERM: end of assessed placement
25 / 4th Jun / Opportunity to observe/support learning in an adjacent Key Stage.
Complete Leading Learning Activities
26 / 11th Jun
27 / 18th Jun
28 / 25th Jun
Total no. of days Introductory Phase / 56 days minimum / ______days
Reasons for absence
Please note that if absence, even for an unavoidable reason, means that progress and completion of elements and activities required in this placement are not completed then the trainee is likely to have to complete extra days or even re-do the placement.
Please note that:
-the school should be notified as soon as possible of any absence
-the trainee should notify the university mentor know, via email
Term ends for trainees 24th June but if you want to remain in school discuss this with the school.
Date(s) of absence / No. of days / Reason / School mentor initials / Uni. Mentor initialsSigned ______(Trainee)
______(School Mentor)
Guidance for Introductory Stage Booklet
The following programme of activities is designed to be progressive throughout the introductory phase and it offers the opportunity for personalised learning. It is laid out as a list of activities to be worked through in sequence, to support the trainee and school based mentor in enabling the trainee to develop towards meeting the Standards.
Trainees will have different experiences and strengths and therefore can progress at an appropriate rate.
Some trainees may need to focus on a particular area for longer and this is appropriate.
School mentors can direct trainees towards specific activities from the booklet, as well as using their own professional judgements to suggest further or alternative activities that support the individual trainee's progress.
Trainees should take responsibility for their professional development by reflecting on their own progress. A filemust set up for this phase and tasks should be kept in the appropriate section. Some activities will be recorded on the eRPD.
Targets will emerge from subject audits, mentor meetings and lesson observations. On an ongoing basis you must ensure that you record how and when each target has been met, therefore targets set need to be SMART and short term.
This booklet, your file and the eRPD will form part of the evidence for assessment against the Standards at Review
The Introductory Placement File
Divide file into seven sections (although planning & assessment items IV & V may be in a separate file):
I)DBS Number and Safeguarding Information and copy of Mini CV
II)Base School/class information including class timetable.
III)Notes/extracts from key school policies – behaviour, assessment etc.
IV)Notes and evidence relating to preparation to teach curriculum subjects including research into subject/pedagogical knowledge and ‘best practice’.
V)All planning including medium term and lesson plans.
VI)Notes and evidence relating to assessment and tracking of profile children.
VII)Other notes & observations
The use of the eRPD during the Introductory Phase:
- Fortnightly Records
Fortnightly mentor meeting (using the introductory phase booklet tasks as the basis for the agenda)
Fortnightly reflection:The tasks in the introductory booklets will also guide the weekly reflections that are to be done while you are in school.The reflection should include:
Consideration of targets and what impact are they going to have on your (and pupil) learning;
More detailed consideration of one of the sessions or experiences you have had this week;
What your next steps will be.
- Action Plans
Standard 3 Portfolio Action Plan and audit scores
- Observations
Record of all formal lesson observations
- Reviews
Mini CV
Safeguarding & SBM details
Breadth of Experience – update with KS3/0-3 info and attach signed evidence form (scanned).
Introductory Standards Review – at end of placement.
Learning Outcomes for Introductory Phase (SCHOO1)
On successful completion (of placement and Standard 3 portfolio) students will be able to meet the appropriate standards and requirements:
- Strong professional values, reflected in the ability to take responsibility for personal and professional conduct and an understanding of the ethical, legal and moral responsibilities of a qualified teacher;
- A comprehensive and detailed knowledge and understanding of the statutory curricula for the age phases;
- A comprehensive understanding of effective inclusive practice and meeting diverse needs and the confidence to address these through appropriate strategies;
- The ability to critically analyse, evaluate and reflect upon effective pedagogy to inform and improve practice and ensure pupil progress;
- The ability to acquire and apply a wide range of generic and transferable intellectual, practical and professional skills appropriate to meeting the teachers’ standards.
Introductory Placement Checklist
Remember to always work professionally and collaboratively with school colleagues; this will also involve listening to, critically evaluating and then implementing any advice given
In early weeks remember to take opportunities to observe lessons across the whole curriculum where possible, maintaining your focus on English, Maths, Phonics, Science and P.E. and observe ways in which class teachers establish themselves with the class
In Part A you need to be working with small groups in English/CLL, Maths, Phonics, Science/Understanding the World and P.E./PD
Preliminary 4 Days: 30th Oct – 10th Nov 2017
Standard / Summary of activity / Exemplification / File Section, eRPD
8 /
- Undertake a tour of the school. Complete induction by SLT: protocol e.g. dress code and responsibilities: e.g. First Aid, routines, punctuality, photocopying, resources, ICT, TAs, Admin staff.
Share DBS number.
Give contact information to school based mentor(s) and complete school contact information.
Staff induction. / DBS in section I
Contact details in section II
Mini CV completed
Part 2 /
- Study Safeguarding policy and know the procedures.
Become familiar with the Acceptable Use of ICT Policy. / Make notes from school policies and websites and place in section III.
Complete the safeguarding information
8 /
- Gain general background information about the School.
Note key information from policies. / Make notes and put in section III.
8 /
- Begin to know about the class, learn names, groupings, provision for individual needs.
Know the names and roles of the teaching staff and support staff.
Is the school’s intake from a varied social and economic background?
Do the children live locally to the school or travel some distance?
How many children are on roll?
How many classes are there and how are these organised? – Mixed / single ages, class groups or setting for core subjects? / Put class lists and staff list/roles in section II.Plus any other notes relating to the questions on the left.
8 /
- Collect class timetable and note significant events for the term.
Develop your own time management system, such as using an academic diary. / Place in section II.
8 /
- Collect information on class routines and class management.
8 /
- Discuss teacher’s role andknow the names and routines for TAs/OAs and their level of responsibility.
How does the teacher organise other adults and ensure they have the daily information about how they support children’s learning?
How does the teacher use other adults during whole class teaching sessions?
In early years settings how do adults become involved when children are learning through play? / Answer questions and keep details in section II.
1 /
- Proactively model attitudes, values and behaviour expected of pupils.
- Establish effective relationships with the pupils; know the names and interests of the children.
Be careful to maintain a professional distance with the children, be friendly but set clear professional boundaries, you must present yourself as a teacher from the start. / Teachers’ Standards Part 2
7 /
- Develop and maintain appropriate classroom presence drawing on observations of teaching staff.
- Use of Standard English throughout all interactions with children
Discuss behaviour management strategies with your school based mentor.
Consider :
How do teachers establish their authority? (Physically, emotionally, spatially)
How do teachers’ use their voice to help maintain interest and children’s attention? (Listen carefully for how they vary tone, pace, volume, use of silence).
What is the impact of body language, presence and voice on children’s experiences in the classroom?
How is a safe, supportive and positive school environment developed?
1 /
- Become familiar with general expectations for the class
How do teachers keep an orderly classroom and behave towards their students?
What behaviours do you see to keep children on task or when there are lapses in behaviour? / In weekly reflection section reflect upon these questions.
3/6 /
- Recognise where your class is working in relation to English, Mathematics, Science and Computing areas of NC and all EYFS documents.
Highlight ‘year-end expectations’ in 2014 curriculum.
OR highlight ‘development matters’ section.
View the current National Curriculum:
Discuss with mentor how oral and written feedback is given (inc. tracking systems to help identify 3 or more profile pupils).
With the help of your mentor select three profile pupils of differing attainment. Study their prior work, make notes on their personal, social and learning needs, to enable you to pitch work appropriately for attainment in your class. / Keep this in section VI.
Parts A and B:13thNov 2016 -9th Feb 2017
7 / Understand the responsibilities of schools re behaviour management / Read ‘Behaviour and Discipline in Schools’ guidance at:
/ In weekly reflections refer to your leaning from these resources and how it relates to your developing practice.
7 /
- Implement the school policy for behaviour in group work e.g. use of specific praise and sanctions.
What is the school policy and how is it implemented?
Familiarise yourself with content on the Behaviour 4 Learning website:
This website is in the National Archives :
What strategies does the teacher employ in theclassroom
4 /
- Keep notes on how learning objectives and success criteria and how these are formed, shared and used with the children to support pupil progress.