Intro to FACS
Ms. Marrs
Get prepared for FACS—Family and Consumer Science
FACS is an academic subject as well as an activity subject. This means that you have rules and responsibilities in this classroom just as you do in any other. If we can abide by these rules and cooperate in class, we will create a better learning situation.
Classroom Guidelines:
- Students are to be in the classroom seated when the bell rings. Rushing in as the bell is ringing will constitute a tardy. See tardy policy in handbook. You are to remain in your seats unless you have permission from the teacher to get up. You will be excused at the end of the hour. Don’t rush the door. You will have assigned seats at the beginning of school to aid me in learning your names.
2. Bring necessary items to class each day—Computers, paper, writing tools, books,
homework, etc. Please ask permission before borrowing classroom items.Always
return borrowed items—where you found them. KEEP COMPUTERS CLOSED UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO OPEN. Please limit the need to leave the classroom—unless it is a true emergency. Be sure to always sign out and then back in. If you don’t you will lose this privilege.
3. Be polite—this includes NOT talking while others are talking. Have respect for
yourself and others.
4. While working on group projects talking is to be about the subject at hand. If you
do nothavesomething positive to say to or about someone-say nothing.
Everyone has their own ideas and feelings, listen to them. If you have questions or comments, please raise your hand, do not yell out.
5. Treat all equipment with respect. Do NOT doodle on the table or in the texts.
Return all equipment to proper place after use. Handle all equipment with care.
PLEASE sit in the chairs, not on the tables or sewing machine tables.There will be a consequence for sitting on tables. Leave the room tidy when you leave. Last hour of the day, place all chairs on the tables.
6. You may not have food and drink in the classroom. On occasion you will be
allowed to bring in food and drink. Cups and equipment in thisroom may not be used for your personal use. Your computer is YOUR responsibility, think about this when you have food and drink. You may chew gum as long as I do not hear or see it. Gum must be disposed ofproperly or this privilege may be taken away.
7. No profanity is to be used in this classroom. There are better ways to express
yourself. Use your verbal skills for constructive contributions during class. Unkind teasing, bullying and impolite behavior is unacceptable.
8. The kitchen area is only to be used when part of a class—don’t use the sinks or equipment for personal use.
9. Keep computers in your bags unless you are instructed to use them. NO computer
games. DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING without permission. You know
the policy—you may be caught by looking at usage files—not by me actually catching you.
10. Do not cheat. If I catch you copying other peoples work, I will collect both
papers andbothparties involved will suffer the same consequences. I expect everyone to do their own work—this goes for tests as well as daily work. You are only cheating yourself when you copy.
11. Absolutely NO CELLPHONES allowed in the classroom. First offense- I will
take it until the end of the school day. Next time I will turn it into the office. See student handbook policy. If you have a special need, please let me know.
12. Everyday when you enter the classroom there will be “Bell Work” posted in the
left corner of the white board. You will need to answer the bell work once entering the classroom. The room needs to remain quite during bell work. Please have a specific notebook for bell work. It will be graded every two weeks.
Your grade in this class is figured on a total point basis. You will be graded on classroom participation and cooperation, daily work--homework, project performance and tests. Classroom participation and daily work can account for a rather large percentage of your grade at times, so come to class prepared. Late assignments will be docked 10% for each day it is late. Please try to hand in assignments on time—and turn in make-up work in a timely manner. Place all assignments in the appropriate box. If I have handed the assignment back you will still be responsible for doing the assignment, but for no credit. All assignments must be completed. Upon being absent – remember you are responsible for getting your homework made up, failure to do so slows the progress of the entire class. Make-up work will be located in the box. Please check it.
Grading Scale90-100A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 59F
Intro to FACS Course Outline
Into to Foods
I. Nutrition and NutrientsCh. 5-9
A. Carbohydrates
B. Proteins and Fats
C. Vitamins and Minerals
D. Water
II.Health and Wellness Ch. 10, 11, 14
A. Nutrition Guidelines
1. Food Guide Pyramid
2. Reading Food Labels
B. Keeping a Healthy Weight
1. Eating Disorders
C. Eating Patterns
III. Kitchen Basics Ch. 19-22
A. Etiquette
B. Food Safety and Storage
C. Preventing Kitchen Accidents
D. Kitchen Equipment
E. Recipe Skills
IV. Quick BreadsCh. 45
V. Eggs Ch. 35
VI. Fruits Ch. 30
VII. Dairy Ch. 34
VIII. Careers in Foods and Nutrition
Intro to Clothing
I. Clothing
A. Materials
B. Laundry
C. Clothing Care
II. Sewing Machine
A. Parts
B. How to thread and run
II. Sew Project