Job Description

School:Hartsdown Academy


Post Title:Teacher of ICT/Computer Science

Responsible to:Director of Faculty

Salary Scale: Main Teachers Scale

All teachers are subject to the conditions of Employment set out annually in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document or those set out by schools not under local authority control e.g. Academies. These detail the professional and particular duties required of teachers, together with requirements for management time, working time, guaranteed planning and preparation time. The school complies with these requirements in order to make reasonable demands of teachers.

Additionally, STPCD requires all teachers to be involved in:

  • Advising and co-operating with the Principal and other teachers on the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements.
  • Taking any such part as may be required:- in the review, development and management of activities relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the school.

Professional Responsibilities:


  • To teach the above subject to the full age and ability range, having regard for the curriculum of the school.
  • To implement a variety of teaching styles within the classroom.
  • To plan and prepare courses and lessons, in conjunction with other members of the Faculty. To set and mark class and homework, appropriate to the needs, abilities and skills of the pupils and the demands of the National Curriculum.
  • To use ICT regularly to enhance learning.

Assessing, recording and reporting: To target, monitor and evaluate the development, progress and attainment of pupils, including matching this information against National Curriculum GCSE, Vocational Education levels.

Registering the attendance of pupils, attending assemblies, participating in meetings at the school, contributing to public examination arrangements. Cover provision pro-rata.

Pastoral Role: Acting as a form tutor, maintaining good order and discipline among the pupils and safeguarding their health and safety. Promoting the general progress and well-being of pupils.

Performance Management & Professional Development: To participate in the college performance management, reviewing annually methods of teaching and programmes of work, and taking responsibility for professional development.

Curriculum Development and Equal Opportunities: To contribute to whole school developments and initiatives; to demonstrate commitment to equal opportunities.

Other: To carry out such particular duties as may from time to time be reasonably assigned by the Principal.

This job description will be supported by an Annual Job Plan which will list the key tasks, responsibilities and outcomes sought from the post holder in the school year. These will be derived from the School Improvement Plan and other school priorities.

Signed: ……………………………………………………. Date: ………………

Signed: ……………………………………………………. Date: ………………



The above job description was agreed on ……………………… (date). It may be reviewed and/or amended at any time but before this happens you will be given appropriate opportunities to discuss any proposed amendments. It will be reviewed as part of the annual performance management process.


Z:\mywork\Job Descriptions\Teaching Staff\Science Faculty\Teacher - Science - Generic JD.doc